
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Bible BOM

 I finished my May block of Jan Patek's Bible quilt. I didn't notice until I saw the photo on my computer that one of my fish is floating! oops! And my dove seems to be floating in the air on top of the ark. That's my prim!
If you remember last month Eve's color blended in with the background so much that she was nearly invisible. I couldn't let that go, so changed her completely.

All my other projects are going kind of slow. I'm trying to get the garden prepped and ready to plant some veggies. We finally had a day or two of decent weather.


  1. That is the charm of primitive and naive quilts, the mistakes;) I need to get back to some of my quilts, started too many, now I am trying to finish a few at a time.


  2. I love the upside down fish! Makes this REAL prim. I can hardly wait to get my hands in the week!

  3. I would not have noticed the fish floating, LOL! Love the broken words surrounding the images, charming.

    Crossing my fingers for more good weather for you!

  4. I love the Noah block.

    Happy Birthday!!!

  5. Eve does look better...and I LOVE the floating fish. I really do. Great BOM!

  6. Charming blocks! Look forward to seeing them all together.

  7. These are great blocks! Some fish float but I didn't notice until you pointed it out.

  8. Your one fish must have gone over the rainbow since he is floating belly up. I like your block a lot. You will have something to remember when you look at the quilt (the fish). I had not looked ahead to see what block is five looks like. I will see if I can keep all my fish belly down. I have nine circles (my least favorite part) to add to block #4 and then it will be done.

  9. ....I thought it was a baleen whale!

  10. Love it!! Especially the fish LOL!

  11. The floating fish made me smile :0) We're fially getting some spring weather too - isn't it awesome to feel the warmth of the sun?

  12. Well you are going to create your own Eden soon - how appropriate - just hope you don't get thrown out too : D

    Love the blocks - I will see how far through the Bible you get!??

  13. Sorry about your dead fish!! LOL Back in the day when Jeff and I were first married we bought an acquarium and goldfish. And came home one night after a visit to the in-laws to find two of them on the floor. Yep. Fish-i-cide. Very sad. :-D
    Glad to see Eve back in the picture! Your quilt is going to be whimsical and wonderful!
    Gotta love Jan Patek! I'm getting a block of the month from her right now that I'm itching to start!
    Mary Lou

  14. I love your floating fish. Makes the block really unique. It's going to be gorgeous!

  15. Well, there were only supposed to be two of everything, so maybe that's why the poor little fishy is a floater! Adds to the charm.

  16. great blocks! this will be another wonderful quilt.

  17. The floating fish is the best part! It's the conversational bit in the block.

  18. I am getting this BOM from Jan Patek this year. So far I have only started one block but I know I will love it whenever I get around to stitching it.


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