
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Red & White- Just Takes 2 (years!)

 This radiant star is one of my favorites in this quilt. 
I brought this to my quilter and friend (Kat, A Thread Runs Through It) last January along with my jubilee quilt and birthday signature quilt and originally we talked about two threads with custom quilting, but ya know, after a year of it being gone I didn't miss it that much so I told her to give it an allover pattern. It would have looked fantastic with custom quilting, but I'm pleased with this as it is.
 I thought the snow was a good backdrop for this quilt. It's big too so this is the best place to see the whole thing.
My quilter said I didn't have enough backing so she trimmed the top and bottom border so it would fit. By the time I was done trimming it I have 4 different size borders! LOL

It is possible my backing shrunk up a bit as I did prewash it because it was  red.
 After dragging it around outside I washed it and got it on my bed. 
Someone asked why I wash my quilts when they are done.  If I have hand quilted they have been carted around for months and possibly years and if I have sent it to be machine quilted it's the same thing. I want to put a clean quilt on my bed. I do not pre wash my fabrics (I did with this one) and like to get all the sizing out and have it shrink up.
 What did we do before color catchers?
 One fabric bled a little but not enough to bother me.

 Feeling good about this finishes! Am going to make a list of quilts to tackle in 2014.


  1. wow it is beautiful, gives me the urge to get mine basted and start quilting it this year...and i agree, i always wash after quilting for the very same reason....

  2. Congratulations! Great finish! You were very brave with the wash. I don't see any bleeding.

  3. Gotta love a red and white quilt!! I do not prewash fabrics either, but then love to wash them when they are them that wrinkly, puffed up look I love.

  4. I finished my Red and White quilt about a year or so ago and it still makes me smile when I go into my room and see it :)

  5. Looks so good Lori. Job well done. My just takes two is only in the instructions phase. I like your different reds, they add depth.

  6. So pretty!! I need to get some catchers, have never used them.

  7. I know this quilt was a real pain in your side (to put it nicely!) when you were making it, but it really is beautiful!

  8. What a accomplishment! It's beautiful! I think I may hold off a little longer. Thanks for sharing.

  9. *swoon* absolutely gorgeous. And I am the same when it comes to washing fabric. A new warm crinkly quilt fresh from the drier is a little slice of heaven.

  10. What an awesome finish. It looks beautiful.

  11. That's wonderful! Could you send us over a little sun? Please....

  12. It looks fabulous! I think the all over pattern looks very good. It's such an interesting quilt with so many blocks to enjoy. Enjoy!!

  13. I like your reasoning on the quilting design. It looks wonderful!
    I don't prewash my fabrics, either--used to, but got too impatient. So even though you did prewash these, you got that much on the color catchers. I need to remember that if I ever do a red/white quilt!

  14. Your quilt is beautiful Lori! Enjoy using it on your bed! I just love color catchers!

  15. Really wonderful, I too opted for an all over quilting, I think it blend all the blocks patterns very well.

  16. It is stunning!!! And it looks gorgeous on the bed too. Enjoy.

  17. I love that it was a 2 year process...shows me that patients can result in something beautiful and satisfying!

  18. hahaha. I love your little "2 years' aside. But, really, I am thoroughly impressed at the 2 years. Anyway, congrats on a fantastic finish! I love that red and white in the snow. I've had reds bleed just a bit years later. Not enough to bother me either. I have a quilt on my bed that gets washed regularly. My (dearest) husband had an alcohol/water ice pack on his knees recently and the bag leaked onto my quilt. The alcohol made the red fabric bleed. That one bothered me.

  19. It looks fantastic - congratulations on the finish!! Must get back to mine...!

  20. Looks great, Lori. I'm afraid to wash mine yet as I did not prewash most of the 59 fabrics in mine. Color Catchers are a quilter's best friend!

  21. Oh.. So pretty! Too funny about your borders ending up being different sizes! What a great time of the year to get your quilt back too.:)

  22. Absolutely gorgeous! I love the all-over quilting... thinking that custom would have taken the attention away from the beautiful piecing of the blocks... this all worked out perfectly (in my opinion anyways)!

  23. A stunning quilt ! WOW ! Congrats on a Awesome finish !

  24. It's just beautiful...inspiring me to do some more on my version...

  25. Beautiful quilt,remind me of that fantastic Red and White Quilt show at the NY Armory several years ago. I prewash all the time, I want to know it won't bleed or shrink before I sew it. Happy holidays!

  26. I've seen this one custom quilted, but your quilter did an amazing job with this all over. I LOVE it and its finished and you get to enjoy and use it, how wonderful. This is on my 2014 list of piecing. I have to regroup and find out exactly where I am at. Seeing yours is a motivator!

  27. Amazing finish, Lori. The quilting seems to compliment it nicely.

    I just love red and white quilts. I have one picked out as my next BIG project. I never prewash my fabrics either but I will for this one. I might even wash the red fabrics twice.

