
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tea Time!

I was asked by Davidson's Tea if I would be interested in an Ultimate Picnic sponsored by 
Missouri Star Quilt Co and Davidson's Teas. I could use the fabric and make whatever I wanted to help have a picnic. Well, I finished the little runner today and because the weather is lousy I thought I'd invite a friend for tea instead.
I'm actually more of a coffee drinker but when I got the teas summer was still here and I made iced tea with them. Look at the great flavors they sent me to try.  They were all very tasty, cold and hot, but my favorite is the white raspberry. What I appreciate with Davidson's Teas is they are all organic! No pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used in growing the tea they use. I like that!
There are 8 bags in each box and I would like to share. I'd like to know if you are more of a tea drinker or coffee drinker. Let me know if you'd like to win a sampler of these wonderful organic teas and I will draw a name and send some out.
I got to try a few new things on this cute little runner. A wavy stitch on my machine that I saw on Camille's blog Simplify.  What a fun stitch!

I also used it to sew the binding down. I always do my binding by hand, but time was of the essence.
The fabric I used from Missouri Star was so fun to work with. Every now and then I like using something very out of the box for me!

OK, now back to the regularly scheduled blog. :)
I hope you are all having a terrific week. I've been trying to catch up on blog reading... forgive me if I don't comment.


  1. I never acquired à taste for coffee so I'm a tea drinker all the way. Have never tried Davidson's before.

  2. I don't care for coffe so that puts me in the tea drinking camp.

  3. Definitely tea...neither my DH nor myself drink matter how you "doctor" it, it still tastes bitter to me.

    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  4. I love my morning coffee but I have also developed an affection for a cup of tea in the afternoon - must be my Scottish grandmother

  5. I'm definitely a coffee drinker! But I do like Earl Grey tea, iced or hot.

  6. The runner is adorable! I love the decorative quilting stitch and what a beautiful way to attach! I like coffee in the morning but I do enjoy a cup of tea, especially when friends visit. Would love to try those yummy flavors...and they are organic, too....nice.

  7. oohh the teas look delish! i drink them in winter as a warm up alternative to cocoa and white raspberry sounds yummy! and a pretty runner too...if i don't win, please tell me where i can buy them...

  8. I'm more of a tea drinker. I love your little table runner! I have a wavy stitch on my machine and will have to try it for quilting and binding ... I love the way it looks!

  9. I'm definitely a tea drinker. My grandparents were from England, so that probably says it all. Love the table runner you made! I've tried quilting with a large triple-zig-zag and it worked beautifully. I'll have to play with the wavy stitch too, it looks so nice.

  10. That runner is beautiful! I love that wavy stitch. So pretty. :)

  11. The wavy stitch comes in very handy for little projects like this one. I am a tea drinker! Coffee doesn't ever pass these lips, I do not like the flavor. Love the smell, just not the flavor.
    Have a great day and thanks for sharing.

  12. Lucky girl to get to play! I think we all ought to try more fun stitches our machines have for quilting..liking your wavy stitch. Yep...tea drinker and coffee.

  13. Lori - such fun you get into! Yes, I drink others drink coffee I've been told. I steep it and pour it over ice all year round. Though I haven't heard of Davidson's before, now I'll go looking for it as those flavor combos look great! Especially the Tropical Ice. Cute table/tea mat! Yes, please, I'll come for tea! :)

  14. Though I'm grumpy without my mid-morning latte (homemade), I'm a tea drinker the rest of the day, and love the fruity and herbals. Have never tried Davidson's before so definitely interested in trying some. Really love that little table topper. The black and pinks are so wonderful together.

  15. Those fabrics are definitely out of your box. When your blog's thumbnail came up on my reading list I had to look twice to make sure that runner was really on "Humble Quilts" : )
    It is fun to stretch your fabric wings now and then, isn't it?
    My machines are so basic, I don't even have that wavy stitch, but it sure looks cute on your runner.
    No need to include me in the giveaway.

  16. Not a coffee drinker, just can't get the hang of it! I love iced teas though and occasionally the fruity hot teas. Very cute table runner! It's fun and challenging to step outside the box once in awhile esp. if the project isn't very big.:) I've looked at that stitch for my recent mini tumbler quilt. Maybe now I will go ahead and try it out--it looks very nice on the table runner.

  17. Cute table runner. I am a tea drinker and have never had Davidson's. If you have enough I'd love to try some. I drink hot and cold tea. I haven't got to make my block yet from your last post but am planning to. Love your quilt!

  18. Cute table runner. I am a tea drinker and have never had Davidson's. If you have enough I'd love to try some. I drink hot and cold tea. I haven't got to make my block yet from your last post but am planning to. Love your quilt!

