
Monday, May 23, 2011

One More Disaster

The disaster in MO is horrible! The weather has been a force to reckon with this past season!!
Not to make light of the devastating tornado, but I also think one touched down in my town, and to be more specific in my sewing room! I took photos as I made my way around the room.

My blind man's Fancy blocks laid out on the floor. I wanted to keep them where I could move them around if necessary. It seems that I only keep walking on them...
The pile of fabric from Scandinavian Christmas blocks.
The next block of Beyond the Cherry Tree.
Three of hubby's shirts I told him I'd fix.... (This is first on my list this afternoon)
Quilts for Kids that I need to get busy on.
Flying geese in various stages for Blind Mans Fancy blocks.
Fabric for Beyond the Cherry Trees...
Fabric piles for flying geese combinations....
Beyond the Cherry Trees prep...
Flying geese....
Quilts for Kids strips....

Is it any wonder I'm having a hard time getting anything done? I want to do it all! LOL
Hopefully I will have something to show soon and not just bits and pieces.

We are hosting my niece's graduation party here  so we've been trying to spruce things up a little outside. I've been busier than usual so my blogging has taken a back seat. I expect it will be that way for a few more weeks.

Donna K from Quilting Bear Gal is the winner of the books. That will be a start to cleaning up my sewing room!!


  1. That tornado also hit my sewing room! I bet it hit a lot of others, too! All your projects look fun.

  2.'s always good to hear I'm not the only that has several things going on all at once.

  3. Yikes ! ! ! !
    It does seem that you have a project or two in the mill.

  4. Fabulous! Looks just like my room. Hope you are enjoying it.

  5. Wonderful BMF blocks!
    My room looked very much like yours before we listed our home for sale. Amazing how clean and tidy one can keep things when the house needs to be ready for a lqst-minute showing!

  6. My goodness!!! you do have a few irons in the fire!!! LOL!!!
    Slow and methodical, prioritise and it will all come together, I hope you have a productive week!!!

  7. I think it is pretty organized to be classified as a real is wonderful! I really love those blocks...yummy!

  8. You have ALMOST as much going on in your sewing room as I have in MINE!! ;) Oooh I love that blind man's fancy quilt! Just love it!

  9. I do the same thing! Piles everywhere. It gets bad when there are piles on top of piles.

  10. Now I don't feel so bad about all the projects I have going and undone, lol.


  11. I know what you mean about wanting to do it all. I am in the middle of at least five projects right now, and two more are calling me to start them, plus I have two more on the quilting rack ready to go on the frame. Isn't it wonderful!

  12. I love how busy you are and don't feel so bad as I am the same wanting to work on everything.

    Love the greens..
    Have fun

  13. My room's the same way and I get myself overwhelmed. There are so many awesome projects out there that I'm dying to do. It's a problem...but oh what a fun one!

  14. OMG- You are so busy- you be careful you might just meet yourself on the way back. LOL

  15. Someone with more projects going at the same time in the same space than me!! I knew I wasn't the only one.

  16. Never mind blind man's fancy - my fancy too! These are so lovely - can't wait to see these blocks put together. Haven't tried that excuse yet Lori - will keep is in reserve as people might not believe a tornado in Sussex!

  17. I tell you...the weather this year is crazy. Who pissed off Mother Nature?! I feel for those families who have loss homes and loved ones. We have had several tornado warnings ourselves here in NC...we need to take them seriously!
    I much prefer the tornado in your sewing room *wink* and looks like you have some fun work to do (besides that shirt). LOL

  18. Lots of creative energy...hope you remain safe with the scary weather there!

  19. I feel the same way. I had to trim down something and I literally picked up a pile and moved it on top of another pile, so now I have a bigger pile! Good greif on the weather, floods, tornados, a big fire in norther Alberta, took out 1/3 of the city. Terrible

  20. Oh my you sound like me.

  21. it's the mark of a creative person to have a studio with evidence of lots going on. at least that's what i tell myself . . .

    my youngest brother lives in MS and it's worrisome when their in the storm season. he doesn't keep in touch very well but i'm hoping no news is good news.


