
Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 Quilts in Review

As 2013 comes to a close  I thought I'd take a look back at my most memorable quilt finishes of the year. I've done more small ones, reproductions and many for AAQI, but am not including them.
A Little Porch Time was finished and sent to Denmark in February to our exchange family as Lene takes on a battle with cancer. She is doing pretty well and when she finished chemo her and her husband took a 3 week trip to Italy! She took her quilt for treatments, but I'm pretty sure she left it home while on holiday. LOL She has a big upcoming surgery so if you are so inclined prayers for her would be lovely!
My Jubilee quilt, finished March 13, a quilt made by me, for me. My friend, Kat, did an amazing job of quilting it using wool batting.

My signature quilt for my 50th birthday finished in April. Randy surprised me by collecting blocks from my blog friends and real life friends. What a precious and meaningful quilt!
Under the Big Top, finished in November. I exchanged hst with several ladies for several months. I love everything about this quilt!!
My Christmas quilt finished in December. I made 3 blocks a month all year long. It is one of the most difficult quilts I've made with lots of set-in seams.  I'm thrilled with it!
Just Takes Two (years) finished this month too. This was designed by Gay Bomers and Brenda Papdakis to commemorate the Infinite Variety exhibit in NYC in 2011.  It is my least favorite quilt I made this year. It has a lot of work, but I'm not in love with it. I may put this one up for sale. (gasp!)

Love to you all as we close out 2013 and usher in 2014.


  1. Your quilts are exquisite .. Love all of them and the red and white is beautiful, so striking! I love quilting , everything about it, but none of mine can hold a candle to those you have made. Thanks for sharing,,,HAPPY NEW YEAR

  2. Beautiful finishes! I think I like the one made of donated blocks the best... looks like a Dear Jane, but personalized for the recipient... mebbe "Dear Lori"? lol! The Christmas one is another beauty! Already making plans for projects for 2014! :-) Stitch on!

  3. Oh I am so glad that you are doing a review of your quilts...I somehow missed your signature's magnificent!! Love the browns!! ALL of your quilts are wonderful!!! Here's to 2014!! All the best!

  4. What inspiration - your quilts are beautiful!

  5. Wow - what amazing quilts! I think I did actually gasp when you mentioned selling JT2 - I'm still very glad that I did not make it (I don't think I would have had the patience!) but I think it is beautiful. Looking forward to your quilts of 2014!

  6. I remember each one - and I loved seeing them again! What a wonderful display of your talents and personality! Thanks for sharing!!


  7. Beautiful and so different.

    Happy New Year

  8. I just finished my A Little Porch Time. It was so fun to do. Thanks for the display. All the quilts are beautiful.

  9. Wow! You really accomplished a lot in 2013! So many gorgeous quilts! No one will be cold sleeping at your house :0) I look forward to all of your 2014 projects!!

  10. Each quilt is unique and special, and I enjoyed seeing them again. Your signature quilt reminds me of many of the Farmer's Wife quilts I see, but all the more personal with the names of your friends and admirers from near and far.
    Best wishes to you and your family for a fantastic new year , Lori.

  11. Your work is to be admired, just great, bravo!

  12. Heartfelt prayers for Lene! Bless her. I hope all goes well for her. Your quilts are very beautiful!

  13. Madre mía !!!!!!
    Que colección no se cual es mas bonito.............
    Feliz 2014

  14. I've loved reading of your quilting journey this year. Thanks for the wrapup reminder of your quilts.

  15. They are all beauties, Lori! I enjoyed revisiting them. You have had some really big (and stunning) finishes this year. Will you give us a parade of your little ones next? Would love to see them, too. : )

  16. admirable, charming, dazzling, exquisite, grand, magnificent, pretty, stunning..... I could go on and on!