  19. The table runner is so cute. Love that wave stitch. I do not like coffee at all. I tried and tried in college but no go. I only like flavored teas.

  20. Coffee in the morning, hot tea later in the day, and iced tea anytime! I've never tried Davidson's but would be thrilled to remedy that, I may have to look for it locally. White raspberry sounds delicious. I have a note on my design wall to try the wavy stitch on the next appropriate project - also from Camille's blog.

  21. We looove tea at our house. Hot or cold, winter or summer, it doesn't matter. Organic tea is even better. Thanks for sharing.

  22. I have coffee in the morning but hot or ice tea in the afternoon. I would love to try the Davidson's.
    your runner is so pretty! I like to use fun stitches on my machine when I make baby quilts!

  23. How nice! I had to switch to decaf a year ago because of a heart problem. It's hard to find decaf flavored coffee, so I started drinking flavored herbal or decaf teas. I see the boxes that you have pictured are decaf and the flavors sound wonderful...I'm going to have to try it!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Que sorpresa! soy Bebedora de Café en Grandes Cantidades
    pero me gustan muchísimo Las Teteras Ÿ Tengo mi pequeña colección
    es el blog de ​​las publique HACE UN TIEMPO
    El Camino de mesa it muy guapo
    aigo sucedio en el comentario anterior y lo hetenido que borar y repetir

  26. I drink more coffee than tea BUT I love me some tea!

  27. I'm a tea drinker. I used to drink only Lipton, but I'm now appreciating the flavored teas. Thank you for offering the teas.

  28. Coffee in the morning - tea in the afternoon. I've never heard of Davidson's, but they look interesting.

  29. This whole tea thing is so unlike you. The fabrics? Machine sewing the binding down? Tea?? Are you going through a mid-life crisis??? :-) You know I only drink tea!! VBG

  30. I am more of a coffee drinker, but I do drink tea occasionally --- especially if the "flavor" appeals to me. I probably would find anything raspberry flavored my first choice.

  31. I am a coffe drinker but would enjoy trying something new.

    Love the fabric

  32. I'm a tea-totaler (is that right?) and only iced. Don't like hot tea or coffee. If I have a hot beverage, it's hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream, of course!

  33. Lori, I am a tea drinker only, Hate coffee, anyway saw the teas and thought wow white raspberry, going to run out and get some. ALSO, while I was in that great state of yours, I had some strawpropeller oatmeal. OMG it is made in Redmond. I loved it so much I had some sent to me. You need to check it out.
    Laurie from Washington

  34. Lori, thank you for the opportunity to win some of your tea. I've never tried Davidson's Tea, so I would love to win. Ever since I had my gall bladder out last year, I haven't been able to enjoy coffee. Just tea for me from now on! Good thing I have a Kruig machine for my hubby, who still loves a good cup of joe in the morning. I love the wavy stitch on your table runner. I think I'm going to get brave and start sewing down the bindings on my table runners and wall hangings. When I get them to that point, I just want to get them DONE..and fast, so I can use them.

  35. Well I like coffee first thing in the morning. After that I drink herbal tea several times a day.
    Thanks for the chance to win these delicious sounding teas.
    Sweet table runner.

    I have been using that decorative stitch for a lot of small quilts and it works really well
    on the binding don't you think?

    Happy Sewing

  36. Coffee is a daily must for me, and tea is an occasional indulgence.

  37. One cup of coffee in the AM, but both dh and I have enjoyed tea all of our years together, and we've taught the children to enjoy teas. I enlarge that stitch (length and width) and use it often! My girls and the ones we teach quilting to, LOVE it!

    Lucy (in IN)

  38. I'm a big tea drinker! Never did acquire a taste for coffee. It would be wonderful to try Davidson's Tea.

  39. I love that stitch on the machine for little quilts. I actually drink both but probably drink more tea then coffee.
    don't include me in the giveaway though...

  40. What a sweet little quilt. Great idea to quilt it with the wavy stitch, and so quick to sew down the binding- that's a trick I must try. I'm a tea drinker , so having a try of your teas would be lovely. Especially as we are going into summer- mmm iced tea.

  41. I am very much a tea drinker and don't enjoy coffee at all.. Love your table runner!

  42. I enjoy both but it seems in the winter I find teas more comforting...

  43. I am definitely a tea drinker. I don't drink coffee at all. I love iced and hot depending on the weather

  44. I am in only tea drinker in a family of coffee drinkers. I probably have 5 or 6 cups of tea a day. I must have some English genes in me somewhere.

  45. I cant stand coffee..but I love tea! these teas look terrific! would love to try some. nice table topper, by the way...i need to do something like this to bring quilting into my decor. looking forward to a fabulous weekend, thank you!

  46. How delicious! Those teas look yummy.


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