  22. OOOOhhh, love those greens for beyond the Cherry Tree blocks. the mending.
    Have a good week.

  23. At least you have a plan (BTW, I have 4 pairs of pants/shorts waiting for new buttons ... should I just tell the owners to eat less?)

  24. Always happy to help with clean up - especially by this method. Thanks for the give-away!

    Donna K. from N. TX

  25. One thing about having more than one project going is that when you get frustrated or tired of one project you have others to fall back on. Anyway, that's the way I do it. Keeps me on my toes!

  26. There have been too many weather related disasters - very troubling!

    The disaster in your sewing room actually looks like you've been having lots of fun. :-)

  27. Ha ha can totally relate! Looks like you are having fun and that is what counts!

  28. I'm just impressed that mending is even on your list, let alone at the top. But are you sure those pictures are from your sewing room? It sure looks like mine!

  29. Talk about being everywhere! I suppose you'll finish each and every project but it'll take them all just a little longer.

  30. Good girl, a creative mind with many projects is a good thing. Impressed the mending is at the top of the list.

  31. So...where's the mess? Doesn't every sewing room look like this? You got some wonderful projects happening here!!

  32. good to see that others have a few projects going to!
    good luck getting them all done!
    if anyone can do it its you!!!!
    have fun.

  33. That sounds like my sewing room, we must be normal! If I put it away, I have trouble remembering where I put it. Sorry to hear of that tornado, saw it on the telly tonight.

  34. You might have a lot of different things going on in there - but they sure are all wonderful!

  35. I LOVE all of your projects, particularly the Blind Man's Fancy blocks (such pretty colors). I want to do it all, too!!

  36. We are all part of the same "pilot program", pile it here and pile it there. LOL

  37. What a glorified mess. lol. At least you can walk around your room. I just have a small path.

  38. That looks like a pretty normal room to me. Out of sight, out of mind when it comes to projects! I love the stack of fabrics for the Scandinavian Christmas blocks.

  39. It looks like there's lots going on :0) I look forward to seeing your Beyond the Cherry tree block - it looks like a fun one.

  40. You have some beautiful projects going!

  41. Your room looks a lot like mine (including some mending that has been languishing for a few weeks). You are so good at selecting the perfect fabrics for your quilts -- I am completely overwhelmed when I walk into a quilt shop.

  42. What a fun post. Thanks for sharing and btw, I was thinking Porter Teresa was under that pile of clothes.

  43. If only we didn't need sleep, so many more projects could be finished.

  44. You may have piles but at least they are piles by project and you know what each one is. Not always so in my sewing room.

  45. This sounds familiar, I just realized the same when I tried to tidy my sewing room. There are just a few to much things to finish.

  46. My sewing room was looking like yours and I finally couldn't take it anymore and now I am getting so much better at concentrating on starting and finishing one quilt at a time. I have about 6 left to quilt that are pieced but I have not started a new project yet. (I pulled fabric for one but put it back and gave myself a good tongue lashing all the way back to the TV room!)
    I love all the projects you are working on and will have to check back often to see them finished. :D

  47. I just love your Blind Man's Fancy blocks. The fabric combos pull me in every time you show them. And I love the piles of fabrics for various projects - demonstrates an active quilter!

  48. Lori, your piecing is fabulous. You are much more patient than me!! But I think we all have mini-twisters hit our sewing areas!! Aren't we blessed that it isn't our whole homes - I continue to pray for those that have been hit by tornadoes.

  49. Your WIP all look so pretty. My sewing room has piles everywhere and I am not finishing anything.
    I will get going soon.

  50. lol loved your "to do list"
    have a great weekend

  51. Love seeing all your bits and pieces. Looks very reminiscent of my sewing room!

  52. Quite a list of things to do! I know the feeing. Hee Hee!


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