
Friday, July 2, 2010

This, That and the Other....

One more house block completed. (Pattern not available at this time)

I remade the block but it looks just as small as the first one so I'm not going to machine applique it down. Any ideas of additions I can make to the first one to make it take up a bit more space on the background? I may make one more and just use the enlarger on the copier....argh!! Not sure yet.

I made these little pincushions as a thank you to my Weight Watcher receptionists. (both are quilters) My meetings wouldn't have run without them. One of them said she'd think of me every time she poked a pin in it!! I'm not so sure if that's a good thing or not!!! LOL

I won this adorable scissor fob from Kaaren at The Painted Quilt. Just yesterday I was telling my rock hound cousin that turquoise or turquoise colors are my favorite. (as far as rocks go) Thank you Kaaren!!

My sewing room is packed up!! It seemed so strange to see it like this I had to snap a photo. It won't be that clean until next years sewing getaway!!!
Happy Belated Canada Day and Happy Independence Day!! Wave your flag proudly!!


  1. I love your house block and your little voo-doo pincushions. :) And I think the applique blocks are lovely just as they are. Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. My, you've been busy (love the new header!) - the string stars and pincushions are gorgeous. Wonder if several lines of echo quilting would "enlarge" your applique blocks - say, two or three lines, 3/4inch apart, followed by background quilting (grid, diamonds, clamshell) of your choice.............

  3. great blocks! oh I just love that pincushion very nice gifts! enjoy your sewing retreat and the quilt show,
    take lots of pictures of those antique quilts!

  4. love the house block!
    I don't understand whats up with the applique blocks. They look great. I like when the same block varies a little from it's neighbor.
    lovely pin cushions -
    have fun and report back soon!
    wish I were going with you -

  5. I think it may be easier to add something to the design than to try and enlarge it...maybe swags between the leaves?

    The pincushions are really fun!

  6. I love that houseblock, it's sooo cute. Did you design that? wowwww.

    But I think your room looks way too tidy LOL. I certainly won't publish a picture of mine :-)

  7. I like the applique block - but to make it look bigger, I'd enlarge the circle or add small leaves between the big ones. Have a wonderful time this week!!!

  8. I'm not seeing that the appplique blocks are too empty--by the time you square up and take up 1 inch with seams all around, it will fill nicely. Looks like you are ready to get lots done on retreat! Love the new header too.

  9. Okay now I see what you meant about the applique blocks. I get it. You know me... a little slow on the uptake from time to time. Dig your house block. Oh so, so fun. The fabrics you use in the block are so eye-catching and zesty! That's it. Zesty. Dig it. You crack me up with the pincushions you gave to your friends and the sticking of the pins, thinking of you when they use it. What a hooot!!!

  10. I love your new header!! That's very funny about the pin cushions :0) I think they're lovely gifts. Your block(s) look good to me - maybe some berries could fill it in a bit if all that space is really bugging you. Have a great time at sewing retreat!!

  11. If you want to 'enlarge' the block why not put a bigger circle behind the 1st one - or a scalloped circle behind it to mix it up.

    Or you could cut down the background square just a skoooch! Or use a pieced background for alittle more movement??

    I really hate running into this type of decisions early on - as MGQ said - they are fine as they are too. It's just one of those moments that drive you nuts! "This could be really spectacular if only ..."

    doni @ Oregon coast


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