
Monday, December 23, 2013

Third Friday at Quiltworks!

The first Friday of this month brought stormy weather so I canceled my planned trip to Quiltworks for the event but made it there last week when I met Randy for lunch.
As usual the display did not disappoint!
First up is a challenge from the Central Oregon Modern Quilt Guild.  Take a glance at the next 6 quilts....see a theme? It was fun to come up the stairs and notice the vibrant colors right away.

These next two quilts are from the Blockin' Robins group. Isn't that the cutest name?!

And these last 3 quilts were made by quilters from Jefferson county Library's Novel Quilt Group.

Hope you enjoyed coming along with me for the show! Anne of Cottons and Wool will be the featured quilter in February! It is going to be a terrific show.

I hope you are all enjoying yourself preparing for Christmas. I have had numerous festivities going on and am enjoying every one of them!!
Happy Monday!


  1. Hey Lori, Thanks for the review, quite a diverse group of quilts! And I Love how your Cheery quilt is coming along! I remember you showed us the blocks last year but I don't think I saw themall together. It is spectacular! Have a wonderful holiday! cheers, CW

  2. Just as in Randy's post of this event, the good old log cabin quilt is my favorite. I am such a stick-in-the-mud. I can enjoy all of the bright colors, and even like to sew with them on occasion, but my heart always gravitates to the traditional blocks--especially in dark-&-dirty colors. : )
    Merry Christmas, Lori!

  3. Love all the colors! I am so attracted to lots of color right now. The more the better. Thanks for sharing

  4. Lori, Thank you for sharing all those fun, bright quilts...joyful colors. Have a great Christmas! Hugs, Ann

  5. I always enjoy looking at your pictures because you catch quilts I miss. That was great fun!! thanks for meeting me!

  6. Aww, thanks for the plug. I'm a bit nervous! Once again, great show.

  7. Such a nice group of quilts. Thanks for sharing them.

  8. Merry Christmas to you and your family! We finally got into the 30's - loving it....

  9. Merry Christmas Lori! I enjoyed the show - thanks for sharing! I love the hollyhocks in the Blockin Robin's quilt. Enjoy all of your festivities!!

  10. oh yea, there's definitely a lime green "thread" running through those quilts~!!
    loved seeing them. thank you for sharing.


  11. awesome quilts! thanks for sharing Lori!

  12. An interesting variety of quilts. I have to say that I like the log cabin quilt best.

  13. Great quilts! I love the trees and the log cabin.

    Merry Christmas!


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