
Monday, June 13, 2011

Spring has Finally Sprung

When I know I will be in Portland and have a few minutes to stop by the quilt shop, my main foray is the remnant section at Fabric Depot.  Since most of the quilts I make are scrappy this works out perfect for me since generally there is nothing over a yard hanging. Instead of paying $7-10 dollars a yard I'll save my money and spend it on things like the trip to NYC. I don't really have room for tons of fabric anyway.

 Look at these lovely little pieces of fabric I got. All together I bought 1 5/8 yards for less than $7. They are having an outdoor sale going on through out the summer and there are always bargains to be had. I didn't have time to head outside this day.
Now that the nicer weather is here I don't think I'll be blogging as much. I've been spending my time outdoors doing this:
I took a fun class with some other women and we were doing a practice race. I'm sure I'll never be the first one the break the tape! LOL  I've really been enjoying myself and plan on doing more.

It is an excellent way for me to spend time with my kids too. When I turn 50 (In one year) I want to be active, healthy, feeling great and ready to conquer the next decade.
Obviously I still love to quilt and love to blog. I won't be answering comments like I have been in the past, unless you have a question or something that needs a return email. I'm sure you all will understand.


  1. You snagged a great deal there! I,for one, completely understand that you won't be responding to comments anymore. I can't figure out how those that do have time for everything!

  2. what a fun place to shop
    I wish I could find a shop around here like that
    I love buying smaller pieces and a larger variety
    Have a great summer, I totally understand about not answering comments ! not a problem here!
    enjoy the summer and what a great goal to have!
    WE are having beautiful weather here, I took an hour and 1/2 walk today just being outside was great!

  3. Good for you--in the bargains and the running!

  4. Have a great summer and I'm sure you will be back to blogging more once the gardening and nice weather start to dwindle. I too, am finding it busy with a f/t job, the yard and quilting for others. My house is a disaster and dusty!
    Oh well. I love Fabric Depot, great finds!

  5. Get outdoors and have fun - I'm 50 already and on the slippery slope downhill (grin) but I like horse riding to keep fit - fun and a little bit dangerous as I do fall off.

    Look forward to catching up with you when you have time!

  6. I am totally with you on the being outside. After my 18 months of NE captivity, I just can't seem to get enough of being outdoors *s* Finding a balance of that, quilting, blogging and all the things that are required to keep a household running is hard - I am learning to embrace dust bunnies.

  7. Right on. What a great post and I'm all for taking advantage of the health life has to provide. I love reading the statement re: your priorities, Lori. It's so empowering. *karendianne. (ps: I really only show up for Porter anyway)

  8. This no comment thing seems to be spreading in blogland. I like it. And for someone who passed 50 quite a few years ago, keep it moving!

  9. You are doing the right thing, Lori! Since turning 50 in February I haven't been going swimming regularly like I used to. I can feel a thickening around the middle - always a problem spot for me. I need to get back in the pool!

  10. I sure understand your desire to switch gears. Enjoy the summer and all the outdoor fun. I'll still be checking for your posts whenever you get the urge.

  11. Good for you Lori! Hope your summer is great!

  12. Love your fabric aquisitions :0) Have lots of fun running!

  13. Just enjoy what you are doing Lori. One never knows whats in store for any of us.
    NO REPLY NEEDED Big Hugs x

  14. Have a wonderful summer. Blogland seems to go very quiet during the US summer. Hope you get the experience of breaking the tape, but if not have fun.

  15. Have a great summer. I know what you mean about being fit as you age. I'm going to be 62 this year. Not so fit...but trying. I go walking every morning and I do notice a difference. Enjoy your runs. Hugs.

  16. You look great! Enjoy the nice weather.
    Looks like a great place to find beautiful fabrics. (and a great price too!)

  17. Oh what great fabrics! And good for you. I wish I had your enthusiasm for running.

  18. just run away from us!!!! enjoy your sunny days...
    i'll be busy soon with grandkids coming to California for vacation but more pool & beach exercise for me!!! cheri

  19. Enjoy the sun! Down here in the south it is a bit opposite for me...I go outside most in spring and fall. Way too hot now to be out in the garden!

  20. i dunno Lori, i think you look pretty good there breaking that tape~!~don't sell yourself short.

    not familiar with the fabric store but agree with you that it's the way to buy, especially if you're a scrap quilter.

    will be happy to visit with you when you have the time but understand that life is a balancing act and we must make constant adjustments depending on what's coming at us. the important thing is that you take good care of yourself first.


  21. Yes, I do understand, fully! I rather have you reading my blog then answering every comment ;-). Enjoy the outdoors!
    Those fabrics are great, can't believe the price!

  22. Have a great summer. Life is all about balance. Hopefully, on occasion, you'll keep us up to date on your quilting projects.

  23. you look great breaking the tape -
    I've just started ripped in 30 its an awesome daily workout - i'm hoping to run again soon.


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