
About Me

Welcome to Humble Quilts!
If you like antique quilts then you've landed in the right place! I love the way quiltmakers made do with what they had. They didn't use fancy tools or the latest gadgets, but boy could they create treasures!! Even when the points are chopped off and the borders don't meet exactly where they hoped they would, these quilts have stood the test of time for being practical and beautiful and in my little blog on the web I call them Humble Quilts.
I get a lot of pleasure from reproducing these humble quilts, either as a large quilt or a doll size quilt.


Ginger Grove- wool applique
I love wool applique too. It is so easy to work with and so much fun!

Staying active is a big part of my life. I've got a great hubby and two wonderful kids that I like to spend time with when I'm not quilting!!