
Friday, December 13, 2013

Baskets and More

I have my next basket complete.
Wendy, Legends and Lace is offering these monthly. I'm enjoying using the scraps I won from Cyndi.  After Wendy read I thought these were challenging blocks she said she would do a hand piecing tutorial when she releases the next basket. Some of them would be easier to hand piece because of the set-in seams. The other reason I think they are challenging is the 16ths for the sizes. (7/16, etc) If you've done the Jane Stickle quilt you'll have no problems.
Here are my 5 baskets.

Gay of Sentimental Stitches and Beyond the Cherry Tree  fame and Brenda Papadakis from Dear Jane fame are doing an applique BOM starting next month! It is called the Benjamin Biggs quilt and is green, red and indigo on cream background......right up my alley! You can check it out HERE.

Karen, from Karen's Quilts, Crows & Cardinals is doing a wonderful hand applique tutorial. Go HERE to get the info.

Have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. Wow, love your basket blocks! Thank you for the link to the Benjamin Biggs quilt. Another beautiful red and green quilt for your collection. If only I didn't have a big applique project already...sigh.

  2. Love that quilt - how will it work? Do they charge you by the month? What colors are you going to do?

  3. WOW!!! Love your basket blocks. For sure a 2014 project :0


  4. I love your baskets. I am designing my own baskets to finish at 6" for a row quilt. I did not see the one you are making before; but I sure love them and could used your pictures as inspirations for my assortment. Thanks.

  5. Lori, I love baskets. Yours are great. I didn't know you were doing those…Bring them next week. I want to take a closer look…LOL

  6. I love baskets. Yours are beautiful. I must resist, I am just getting further behind on that UFO list. And I do not have room for any more.

  7. Love your baskets...and I am checking out Benjamin Biggs!!!

  8. I love your baskets! Pretty colors. I started a new quilt with baskets and stars this year too called Abigail's Pins by Pam Buda. I love baskets. Have a great day!

  9. Your newest basket is lovely! Oh - that applique quilt would be so much fun! I will have to think about it.... :0)

  10. LOVE the baskets Lori -- not sure I could do all the piecing but they are Beautiful when they are done. Thanks for the plug on the tutorial - having fun! The Benjamin Biggs quilt is stunning... I'm tempted... Stay warm now...

  11. Oh my. The Benjamin Biggs quilt is wonderful! I'm in. No need to think further - I've got all the supplies right in my stash.

  12. The basket looks great! Love the scrappy look. I have made the next 3 already, so will get that Tutorial happening soon. Wendy

  13. Your baskets are gorgeous ! Just yesterday I made a list of quilts to finish in 2014 and NO new temptations were to be allowed - have to scrap that list now and add Benjamin Biggs !! I have plenty of white, green and red - plus the indigo of course. Thanks so much for the link, I would never have found it otherwise.

  14. genial estas cestas !!!
    gracias por el enlace

  15. nice baskets...i knew those scraps from cyndi would be gorgeous!

  16. Your baskets look wonderful Lori! I'm so excited about the Benjamin Biggs quilt!! Love it....Thank you for posting the info for us...I've got all my blocks done for Sally Post, just need to put it together. Maybe before I start Benjamin?

  17. Your blocks look great! I'll have to think about the Benjamin Biggs quilt, I have a lot of other project to finish.

  18. Love your new header quilt! My friend who's just finishing up her Sally Post blocks and I discussed doing the Benjamin Bigg quilt. We saw some of it at the Dear Jane retreat last month. I'm still on the fence because there are so many other things that need to be finished................

  19. Your baskets are terrific. And I also appreciate the link!

  20. Your baskets are looking so gorgeous!

  21. I love your baskets! The colors are great also.


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