
Friday, February 28, 2014

The Stars Were Aligned

This is a quilt I've been working on and wanted the recipient to receive it before posting about it. I've mentioned before about a group of us that met while making the Jane Stickle Quilt back in 1997, this is the work of that group. One in our group is hitting some hard life bumps right now and we wanted to make her a quilt to show our love and for her to feel our presence when we can't be their in person. (I just talked about this with my dad's quilt and know you all understand) Recently another friend sent me the book The Blue & The Grey, by Country Threads and the cover photo was perfect for our Civil War fabric loving friend. When I looked at that cover quilt is was only 36" square! So, a little enlarging on Electric Quilt and we were in business. We divided up the blocks and squishes were coming in from many places across the US, one package from Canada, and one from Australia.
As the packages came in I assembled, and waited. Thankfully the two week deadline worked out for Kim, the machine quilter. (She is working out of Quiltworks in Bend and I can recommend her)  I was waiting for the mail lady to come on the last day. The quilt was going to the quilters no matter what.

The mail lady even came early bearing a package from Australia with a block, three flying geese sashing and 2 cornerstone blocks. I was so thrilled!! And as soon as I sewed them in I was on my way to the Bend to meet up with the quilter.

In my haste I made a little whoops with the backing. The quilter had to add the bottom gold cause it was too short!  It looks good.

I had her do an all over pattern since it was such a busy quilt. It was perfect for all that piecing!

I sewed the binding down the evening I got the quilt back and packed it up to take to my dads and hand sew down.

These were taken at my dads house before packaging it up to send off the next morning. I did that before leaving town to head home so I could make sure it went out.

The quilt made it and I know it holds lots of prayers and healing rays. The way it all went together I know the stars are aligning to help her get over the hard knocks life is giving her now.

We love you, dear friend.


  1. It is really beautiful and I know it will cover your friend in the warmth of fabric and friendship.

  2. I love the quilt, Lori. Good choice for your friend. I know it will mean so much to her.

  3. That's a beauty! She's gonna love it and if she don't give her my addy!

  4. How wonderful!!!! I know she'll love it. It's just her kind of quilt - scrappy and pieced with love. I know she'll feel the love!

  5. Beautiful! There is nothing better than a big quilty hug from friends.

  6. Oh my gosh, it's beautiful! There's nothing better in my book than happy little nine patches! She's going to love the quilt and the love that it contains!

  7. A beautiful quilt with a story, perfect. And the back is perfect too.

  8. It is STUNNING...I can feel the love radiating off of it and I'm sure your friend can too!! Wishing her all the best!!

  9. What a gorgeous quilt!! How lovely to have so many friends come together to make it! She will be feeling the love!

  10. What a heart warming project! I am sure it will provide much love and comfort!

  11. Wonderful quilt and I'm so glad your group was able to express their care and concern in this way. I'm jealous of the spring-like background in the picture of you. We're sitting here with 3 ft. or more piles of snow and I can't imagine what it is going to be like when it starts thawing. Again, lovely quilt!

  12. Beautiful quilt, both the message and the love that you have given!

  13. The quilt came out beautifully and I know it will bring loving warmth to comfort her in the days to come.


  14. Another beautifull success from you, bravo!

  15. What a beautiful will surely bring her comfort. Well done!

  16. Wow, love this in so many ways! Kudos to you for bringing this heart warming project together :0) Beautiful!

  17. This beauty of a quilt is wonderfully scrappy, a shared project, and obviously filled with love for its new owner. To me, that's the best possible way to use our beloved craft. Best wishes sent from my heart to all of yours for a job well done. And wishes and prayers sent to your friend as well for better days.
    How large was the quilt after enlarging the pattern? It looks to be maybe 45 x 60? It definitely looks like cuddling size.

  18. Preciosa, preciosa !!!!!!
    este amigo sera muy feliz

  19. How wonderful. The quilt is beautiful and the sentiment is heart warming. Hugs

  20. What a gorgeous quilt, Lori. I'm sure your friend will be so happy to receive it. Especially with all the love and affection that went into the making of it.

  21. It's good to hear these heart warming stories as winter is not letting go in Iowa, and I've had a visitation and two funerals this week and I'm OK I'm working on some fun projects. It's a beautiful quilt and make up nice in a miniature--perhaps you next quilt along?

