
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Quilt Tour Pennsylvania

Our first stop in PA was Hayloft Fabric in Morgantown. My friend, Jill, told me I needed to stop and she was right!

As you can see to the right of this photo the quilt store overlooks a grocery store! I thought that was pretty funny.

The place is huge and runs three sides around the grocery store.

They had wonderful fabric and so much of it!! Turns out the woman who checked me out was from Oregon. What's the chances of that?

Our second stop was Burkholders. I love the sign out front.

And the location is so picturesque.
Next stop was Sauder's. Do any other states have quilt stores in the middle of cornfields?

What a lovely entrance way! NOT!

We realized that they do things a bit differently in PA. Need a license plate? All you need is some cardboard and a marker! LOL

These are the wonderful girls who talked me into going to PA and the quilt show. I'm so glad I did. From left to right- Me (don't mind the hair, the climate played a few tricks on it!), Jill, who I met about 12 years ago when we were both making the Dear Jane quilt, Susan, I met her two years ago in PA, and Barb, who I met online. She is just as charming in person as she comes across on her blog.

Barb did both quiltalongs I shared on my blog and happily brought them for show and tell. It was so fun to see them in person!!


  1. Looks like you had a blast. That entrance looks pretty scary to me.

  2. What a great fabric store. How wonderful to be able to shop in such a beautiful setting.

  3. I live reasonably close to these stores and have never gone there! I think i am missing out! Thanks for sharing about your trip. I am going to have to go.. soon!
    Oh.. and the cardboard plate... LOL

  4. Those look like fun stores to go to. And, I love the cardboard license plate, so funny!

  5. I don't believe I've EVER seen that much fabric in one place. WOW !!

    You could be there all day!!!!!

  6. I had forgotten how darn cute that cheddar quilt is. I need to get mine quilted AND I want to make another one.

  7. How fun! I have to admit...I would have been totally overwhelmed at your first stop. :)

  8. Burkholder's is one of my all time favorite fabric shops! I don't know how I have missed Hayloft Fabric...I'm going to have to check that one out soon!

  9. love that hayloft store, usually find great bargains there!
    still very sorry I missed the get together Saturday, next time!
    ok so you went to the stores now what did you buy?????

  10. Wow!!!!!!
    Che negozzi che ci sono lì da voi!
    In Italia cose così le possiamo solo sognare!
    Ciao Domenica

  11. What a great store! And such a great combination - I always need a jug of milk or a carton of eggs. I can just picture saying to my husband "oh I'm just going out to pick up some milk" LOL How fun to see Barb's quiltalong quilts in person!

  12. I never see so much fabric in one shop, it's wonderful and a drem for me :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  13. That fabric store reminds me of Mary Jo's in Gastonia...gosh I didn't think there could possibly be another so huge! Thanks for sharing. OH...loved the parking lot show and share!

  14. ha~! the license plate cracks me up. who knew it could be that simple to avoid the DMV and all their rig-a-marole~!?!~

    seeing the two small quilts makes me remember that i've got to get my strawberry fields out and get 'er done . . . love that cheddar cheese and crackers . . . and have added it to my "someday" list.

    so did you stimulate the economy while you visited these shops? or just sight see within them?


  15. It looks like you had a lot of fun. Spending time with quilting friends is always a blast! You didn't tell us how much fabric you bought though!

  16. I didn't find that Hayloft when I was in PA 8 years ago, BOO, However I did a lot of damage in the other two, especially Sauders' So nice for you to meet up with Barb and its all down to blogging- Fantastic.

  17. Oh, you lucky dog to go to those wonderful shops (LOVE the fabric-over-the-groceries) and to see those rural areas!

  18. I didn't even get to the end of your post before I went shopping at Burkholders - there is 25% off sale on at the moment. Thanks for the introduction.

  19. I do know of another quilt shop in the middle of a corn field - Pat's Creative in Hemingford, NE. They are celebrating their 35 year anniversary this week!

  20. Oh, I recognize those shops. What great prices they have. Haven't been to them in over a year - it's fun to see them again on your blog!
    The grocery store one is a hoot, isn't it?!

  21. I was in a quilt shop in Ohio Amish country that was in a grocery store. I don't know if it is still there.

  22. That's pretty funny about the grocery store/quilt shop combo but I got one better. I stopped at one that shared a wall with a bowling alley!! You could hear the balls rolling down the alley and knocking down the pins. It was HILARIOUS!! It was a glass wall so you could actually see the lanes.

  23. What fun to be with friends and investigate such interesting, varied shops. Shopping and road-tripping is better in a group, isn't it?
    That cardboard plate -- priceless!

  24. What a shame Kathie couldn't be there too. I think I would hyperventilate if I went to that top store, where on earth do you start? It was nice to see a couple that I've ordered from.

  25. Thanks for including all of us in your trip...I have enjoyed it!

    Grocery store and fabric store??? What could be better :o)

    Looks like you had fun time...isn't the internet and blogging wonderful for meeting like minded people...Love it!

  26. I think the grocery store was there so you could refuel in order to get through the wholefabric selection. LOL. Looks like great fun.

  27. Oooo...what a fun post! You are very pretty. My strawberry fields is not quilted yet because I set my mind to getting a schnibbles from a guild workshop quilted first. It was fun to see those two she made from your blog posts. That was like a mini-vacation!


  28. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, Lori!
    What an enormous shop with so many fabrics! I've never seen such a store in my life! Wonderful.
    Greetings, Cisca

  29. you went to all my favorite Lancaster haunts! Martins just always cracks me up, okay, I need a pound of ground chuck and oh yea, a 1/2 yard of something pink...
    What a riot that incense plate it. I never noticed, do the buggies have plates? or numbers or does everyone just know their horse?

  30. How jealous am I? I am only two hours away and I couldn't get to the show AND Barb finished both quilt a long quilts. Sheesh. I must be a slacker. P.S. I really like that quilt you are all standing in front of.

  31. That first store looks awesome! What more do you need? Fabric and groceries all in one!

  32. How great that must have been to see the Quilt-a-longs "in person" !

  33. Un petit coucou de France!

  34. bomb/tornado shelter quilt shops and grocery/quilt shops, my oh my!!! husband would wonder why it took 2 -3 hours to get a loaf of bread though!!!!LOL!!!!!! great tour!

  35. Gracias por haber visitado mi blog. Hace algún tiempo que visito el suyo, y me gusta muchísimo. Siempre es una inspiración. Gracias.


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