
Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I've been working more and I tell ya, it is interfering with my sewing time! LOL I got a bobbin wound and my machine set up with the correct color thread and that is as far as I've gotten on my Sally Post blocks this week. I'm hopeful every day though!

Marsha finished her medallion quilt from the sewalong Randy and I did. You can see her beauty HERE.  If you are looking for a fun sewalong the center applique pattern can be found HERE. 

Now, for a lack of my quilts to show I'll share with you some lovely antique 4 block quilts from a quilt show.  These are so fantastic!!

Make it a fantastic Wednesday!!


  1. Oh my...these quilts are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Hugs

  2. Wow - these are fabulous! I love, love that last one! I like the cheddar added to the red and green and what a great border. Did you see these recently? I hope you can get to your machine in the next day or two :0)

  3. Amazing what 4 big blocks can create! (and a beautiful border!)

  4. They are all gorgeous quilts and always love those types of designs, fun ones to reproduce.


  5. Oh look at the borders!
    Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Sewing

  6. Thanks for the four block feast today. That working does cramp one's style, doesn't it. I appliqued one bud last night and that's the extent of my sewing for the last three weeks.

  7. Work sure does mess with the quilting time, doesn't it? A four-block quilt is on my "someday" list - thanks for sharing those amazing examples!

  8. Thanks for sharing beautiful eye candy today. YUM!

  9. Love those four-block quilts!

  10. Those are amazing quilts! Thanks so much for sharing. LOVE antique inspiration.:)

  11. 4 Blocks quilts with AWESOME borders! Thanks for sharing!!! Don't work so hard.

  12. Sigh - wonderful !! thanks for the show :)

  13. I enjoyed seeing Marsha's quilt very much. It has given me a nudge, mine is still on my design wall waiting for layering. In my defence, we have had renovations and a new sewing room taking place over the last 12 months!
    Thanks for showing these quilts. I particularly like the grey trees, I would never have thought of using grey but it's stunning.

  14. Wow, love those quilts. Can we ever see enough red/green/cream appliques? I doubt it!

  15. Thanks for the eye candy... they are lovely!
    I still think it's unfair to work 5 days a week, and only be rewarded with 2 days off... it really does cut into sewing/quilting/blogging time!

  16. Love the antique quilts. I think I should have lived in that era! :)

  17. Just beautiful...lots of work made for great eye candy!

  18. Love the eagle quilt. And the pots of flowers is a good one too. Sort of a chunky look.

  19. Ohhhh those are awesome quilts. I don't know that I've ever noticed such quilts as being comprised of four giant blocks. Very inspiring, thanks!

  20. Impressive group, Lori. Making only 4 blocks is interesting, but I'm also looking closely at the borders. There's a similarity among them, with the winding vines, but they run the full range from simple to totally filling in the space. Veddy interesting indeed.
    Hopefully you'll find more sewing time soon.

  21. Why does work have to get in the way of quilting.. so unfair!! Gotta agree those red & green antique quilts are pretty fantastic.. thanks for sharing :)) cheers... Marian

  22. So sorry to hear you can't find time to quilt. Hope you get your "fix" soon.
    Those 4 blocks quilts are just wonderful. I've really enjoy it (went up and down a few times LOL). Thanks for sharing Lori.

  23. Ooouuuu-ing and Aaahhh-ing!!

    fabric=MORE fancy quilts!!!!!

  24. Marsha's Medallion Quilt is lovely!!!

  25. Amazing four block quilts. Thanks for sharing.
    Marsha's sew along quilt is a beauty isn't it?

  26. great quilts I love the big flower pot quilt!


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