  22. Oh what an awesome idea and what a beautiful quilt for comfort.

  23. Gorgeous and full of handmade, heartfelt love. Hope the recipient is feeling better!

    SO beautiful.

    Now and then I also quilt, go ahead and have a look:

    Brigitte from Belgium

  25. Love that book--love that quilt--love the concern shown by friends for a friend who is troubled.
    Enlarging it appears to have worked out wonderfully, and all of the stars aligning seems to say it was meant to be.
    What a cute shot of you holding the finished top! : )

  26. How very special Lori... Sweet friends you are. The quilt is beautiful and I'm sure it will be cherished. Hugs all around...

  27. Such a beautiful quilt and heartfelt message for your dear friend! Have a great weekend.

  28. Lucky gal to have such special friends - I know she'll treasure this quilt - it's beautiful - and now I might need to make one of my own! LOL

  29. Gorgeous quilt! Your friend is going to feel the love that went into making the quilt for her. The quilt is a happy looking quilt. I just made the version in the book, but after seeing it enlarged, I might need to make another one. Thanks for sharing it!

  30. Wow! What a great story. Beautiful, charming quilt. Everyone involved sure wrapped a special someone in love and prayer and many, many blessings.

  31. That is a gorgeous quilt, sure to lift her spirits. I pray it works it's magic and she is doing better soon.

  32. Very lovely quilt and really, such a wonderful, thoughtful gift from all of you. Now she can be wrapped in your love.:)

  33. What a great quilt; so many repros to look at. Your friend is certain to be warmed by it, in more ways than one.

  34. What an awesome quilt! Just the ticket to help cheer the soul!

  35. Fantastic special finish. Love the Dear Jane header!

  36. Lori, What a beautiful gift of friendship! When you cannot be there to comfort her, she can wrap up in that wonderful quilt and feel the love and hugs from all her dear friends. Bless you! I will keep her in my prayers.

  37. Love the scrappiness of this quilt! It's like a huge happy hug! :-) Speedy recovery for your friend!

  38. Oh, my goodness, what beautiful gift that she can wrap herself in your collective love. Gorgeous pattern! She is blessed, indeed, to have such thoughtful friends!

  39. Nothing better than quilted love and support! It's a gorgeous gift!

  40. I echo the above comments... beautiful quilt, and beautiful souls who contributed their talents for a friend in need of heartwarming thoughtfulness.

  41. What. Wonderful people quilters are! You did. A beautiful job on so many levels.

  42. You and your friends did a wonderful job on this quilt. It radiates with the love quilted within.
    Great job to all you.
    Thanks for sharing.

  43. Your friend is a very lucky woman to have such wonderful friends.

  44. I can see the love that went into making that gorgeous quilt, and I'm sure it's bringing your dear friend great comfort. What a beautiful gift :)) cheers... Marian

  45. What a lovely and heartwarming post.

  46. A lovely thoughtful quilt for we know who.
    She is loved by so many and know she will feel the love and warmth when she wraps it around her.
    The makers are all special souls too.

  47. I agree with Marian you can just see the love in this quilt - beautiful.

  48. Stunning!!! I love Civil War era fabrics! A sweet gift indeed!

  49. This turned out so beautiful! What a wonderful gift for your friend! HUGS... and stitches

  50. Such a beautiful quilt and such a loving gift! It made me happy just seeing the pictures. I know it had to make the recipient feel happy and very loved. Great job Ladies!

  51. Nice of you to arrange the nice gift for your friend, I'm glad it all worked out for the pretty blocks from far away. two weeks is a quick turn around. Hope she feels all the Quilty Hugs and heals quickly! Prayers for her and your dad, too.

  52. Such a beautiful quilt! I'm sure your friend will feel the love put into every stitch.

  53. It's a beautiful quilt and has such special meaning.

  54. Loving and inspiring! You did a wonderful deed Lori!

  55. Really a beauty! Would never tire of looking at it because of the varied beautiful colors.

  56. Oooh Lori I love this, really beautiful. I absolutely love flying geese, and they look amazing in this quilt. What a lovely and heartfelt gift for your friend, such wonderful generosity.


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