
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Under the Big Top

I showed one of these blocks awhile there's two!! Because there are so many triangles in this reproduction I am swapping with a couple of online quilters and it's working out wonderful to have a wide variety of colors and prints. These blocks look a tad lopsided right now because I haven't sewn any HST sashings to the right side or the bottom. These things take time ya know?! LOL
One of the ladies mentioned the stripe fabric in the original reminded them of a circus tent, hence the name "Under the Big Top". I won't be striking it rich anytime soon naming quilts, wine or beer!

Sue at I Sew Quilts was so generous to mail me the lovely commemorative panel from the Victoria and Albert Museum which she was able to visit. It's wonderful and I tell you it feels like silk! Thank you Sue!!

For those of you that may be interested the "Tall Red House" in my last post, it is for sale and you can see the inside here. If that doesn't bring you directly to it, it is located in Goldendale, WA and is $215,000. My favorite room looks like it is way up and has stain glass windows and a crazy quilt on the bed.


  1. Lori these blocks looks great! I in awe at how many pieces are in each block!
    I love the panel - lucky you - total envy here :)
    serious envy :O)

  2. Omg you can't even but a house here for anywhere near that price.
    I'm going to have a nosey. Love how the blocks are looking together, each one is like a mini quilt.

  3. Oh Lori I love both of those...HST's are my favorite...can never ever have too many.

  4. the HST blocks look wonderful! i think all of you may be surprised when you see my quilt!

    Isn't the panel wonderful, I will be making a medallion with mine.
    I may stabilize mine though it is very silky.

  5. Your blocks look great! I love hst's :0) What an interesting panel! Do you know what you're going to do with it?

  6. I love those Under the Big Top blocks! That quilt is going to be fantastic.
    That tall house is so interesting..sounds like a great price too?
    The panel is so fun. It was nice of her to think of you and send it. :)

  7. Ohhh, I like those many pieces blocks. Wonderful!

  8. Love your big top blocks! What is your favorite way to do scrappy half square triangles. I haven't found a fast way to do scrappy ones. Your V & A panel is lovely! Have you done any more blind man's fancy blocks? Loved those!

  9. Lori...That house is SO cute. I wish there was one around here like it...FULL of charm.

  10. I saw some of those blocks with all the triangles on another blog in the last few days. I can't remember where. I love them.

  11. Those blocks are wonderful. It will be a spectacular quilt when finished.

  12. Love the blocks - they look terrific! And the house is pretty appealing too!!

  13. Hey Lori...the blocks are wonderful. I'm especially partial to the one on the right.

  14. Wow to the blocks. Love the colours and the little pieces. Looking forward to seeing the progress.

  15. Those two blocks are AMAZING! Please, show us progress as you go.~


  16. Surprise, I'm working on the same quilt....check out my blog and see how I've done it a bit differently. I love the colors of yours. I'm going to look around your blog and see if I can find out more information about yours...

  17. Love those star blocks with all the little triangles. So bright and cheerful!


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