
Monday, October 11, 2010

I Can't Help Myself

Yesterday we were in Portland cheering on my son and daughter at the Portland Marathon. I'm not sure how many parents get to see both of their kids run in their first marathon on the same day, but we are so proud to be counted among them! So, 26.2 miles later here they are standing past the finish line.
I'm so tired I think I'll take a nap! LOL


  1. congrats to both of them what an accomplishment!
    glad you were there to enjoy/see it!

  2. That's awesome! Next time you're in Portland, save a little time to look at some old quilts. :)

  3. What a great day. I am sure they were as happy to have you there as you were to be there. Congrats to the runners.

  4. Mom on the sidelines is always a boost for kids at their athletic events. It's so nice you could witness their marathon.
    What a great achievement for both runners!

  5. Congratulations, momma! I can see you beaming from ear to ear all the way on this side of the country!!

  6. Huge contratulations!!!! My husband has ran 9 of them....and I don't think he is stopping anytime soon... :) How fun for both of your kids to experience it together. :)

  7. How proud you must feel and congratulations to them both.

  8. Congrats to the kids. How amazing is that! What an accomplishment for them, and what a joy for you to be able to be there to cheer them on.

  9. Congratulations to both of them. You have every right to be proud!

  10. I also get tired watching things like that. One of my sons is supposed to be in a marathon this month and we have watched him in a couple previous races (one was a half iron man). I can't help wondering why they do it.

  11. Congratulations to both of them! ... and to mom, too!

  12. This is such a happy photo. I'm really glad it wasn't a HOT day.

  13. You've probably already answered this question but where did you get the pattern for the 1/2 square flag quilt? I have to make that!! Thanks.

  14. Cheering them on must have been very tiring then... Of course you were proud, that is quite an achievement!

  15. What a wonderful accomplishment made extra special since they did it together and you were there to cheer them on.

  16. WOW Lori!!!! Renee reminds me of LaDonna! Fun to see a pic of your children again! Email me and tell me whats up with your family. I am wondering about the Alzheimer quilt, and who had Alzheimers. Love ya, Jo Anna


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