
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Quiltworks First Friday

First Friday at Quiltworks was cancelled this month for the first time but it is nice the quilts hang for a whole month. This month featured quilter was Anne of Cottons N Wool
She does gorgeous work!! Nothing like seeing them in person to get your creativity going.

The group quilts were by the Fiber Chix and couldn't be more different than Anne's.

It was hard to tell what was the quilting and what was the fabric. Looks like a lot of work.

This one was my favorite of the juicy fruit challenge.

I'm leaving town for a few days. My dad was hospitalized and now has been moved to a nursing home. He is failing fast.  If he makes it he will be 89 mid- March!

Love to you all!

Be sure to add your MidWinter Blues HERE, if you haven't. And if you haven't seen them you are missing out!!


  1. Thanks for sharing the quilt show, Lori. Beautiful work, ladies. Prayers for you, Lori, your Dad, and your family.

  2. Oh, Anne's work makes my mouth water--wonderful stuff!!
    Your Dad, you, and your family will be in my prayers. Safe travels!

  3. Sorry to hear about your Dad, it is wonderful that you can be with him, safe travels.

    Thanks for the quilt show.very inspiring,
    Happy Sewing

  4. Wow, what an inspiring group of beautiful quilts! So nice you can visit your dad. Have a safe trip!

  5. Once again you inform and inspire me. I was not familiar with Anne's work and will be on the hunt for it. I hope your Dad improves. It is very hard isn't it to watch them fail. My Mom just turned 89 on 2/8 and while definitely slowing down she's doing fairly well. There are definitely health challenges but so far so good. You Dad and family will be in our thoughts and prayers.

  6. So very beautiful. Thanks for sharing these amazing quilts.

  7. Thanks for the photo tour! Blessings on your travels and your time with your dad! May God fill your heart with peace!

    Blessings and hugs!

  8. Lori the quilts are beautiful - thanks for sharing. You and your dad will be in my thoughts - time together is good -- be safe. Karen

  9. Have a safe trip! I will praying for you and your dad....

  10. The quilts are beautiful. Thank you for sharing and you and your dad are in my thoughts. Enjoy your time with him.

  11. All the very best for your father and your trip. Thanks for sharing photos of all these quilts.

  12. Best to your dad. Hope you can have some quality time with him. Thanks for the quilt show. Lovely!

  13. Thinking of you and your dad, and hoping that you two have lovely time together.
    Thanks for the quilt show - always a delight!

  14. Bring the smelling salts, I'm swooning over all this quilty goodness!! Especially over that top photo!!

  15. Very special, beautiful quilts, every one. I appreciate your sharing the quilt show with us.
    Safe travels, and best wishes for you and your dad and your family.
    Our aging parents -- such an important part of our lives. I don't know which is more important--our time with them, or their knowing that we want to be with them.

  16. Best Wishes for your Dad's health. It is a hard road to go down watching them diminish. Cherish every moment.

  17. So sorry to hear about your father. Wishing you the best for the both of you. You're in my prayers. Have a safe trip. I am sure he will appreciate having you by his side.

  18. Deseo lo mejor para tu padre !!!
    seguro que cuando estés cerca
    y le mimes estará muy feliz
    los trabajos son preciosos
    besinos para los dos

  19. Anne's work is awesome! Will be sending hugs and prayers to you and your family.

  20. Thinking of you and your dad. Loved seeing Anne's work. It was inspirational even from a distance.

  21. Thinking of you and your dad and sending big hugs. I understand what you're going thru and it's not a fun time, that's for sure. Thanks for the shout out of my show. I really appreciate your support.

  22. Sorry about your Dad, Lori. This is a difficult part of life right now for all of us with parents in this age group. My mom just went from the hospital to nursing home in January. My dad has aged overnight---guess he was just holding on by a thread!! Safe travels and know you are in my prayers

  23. Difficult times for you and your family, I hope you have a nice visit with your dad. Thanks for sharing the show and tell.

  24. Best wishes and prayers for your family! Thanks for sharing. . .

  25. what wonderful quilts ! I really loved the house quilts especially.
    How amazing that you can see these quilts on an on going basis -

  26. p.s. so sorry to hear about your dad - sending you hugs and prayers!

  27. Hey Lori, What a great collection of quilts! Ann has a great sense of color and the wool just adds to the texture and cozy feeling to her quilts. And I (of course) love the bold colors of the Juicy fruit challenge. The star quilt layout was particularly nice! cheers, CW

  28. Lori, I'm so glad that I'll be able to get there this month!! Can't wait to see you!

  29. What a lovely quilt show. Ann is certainly very talented. Love the Fiber Chix quilts too. Hugs

  30. Thanks for the show & tell Lori. My thoughts are with you and your Dad. It will be a hard time for you. Hope he makes it to his 89th birthday. :-)

  31. I am sorry to hear about your Dad - I hope you are able to have a good visit with him. Safe travels!! Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures :0)

  32. I appreciate your virtual quilt show every month and look forward to them. Prayers to you and your dad.

  33. I tried to leave a comment earlier with no luck. Will try again.
    The pictures of Anne's quilts are wonderful. So much goodness to look at.
    I am sorry to hear about your father. Is he in a place nearby?

  34. Can you tell me what book/pattern for the 2 house quilts. Love them all! Thanks for sharing. Dee


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