
Monday, August 5, 2013

Prayers For Sale Book & Quilt Club

Quiltworks also has groups exhibit their quilts and this month was the Cover to Cover Quilters from Portland. Most of the time I have tried to read the book but have never liked them and never finished them. The book they read and made a quilt inspired by was "Prayers for Sale". After seeing the quits and reading the blurb beside them I want to read the book now. I think that is the sign of a great cover to cover quilt show!

Adored the grassy quilting.
My favorite.

If you were too close it was hard to tell what this was.

These last two quilts photos were taken at the Deschutes County Fair on Saturday. We went for the Kansas concert, but I had to stop by and see the quilts that were entered.  I was so disappointed.
For a county with a population of 160,000 there were TWO quilts worthy of a photo!
I guess people are just not entering much in the county fairs any more. Times are changing..


  1. I was going to say that the pie was my favorite, but then I saw the rocker. Made me want to be sitting on it hand stitching.
    Only 2 quilts worth photos, that is disappointing. Hope the rest was fun.

  2. Love seeing the quilts, so many beautiful pieces.


  3. What a fun theme for a quilt show! The quilts are really beautiful but my favorite is the blue rocking chair. And thanks for including the fair photos, I'm now going to investigate how to enter a quilt in our fair, it never occurred to me before. Not sure why? Have a great day!

  4. I am making an effort this year to put 2 pieces into the NW WA fair. It can be challenging because you have to drop off and pick up within their very short time frame. Not able to ship in or out.

  5. I love the rocking chair quilt. Also the churn dash--always a fav! : )
    Come to our county fair! They have a hard time fitting in all of the quilts. They aren't all stellar, but there are many that are. I will be at the home arts building today helping to take in entries--shall I look for you? : )
    Debating whether or not to enter my Black & Blooms mini. I NEVER enter quilts. I stick to baked goods and soap, with an occasional article of clothing. Maybe it is time to branch out.

  6. Beautiful quilts, the quilting on the last one is amazing but I love the little Churn Dash the best - Have a great week!

  7. Lovely photos, thankyou for sharing.

  8. That first quilt looks like it was inspired by Mary Lou Weidman's Flower Power book, love the fence and the grass around the garden,

    The cherry pie and chair are also favourites of mine.

    Thanks for sharingl

  9. I used to enter quilts into our local fair, but the judging is so inconsistent here that it got very discouraging. That could be your fairs problem too? Thanks for sharing!

  10. Thanks for sharing the quilts. I saw some Colorado inspiration in those aspens.

  11. The two pics of quilts are lovely. I am not sure why the fair participation is down but my experience with our local county fair has made it so that no one here would participate due to the poor judging. When the only ones winning are the judges family and friends, well, it does make one wonder. Thanks for sharing the lovely quilts you did find.

  12. Are these people in your quilt club? I would love to purchase if available. These are very pretty! Thanks for sharing.

  13. What neat little quilts, I loved the grassy quilting too. Shame about the fair quilts.

  14. Lovely quilts! The blue chair looks very inviting...what a wonderful summer quilt! Sad about the fair...sometimes it's the judging and sometimes it is how the quilts are handled that discourages quilters from entering.

  15. Those modern/art quilts are so fun I love the pie quilt
    Yea,I've been to shows and left disappointed too -
    The two you showed are lovely though

  16. I read that book a good while back. A very good read.

  17. Oh, I LOVE that blue chair with the pot of geraniums!!! That would be so gorgeous hanging on my wall!

  18. O I read it quiet awhile ago. It's a great book! You know I contacted my County Fair several times to find out about the quilt portion and never heard back. =(

  19. I've read all of Sandra Dallas's books. These quilts are straight out of the story - I love it! I especially like the rocking chair quilt :0)

  20. Maybe people are afraid to enter their quilts in county fairs because of the lack of security and the fact that they're sometimes displayed where people can touch them. Cotton candy and corn dog fingers on quilts are not a happy thing! Just a thought.

  21. Lori, I LOVE your new header. Maybe we can get enough time together later this month when you can show me how to do it!!!???

  22. Love the Cover to Cover Quilts. Sad that there aren't many picture worthy quilts at your Fair. I'm Super of the quilt area at our Fair that runs Labor Day Weekend. I just got my list of entries and count about 40 entries in the quilt categories. I'll have post some of them after I get them hung up.


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