  17. Happy new Year Lori, you achieved a lot more than those amazing quilts this year! I hope 2014 brings you all good things x

  18. I just love that all your quilts are big ones!! useful ones...I tend to make a bunch of small ones. I need to make bigger ones, more often. I just said a prayer for your friend undergoing surgery. I sure hope she continues to do well. Happy New Year, Lori!!

  19. Your quilts are so gorgeous! Esp. love Under the Big Top. I want to make one of those some day. The colors are so good in the last quilt--are you sure you can't upcycle it (now that it's quilted) into something more interesting to you like body pillows for your bed, a string of stuffed hearts for country Christmas decor etc.?

  20. Let me know when you decide to sell the Just Takes Forever (!!) quilt. Maybe someone will want matching quilts!!! :-)

  21. Some real beauties! Happy New Year!

  22. You had an amazing quilting year!!
    Here's to many more in 2014!

  23. They are all fabulous! Six large finishes is great - especially with lots of other things going on for you.

  24. I love your quilts! Under the Big Top is my all-time favorite and I'm planning one for myself. You had a GREAT 2013!

  25. They are all beautiful but I think the Christmas one is my favorite. Yuck on the "Y" seams though. You have a lot to show for the year 2013. I hope you have as many or more for 2014. Happy New Year.

  26. What an amazing and beautiful body of work you have to show us! And for just one year. I esp. love your Jubilee quilt and of course Big Top.

    I think you should keep JTT because it is stunning, a work of art. Put it away and wait til next Xmas to look at it again, I bet you ll love it.

    Best wishes for a happy, healthy, joyous New Year, Lori!

    lizzy at gone to the beach

    PS ''Doll qult-along? In January?'' [she suggested hopefully...]

  27. Congratulations on these achievements - you have been so productive. What a great way to sum up the year and all the memories associated with each quilt!
    Happy New Year and many new quilts to come :)

  28. Wow, look at all those beauties you made!!

  29. Happy New Year Lori! Wonderful year of SALs, thank you, following your beautiful quilts and making it thru some milestones.On to to 2014 and new accomplishments!

  30. I had forgotten about the blocks from bloggers and friends that you made into a quilt. Along with your Jubilee quilt, it made for a memorable 50th birthday.
    Are you still jumping out of planes?

  31. What a fabulous year of creativity. I know there's more to come in 2014.

  32. How wonderful to see them all together! Congrats on some fabulous quilts.

  33. Thanks for the review. I like all of them. I'd like to make a copy of big top and your Christmas quilt. My goal in 2014 is to make as many quilts as you made in 2013!

  34. What an inspiring year (or two!) of quilts. Happy New Year and hope there are lots more lovely quilts on your blog in 2014!

  35. what an amazing quilting year you have had Lori!!
    Happy New Year, can't wait to see what you do next year.

  36. Really great finishes for the year.

  37. So wonderful....extraordinary quilts !
    Cécile from France !

    1. Thank you Cecile!! I appreciate your kind comment.

  38. Beautiful, awesome quilts 2013 was a good quilting year for you

  39. First prayers for Lene starting.
    Your quilts are amazingly beautiful. I can hardly believe you would consider selling JT2. That is a is beautiful. But if you don't love it, someone else will for sure. I look forward to seeing your 2014 quilts.

  40. love them all, even JTT....mine is yet to be basted (groan)....

  41. It's a like a trip down memory lane seeing your 2013 quilt projects... there isn't a single one I don't love!
    How wonderful that Lene visited Italy... so happy for her. Prayers coming.

  42. Great quilts! Such a lot achieved in 2013. Wishing you and yours all the best for 2014 too. Prayers said.

  43. Wow, you had some awesome finishes last year and I love every one of them. I hope you have a wonderful quilts year ahead.

  44. What a year! All very beautiful and inspiring quilts. You make me want to RUN to my sewing machine!

  45. I agree with the commenter above are always an inspiration.

  46. All I can think of is WOW-- what accomplishments. Not just quilts... but the details in the individual blocks of the quilts... Can't wait to see what 2014 has in store.


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