
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

All Over the Place

I've managed to organize my sewing room and the other 3 rooms upstairs that we had re-carpeted as well. We had a big family barbecue on Monday so it was nice to have everything back together. I decided not to paint my sewing room at this time. I know it would have been the best time, but I just did not have the energy. I'm training to run a marathon and it really is exhausting me. (Just about 1 month to go!)
Needles, Needles Needles. Geez, sort of like my fabric stash.... more than I will ever actually use in a lifetime. Do you have a large and varied needle stash?
I've gone through my magazines, do not subscribe to ANY, and I still have this huge pile! I just cannot weed them out any more. I am considering going back through my AP&Q from the beginning. I'm sure it would be like a new subscription. :0
This  was when I was in the process of moving back in.
I cleaned a lot from my closet. So much of what I was storing was not quilt related so I relegated that to another room.
Sewing machine back in it's place and look! There are even a couple of projects on the table.

This is something I found in my sewing room- small remnants of Moda toweling that I've been picking up at Fabric Depot. I only use cloth napkins and these remnants are perfect for that. They already have a seam on one side.
I just trim and fold under twice and toss them in the kitchen to use instead of paper napkins. The red striped one was large enough to make into a dish towel. It is nice to get a few "to-do's" done.

I've been making progress getting my wool Flowers pattern ironed onto my wool. I'm going on a road trip in a couple of weeks and would like to have them ready to take along.

Thanks for reading and commenting, especially lately that my posting has been so irregular.


  1. Wow, I bet it feels good to be so freshly organized! And a marathon...I am impressed.

  2. I find its good to organize my sewing room periodically. I always find something I lost, and I also realize I don't want everything I have. have fun in your reconfigured space!

  3. such a wonderful sewing space and i love the table....a bit pea green here i confess....thankfully inspiration isn't hampered by surroundings..

  4. Must feel like a fresh start! It all looks so neat and orderly.
    Good luck with the marathon, Lori. DD#2 ran one last year. That is a lot of work. I wish you well.
    Those toweling remnants are a great idea for napkins.

  5. I need to pluck up courage to go and clean and tidy my sewing mess. I would much rather just Google and view other people's nice tidy spaces. You look very organised. I too have a huge collection of magazines that I cannot bear to part with. I try occasionally to weed them out but then get side tracked finding such lovely forgotten projects that they all end up staying.

  6. Marathon...that's awesome Lori!!!! Good for you! I love to go back through old magazines, it is amazing what you may have missed the first time. :-)

  7. How long do you think your sewing room will stay neat? Mine would be about 1 1/2 days.

    I have lots of needles too and in different places. I don't have need for some of the types I have but you never know when the need might come up. I have a 3 inch doll needle somewhere that I used for big stitching a quilt.

  8. A fresh, clean, organized room + fabulous projects = a happy Lori. :-)

  9. ¡¡madre mía!! que orden,
    en las viejas revistas siempre se encuentra algo que se perdió la primera vez
    ¿ a que si?
    ¡¡que cansada estoy pensando en el maratón!!

  10. Good luck with the marathon! I did that in another lifetime. I was like "Legally Blonde" like is it hard? Just showed up but I managed. Till 24 hours later when every fiber of my being ached! It's still a great challenge. We have one here in about 2 weeks. Only the half! Your sewing room looks great and yes, I have more needles than I will ever need. More fabric too! Getting ready to cut up fabric into little pieces and sew them back together for QOV blocks. Checkout and all the fantastic work she does.

  11. your sewing space is coming back together beautifully and it must feel great to sort through things and 'start over'.
    isn't it amazing how fast magazines stack up~!?! i have far too many and need to begin sorting them out myself. reading the favorites over again is a great idea.

    we only use cloth napkins too and now i'm wishing that i lived by a fabric Depot so i could pick up remnants. a great idea.

    take care of yourself and good luck with your marathon.

  12. oh yeah, all those needles, i have a similar stock pile~!!~ they must breed in the drawer . . .


  13. Lori, I think you could ask your husband to place an AP&Q magazine in a big envelope and pop it through the door every month and you could look through it with new eyes, just like you said, a new subscription!

  14. Wauw you don'thave to buy needles for a time, how nice it to work in a reorganized sewingroom. It gives a lot of space in your head for new creations.

    Greetings from Ria (the Netherlands) ;0))

  15. I feel exhausted just looking at all that organising ! But such a relief when it is done :) Good luck with the marathon training too.

  16. Love the napkivtabn idea. A few years ago, I cut up and hemmed some no longer in use tablecloths. Time has come to rev up my napkin stash....they are looking a bit worse for wear.

  17. Count down to Marathon...whoo hooo! OH how I wish my sewing room were that organized ~ looking good!!!!
    I do have a growing stash of needles like that. Just read that sharps are better than universal for piecing...picked up a couple of packs three different sizes. LOL

  18. A nice clean and purged sewing room, gets those creative juices flowing. Looks wonderful.

  19. Goodness, what a wonderful sewing space, no wonder you get so much done - I like the carpet too, I bet it feels very nice on those little tired toes.....

  20. Your organization is a terrific influence to so many of us. I've got a life time supply of needles too. Keep training. You're going to do great.

  21. Yes, I have lots of needles too! And magazines! Every now and then I go through the magazines to see what I have "tabbed" and I can't seem to get rid of them. I will take a few to my guild meeting for other people, but that's about it. I didn't subscribe for a few years, but now I subscribe to a couple that had good offers. What's wrong with me!! Your room is so organized now and I bet your really feel good about that!

  22. Doesn't it feel great to get things organized? I have tons of needles too - lots of hand quilting needles to try to find something that I really like - I must be an aggressive quilter, because I seem to bend them immediately! Thanks for sharing pics of your room - it's always fun to see someone else's space!

  23. The room looks beautiful. Doesn't it feeel good to organize? I have a pikle of needles too. Then I can't find what I want and I get more.
    Good luck training and running the marathon.

  24. What a lovely workspace - no wonder you make such fabulous things! xCathy

  25. That is one good thing about moving--it makes you take a hard look at what you have been keeping around but don't really use!

  26. it's looking good, Lori!! all that really matters is that you've got your sewing machine set up and ready to go, everything else will sort itself out LOL!! cheers... Marian

  27. Good luck for the marathon -you are amazing! Glad someone else"collects" needles!! Enjoy your cleaned up sewing room.

  28. Your sewing room looks like a comfy, cozy, peaceful place to work!! Love the magazine trying to dispose of my Mom's old magazines (duplicates of mine) and it is taking a long time because I feel compelled to stop and read each one!!

  29. Great pics! Thanks for sharing and taking close ups of the quilting. Love the quilting on birds and baskets quilt.
    Your sewing room (previous post) looks great!

    1. Oooops, meant for next post, it's been a long week

  30. I love your sewing room. It looks a lot like mine. All your little wall hangings, baskets, pizza boxes etc. I also have bunches of magazines, which I look at over and over again, and I always find something new. And yes, I also have tons of needles, from tiny quilting needles to big curved upholstery needles, and just about everything in between. Its like, where did all these come from?? And yet I still have to search for "that perfect one" .. ya know?

    Unfortunately, my sewing room doubles as the guest room, and my closet doubles as my clothes closet. Oh to relegate my clothes to another room, and put shelves up for extra storage! but that ain't happening...

  31. your sewing room looks great - and it looks like you're ready to sew, sew sew!


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