  28. What a gorgeous quilt! Well worth the time and effort, so beautiful.I find that allover machine quilting looks much better after the quilt is washed and plumped up softly. Kinda hides the sharp stitchlines?

    Have you ever used Retayne? It is a fabric prewash that stops dyes from bleeding; esp good on reds. I believe it physically changes the dyes' structure[s] so that it becomes more stable. I treat all my possible bleed fabrics with Retayne and I also wash finished quilts , adding Retayne to the wash cycle. You can order it online or maybe find at Joann's Fabrics. Well worth having a bottle on hand.

    It easy to be fooled tho. The worst bleeding disaster I ever had was with a set of antique applique blocks: the little yellow birds just bleed and bleed, maybe ruined the blocks. I ve set them aside til I can really work on removing the yellow pee-stain mess. Who expected pale yellow to fade like that? sigh
    happy holidays!


  29. Love this Lori. I also can't wait to finish the binding on a quilt, just so I can throw it in the washing machine and I actually dry it in the dryer. I love grabbing it from the dryer. It's a wonderful sense of accomplishment.

  30. Oh wow how beautiful.....I must finish mine and she has new one coming out that looks fantastic too!

    Beautiful Lori, good for you for getting it done!
    Happy Sewing

  31. Congratulations on a brilliant finish, it just looks stunning in the snow. You're making me want to make it, maybe one day...

  32. well done Lori on getting your JT2 quilt finished, ( just in time to start the next one) I am still working slowly on a pieced border for mine and hope by the time it comes to quilting i will be up to the job. Merry Christmas to you

  33. It is a beautiful quilt and the snow was a perfect place to take a photo. Love those color catchers and especially love red & white quilts.

  34. I had prewashed the quilt fabrics for the top. I cut the backing about 10-12 inches longer than the quilt top..then I thought I'd better wash the backing, because I had washed the quilt top fabric. Pieced the backing and washed and dried it. It shrunk considerably. I had to add more fabric to it to make it the right size for the top. Fabric these days is made a lot cheaper than just 5-7 years ago and it really shrinks. I will always prewash my fabric from now on. I just can't take the chance of a wonky quilt after I put so much time into piecing and making sure that my points match and the blocks are the right size. How heartbreaking it would be for a gift recepient to wash their beloved quilt and have it turn out a mess because of shrinking.

  35. Beautiful! For a two color quilt it is very interesting, too, because of the variety of pattern and fabric. Well done!

  36. Gorgeous! Kat did a beautiful job of quilting your JT2. An e2e is a very good choice for a busy pattern. Congrats on a finish! (My blocks are still in a pizza box and may be a just takes two decades :0) Well done!

  37. So gorgeous! Congrats on a terrific finish!

  38. Amazing Lori! The quilting just brings it all together in such an elegant way!

  39. Congrats Lori, it is simply gorgeous!! and huge Wow! I love it. I wonder what the quilters, in a hundred years or so, will think of your 4 different size borders. I wish I could listen to all the "explaining" they will come up with LOL. Thanks for sharing.

  40. Just perfect for Christmas!! I always wash my fabrics before doing anything with them and I've never had a problem. Of course, I do stay away from white fabric, but have added a red and white quilt to my "want to make" list. Merry Christmas!

  41. Winter, a perfect time for a red and white quilt. I like to wash a quilt after it is finished. I like the crinkly look.
    I was thinking just last evening that I need to make a list of what needs finishing and make some concrete plans for 2014.

  42. Lori, i'm speechless!! your quilt is beautiful beyond words.. the quilting really sets it off :))) cheers... Marian

  43. Look at you,another finished quilt. It looks great on the bed. I love the look after it is washed, almost makes it look like an antique with the wrinkled look.Can't wait to see what you have next to show us. Merry Christmas.

  44. It is so beautiful and Christmasy too!

  45. I seem to be seeing more red and white quilts these days and I just love them. Yours is no exception! It is gorgeous and I am tempted to make my own red and white quilt! As for the bleeding, it happens sometimes and it isn't worth stressing about!

  46. Congratulations to have the quilt DONE!
    I just have 2 large blocks left, then can finish mine off!
    All the best this Holiday season!
    Take care, Leslie

  47. This quilt turned out beautifully and I am still stunned that you got it done anyhow!

  48. Wonderful and WELL worth the work!!!

  49. Lori, it's great! I am inspired to get my border on, finally, and get it done. Yours looks great, especially in the snow!

  50. I love all the quilts you make Lori, as they are quirky, and things dont have to be perfect, although they look pretty fine to me. This one is lovely!
    Tell me how you wash your big quilts, as I seem to only make big ones, and only have showers in my home. - No bath to put them in.

  51. Just so beautiful. Seeing yours finished makes me want to go back and finish making mine.
    You Gay is doing another one this year starting in January.

  52. It looks fabulous, Lori and perfect against the snow background. Well done you!! Sleep well!

  53. congrats on another wonderful finish Lori - wow how many quilts did you finish in 2013? Amazing.


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