
Monday, July 12, 2010

My Medication of Choice

I picked up a summer cold but am trying my best to get through it quickly. I'm excited to tell you about all the fun I had this past week. Hopefully I'll get to it before it's all old news!!


  1. Too bad! Can't wait to hear about last week & see pictures!

  2. I hope that you get through it quickly too. My daughter has an awful cough and it's been going on for the past week. Sometimes I think that summer colds are the worst. Hope you feel better soon.

  3. I'm just getting over one of those but it's a winter one. I'll look forward to the news.

  4. Oh, a nasty old cold! Hope it goes away fast. I haven't had a cold in a good while. I will be waiting with "bated breath" for all your news. LOL!

  5. nothing worse than a summer cold
    hope you feel better soon.
    looking forward to the Sisters report!

  6. I hope you get well soon!! - summer is too short to miss it by being sick!

  7. Hope you feel better soon! Looking forward to hearing about all your Sisters adventures!

  8. take good care and get well soon.


  9. So sorry! I know when I bent over today, I had a burning in my head, sinus stuff I think. My best suggestion is that Thereaflu stuff like hot lemonade and then go to bed. Seems to work wonders. Feel better soon! :)

  10. So sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Try some chicken soup...and Vick's on the soles of your feet? Wishing you a speedy recovery! :)

  11. Feel better soon...those summer colds are no fun! I love the quilt in your banner!!!

  12. There is a pneumonia going around! DRINK a TON of water to wash those germs OUT. Take good care of yourself, please.~


  13. I'm sorry to hear you're under the weather. You probably over did it at Sisters. Take care

  14. Vick's on the soles of your feet?? I've never hears of that one, but Ann is very knowledgeable about lots of things.

    Hope you are feeling better very soon.

  15. I hear wine is good for a cold ;)
    feel better and report the fun soon!

  16. summer cold. Here's a recipe to feeling better. Mike's hard cranberry lemonade. Heat in microwave. Yup, it sure tastes good when your nose is stuffy. Better than Theraflu!


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