
Friday, August 9, 2013

Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative

Friends of Humble Quilts have AAQI little quilts for sale. I'd be thrilled if you'd take a look and possibly purchase one or more. Thank you!!

You can find Shirley's here: SOLD!

And Jean's here:!

 Here's a recent photo of my mom after her hair appointment and wearing her new birthday blouse. I took her for a drive to Bend yesterday to retrieve my car that was in the shop (one hour one way). She enjoyed it but what a hoot!! She thought the Enterprise rental car woman was my good friend and gave her a hug when we left.  She shook the guys hand at the body shop like "It's been great doing business with you." You have to have a sense of humor when dealing with Alzheimer's that's for sure.

 I saw this gorgeous sunflower in front of someone's house this morning and I couldn't resist taking a photo. It shouts SUMMER to me.  I hope you are enjoying your week.

PS. If you hover over any photos on my blog in the upper left will be a pin-it icon. It makes it super simple to pin it to your boards at Pinterest.


  1. Thank you Lori, for sharing my quilts with your blogging friends. I agree, you have to have a sense of humor when dealing with Alzheimers. I have several funny stories from my caregiving days. When I was a support person for the caregiver group our church sponsored, I tried to have a joke, and I always encouraged them to read the comics every day. It is very exhausting to be the 24/7 caregiver, but with faith and peseverance I made it through.

  2. Your support of this worthy cause is commendable. When faced with a loved one suffering from this dreadful disease it really drives home the need for good research to find a cure. Thank you for your contributions toward that end..

  3. I tried the Pin-It with your header picture. Works well. I will have to figure out how you set that up.

  4. gracias, gracias!!!!
    tu entrada me hizo sonreír, ya comentamos en otra entrada que mi madre paso esa terrible enfermedad, pero mis hermanos y yo aunque recordamos días terribles, siempre terminamos con alguna anécdota graciosa y nos reímos
    besinos grandes para las dos

  5. Thank you for the link Lori. Lovely photo of your Mum. As you say it has funny moments. My Mum had to go to hospital for some tests and to pass the time Mum, my brother and myself played I Spy. We laughed so hard it was a wonder we weren't thrown out. Mum kept forgetting and kept repeating clues and spies. So funny.

  6. Love that sunflower, sorry about your car, hope its ok now...

  7. God Bless her at least she is friendly.
    Sun flowers are really amazing close up aren't they?

    Happy Sewing

  8. Just got to my email and saw Jean's note about these. I have already purchased #14955.
    Well, at least it sounds like Mom was in a good mood. : )

  9. Your Mother is blessed to have you! Anyone who is in a service industry is probably glad to get warm hugs & grateful handshakes once in a while. Yes, caretakers really need to have a sense of humor and keep a happy heart. The sunflower is lovely!

  10. Wonderful post - we should talk soon :)

  11. I pinned Under the Big Top. Love the sunflower. My DIL planted some, but we left before they bloomed. :-(

  12. great photo of your mom, you look like her!
    that sunflower is gorgeous

  13. You are a good daughter Lori.
    I was at the farmer's market yesterday. there was a stand that was selling groupings of flowers. the sunflowers were a huge hit! we call can see why.

  14. You are a good daughter Lori.
    I was at the farmer's market yesterday. there was a stand that was selling groupings of flowers. the sunflowers were a huge hit! we call can see why.

  15. Such sweet gestures from your Mom... how those hugs and handshakes must warm the heart of the recipients.

  16. Your Mom looks good. I guess the one thing about this disease is that it always surprises you. My Mom would come out with some of the funniest wisecracks at the mostr unexpected times. Always made me happy cause she was always a "smartass" her words for us. And we know where we got it from.
    Have to go see if that one quilt is still there.


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