
Monday, March 8, 2010

House Party

We were out of town this weekend but I did manage to finish another house block. It looks like I should have ironed it before posting but I'm on my way out and wanted to show you all. I had a bit of a time with the skinny stems-thank goodness it is supposed to be wonky!! It's called the Hobbit House.

Last week I received this wonderful package of goodies from Carolyn Forster. The first thing I noticed was the Royal Post tag. How come we can't have a cool name like that for our post office? I thought the package must have been carefully processed and handled while in the UK. Carolyn sent along the wonderful cheddar fabric and cheddar crackers!!! (You can see I didn't even wait for the photo to test them out- yum!) And Carolyn made the cool bag. The tag has her name on it!! This was a thank you for doing the Cheddar quilt along. Thank you again, Carolyn!!!
Speaking of a quiltalong. It looks like most of you would like to do another small reproduction. I had an idea and played around a bit with graph paper this weekend too. I'll see if I can figure it out in Electric Quilt. It has some elements that are similar to Cheddar Cheese & Crackers.
Have a great Monday!!


  1. Your house party is coming along just fine. Don't be to impressed by our Royal postal marks.It used to be a marvelous postal service but has gone to the wall over the years. We didn't have any post delivered in our village for 10 days back in January-Health and Safety Reasons- The van might get stuck in the snow .We could however drive ourselves the 25 mile round trip to collect our own post. Sorry I have gone off on a complete tangent. I hate poor service. Looking forward to taking part in the next quilt along.

  2. oh dear . . . so much for the Royal Post~!!~ lol

    am quite curious about what you're cooking up for the next quilt-a-long . . .


  3. Golly Lori, look at that cute house, will ya? I love it. Hobbit House. Oh it's delightful. I love the roof and I totally dig the skinny stems.

    You did receive a wonderful package. You're too cute busting open that package. I'd be right there with ya, hoping for "share-time" on those crackers. hee!

  4. Cute little house -- they're a funky group that you're creating.

    How sweet of Carolyn to send that pkg. of goodies, as a well-deserved thank you. I'm looking forward to our next adventure.

  5. What a fun little house. It's exciting to get packages in the mail! Can't wait to see what you're cooking up for us this time. :0)

  6. So cute!
    I love the trees, or are they mushrooms - very fun!
    nice loot.

  7. Love your Hobbit House and your skinny trees!

  8. Cute house...Cute house... Cute

  9. Another great house block, they just get cuter and cuter. I can't wait to see what's next for the quiltalong.

  10. Love your wonky houses... Nice present for you which you deserve! And... another quilt along... stop tempting me please, I am not sure I have time to get involved and I so much would love to......

  11. I really like that block. It's so cute. This is really going to be a wonderful quilt when it's finished. And what a great package to receive!

  12. great house love the pink door!
    too cute, bet your having fun picking fabrics for these blocks
    OH what wonderful gifts, isn't she so nice?


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