
Friday, January 3, 2014

AAQI Finale

Before 2013 came to end and AAQI closed up shop I managed to purchase three more quilts.
This one resides at my moms home. Years past she lived on a ranch, rode horses, and branded cows. I thought this one was appropriate for her. It's called "Ladies Choice at the OK Corral".
Danish Fall

Sampler 2

AAQI is now closed for business but raised over 1 million dollars for Alzheimer's research. Thank you Ami Simms!! We love you!!

Thank you all who supported AAQI by purchasing my quilts.

Have a fantastic weekend!! I am going to SEW!


  1. Those quilts are so cute. The one for your Mom is adorable.

  2. You are such a dear to make some last minute purchases for this noble cause! The Cowgirl quilt is precious. I think your Mom will really like it (she may not know why, but she'll like it!)

    Many blessings to You this year.

  3. How wonderful. What all will you be sewing on? I am taking the tree down, watching the Army American Bowl as a good friend is in it and our head coach is helping coach, laundry and then if get motivated, will find some more fabric to finish the quilt top and get it sewn together...won't be able to attempt to finish if for awhile...but hope to soon.

  4. I am so proud of you and your effort for this very worthy cause...and I love the cowboys!! I have one of your little quilts, and it is displayed year round on the roll top desk...I love it!

  5. Oh, Lori, I have been kicking myself for not getting in one last order. I realized on New Year's Eve that I hadn't got back to make a purchase. Too late. : (
    You have been wonderful in your efforts to help raise funds and awareness for this worthy cause. You inspired me to get involved. I feel so lucky to have two of your little AAQI creations and one of your collaborative efforts with Kathie on the wall of my "little quilts" corner.
    Have a great "sew" day!

  6. A very big thank you to you too for all your efforts. One day they will find the answers to beat this.

  7. Thank you for getting me involved in AAQI. I enjoyed making and buying, but mostly the stories of the monetary awards advancing research. A history making effort by so many!

  8. Such a varied and special group of little quilts here.
    I appreciate your frequent posts about AAQI. Because of the info that you shared, I was lucky to purchase several little ones and feel honored that I was able to help just a bit in this special fund raising project.

  9. It's amazing how Ami has made such a big difference. There aren't enough words. Love your new purchases.

  10. what an amazing mission Ami had - and you too Lori.
    Love these little quilts, especially the cowboy quilt for you mom -
    Happy New Year

  11. Great quilts. Wishing you a very Happy New Year. Hugs

  12. I've got my 9 blocks made, now all I have to do is added the borders between the blocks,
    oh and cut a bunch more hsts :0)
    Love your friends big top too.
    Happy Sewing


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