
Monday, November 8, 2010

The Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative

I'm sure many of you have heard of this non profit started by Ami Simms. It never ceases to amaze me what a small grass roots effort can turn out to be. This year the AAQI funded four research studies with $140,000.
(From Ami's blog)
"The Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative isn’t like other charities. We are all volunteers, we account publicly for every penny that we spend, and we hold impromptu ceremonies before we mail checks because we know what it feels like to lose someone we love one memory at time. And we know what it feels like to make a quilt and pray with each stitch that our work will help win the fight."

Ami and her volunteers brought 1000 quilts to Houston and I haven't heard yet how many quilts sold but it was a lot. Including my humble contribution. This may not be my favorite quilt but it has the most of me and my heart in it.  Day by day I see my mom's memory slowly slipping. It is such a confusing disease, for the one who has it and the caretakers.  All of the small quilts made, donated and purchased fund a worthy organization. 

I'm committing to make one more quilt to donate by the end of the year.  Will you also commit with me to make one quilt to donate to AAQI? Maximum size is 9"x12" so it's easy to participate.

You can stay updated by reading Ami's blog!!


  1. I just finished one to donate and it will be in the mail soon!! Great cause! I am hoping to get at least two more donations from my small scale quilt group. If anything, I know they will bid on my donation!

  2. Oh, Lori...all prayers and hugs to you, and I just agonize with you about your mom. And my brother in law, who is an engineer...used to be anyway...he needs full assist with everything now. I sent a quilt already to Michele at Hearts and hands, and I think she passes all she has on to Ami...I pledge to make another one too!!

  3. I'm in! The researchers need all the help they can get to help find a cure for this horrible disease!

  4. Yes, indeed I will commit to make a quilt and it will be in the mail very soon.... I lost my mom several years ago, and the saddest part for me were the days she didn't know who I was....can you even imagine? I would say "mom, its Wendy, your youngest child"...I miss her so...

  5. I can surely make a little quilt...the display at Houston was always very busy so I'm sure they did well!

  6. I am not sure I can get one done before the end of the year, but I will get a quilt done. My Mom is also suffering from dementia and it is hard that she doesn't know that I am her daughter. Great cause.

  7. Thanks for the information Lori. My dad is also a victim.

  8. What a wonderful thing! I'm very interested! I will visit Ami's blog! Thanks for the info.

  9. Seems hypercritcal of me not to have made one. Their would be so much emotion stitched into as its still very raw even after 11 years of DH having been diagnosed.
    Its far harder on the caregiver watching their loved ones diminsh.
    You do a great thing Lori and I am glad I found you through being the winning bidder on your little wool quilt earlier this year.Hugs to you and your MUM .
    Thanks Sue

  10. This is such am amazing cause and while I don't participate as a creator - I do particpate as a purchaser. I'm a good purchaser. I like to know when my friends work is available then I can start to formulate my plan. Last time around I bought two pieces from the same quilter. Kay at "outofthebasement." It's such a WONDERFUL FEELING. uh. Love this!

  11. Sure! It's not too much to ask. It's even smaller than a doll quilt, so will be a quickie. Love your little wonky quilt with the bright colors!

  12. what a sweet quilt! and a great cause, how lovely of you to donate quilts for it.

  13. Lori, your little quilt is so cute, and for such a worthy cause. My prayers are with you and your Mom. I'll have to check out Ami's blog.

  14. So glad I saw this post today. I actually made a little quilt but haven't quilted it yet but now I will! Thanks for the motivation.


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