
Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Tribute

Many of us lost a dear friend to cancer this week. Jill Reid of New Jersey left this world much too early and I feel like a huge hole is left in my life.
Jill and her husband Scott.
A group of us met online about 1997 making the Dear Jane quilt. Here we are at our first "live" meeting in 1999 in Lancaster Co, PA.
Another meeting a few years later with more of us making it.
Jill- Susan (Jill's friend from Jersey) and myself. This was my first evening to EVER see fireflies! It was also the evening before our road trip to Vermont Quilt Fest and NH.
Jill was a participant in life! She did my sewalongs.
Participated in block exchanges within our little group.
Made special quilts to decorate her home. We loved to see her holiday vignettes around her house.
She made special quilts for others as well. This baby quilt  was sent to cousins in Sweden.
If you've ever been on the Windham site it is likely you have seen many, many quilts that Jill designed for them to promote their fabric.
They sent her fabric, she designed, quilted and wrote the directions for them! Probably hundreds of quilts.

"Never Enough Fabric" I would never show this without Jill's permission!! The last time I was there she told me to take whatever I'd like. I did have a weight limit on my suitcase, so I left most of it! lol

This was taken inside Keepsake quilting- my first and only trip. Love you girlfriend and will miss you immensely!! XOXOXO


  1. That last picture is beautiful. Such a glow the two of you had. May God bless you with peace and comfort. Much love to you, Lori.

  2. What a beautiful memorial post. I'm send prayers and blessings your way, Lori. So sorry for your painful loss.

  3. Just beautiful Lori...cried thru the whole thing!!

  4. A lovely tribute to a wonderful friend and an amazing quilter!! My thoughts are with you and her family! Big hug!

  5. Oh Lori, I am so sorry for your loss. She's sounds like a wonderful person and she obviously had a positive impact on others. Cherish your memories and hugs to you.

  6. A beautiful tribute to a loving friend ~ my thoughts and prayers to all who were touched by her friendship and love.....

  7. Sorry for your loss Lori. She sounds like a wonderful friend, and yes this post made me cry all the way thru it as well. I loved your pictures & the quilts too. The last picture is a tribute and a blessing for sure. Tressure it and your times & memories together. Hugs & love you.

  8. So sorry for your loss and what a wonderful tribute this post is. Friendships, like family, are the fabric of life, it is terrible to lose a friend, cherish all those wonderful memories.

  9. You beautifully honored her quilting life and your shared friendship with this post. Such a lost is hard to bear but your connection to her will long be remembered and because of that so will she.

  10. You had a true friend there. She wanted to share her stash with you. I'm glad you have all the memories. ((((((LORI))))) Great Tribute to a Beautiful, talented lady

  11. So sorry for your loss, Lori. I have made at least one of Jill's patterns. It's in the closet right now, but I think I will get it out and display it in her memory. Sending you hugs and prayers and will be thinking of you and also of Jill's family.

  12. I am so sorry for your loss. Jill was a beautiful and talented lady! I am glad you have such great memories. Such a beautiful tribute to her. I know you will miss her dearly. My thoughts and prayers are for you and her family.

  13. So sorry for the loss of your wonderful, talented friend. What a wonderful tribute to her. I love the last picture of the two of you. My thoughts are with you and also with Jill's family .

  14. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. She sure made beautiful quilts for her loved ones to remember her by. Hugs

  15. A wonderful fitting tribute to Jill. I know I had only known Jill a while but she was one of the most generous spirits I have come across. I'm sure you along with many are going to miss her tremendously. Hugs to you Lori x

  16. A real loss....condolences to her family. Loved that you shared the photos. Thank you.

  17. So sorry to hear of your loss of a special friend. She does leave a hole in the world for sure.
    Thanks for sharing your tribute to her.

  18. Wonderful tribute for a real friend, the hardest to lose.

  19. I had no idea!! So sorry, Lori. I only "met" Jill through you when you sold some of her things on your blog. I had some very nice email exchanges with her over time, but hadn't communicated lately. She was always most gracious.
    Can't recall now if it was you or Barb that gave us a tour of her home at Christmas. It was magical.
    A wonderful woman--a great loss, indeed. I will keep you and her family and friends in my prayers!

  20. Such a beautiful tribute Lori. My heart aches for you. Praying for you, Jill, her family and friends.

  21. So sad. Thanks for sharing your good memories, she will live in the hearts of her family and friends forever.

  22. Sorry for your loss Lori. I have a quilt in the works that was designed by Jill. I know that I will think of your friendship when I get back to working on it.

  23. My thoughts and prayers are with Jill and her family. This a wonderful tribute to your friend.

  24. Someone once told me "if you quilt, you will have friends" You certainly had a great friendship with Jill and I"m so sorry for yours and her family's loss. What a lovely way to honour your friendship. Only a true friend would offer up her stash!!! Big hugs to you!

  25. I knew Jill was very sick but I did not realize just how sick. That was much too quick. I can see she was very much a part of your life and you have many memories and keepsakes from her.

  26. I'm so sorry... your words are so special for such a dear friend....

  27. So sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful friend, they are a rare and wonderful thing!

  28. I couldn't be more sorry to read this post. I only knew of her through her fantastic quilts. What a loss.

  29. True friends never leave our hearts, no matter what. RIP Jill!

  30. I am very sad to read this . My friend irene carrig and I stayed at Jill's house when we went to the USA in 2006. I did not know she was ill.

  31. siento muchísimo tu dolor!!!!
    se lo que es perder una amiga
    sus edredones te la harán recordar con admiración
    y orgullo se haber sido su amiga

  32. A very touching tribute and I know that Jill was a dear friend and gorgeous lady. My sympathies are with all who feel the loss.

  33. Aww...what a nice memorial to your dear friend, love and prayers to all!

  34. So sorry to hear that Lori. Sweet memorial you made. Sending hugs and prayers your way.

  35. What a beautiful tribute to a special friend. So hard to lose someone so close...hugs and prayers!

  36. What a wonderful tribute to your friend. I'm so sorry!

  37. Lovely tribute, sorry.

  38. Lori,
    A lovely tribute to your wonderful friend. It is amazing what doors the blogging world opens , a chance to learn about so many wonderful people, and the lives which with they impact. Thank you for sharing.

  39. Lori...So sorry about your friend Jill. She sounded like a wonderful friend and person and so are you in your tribute to her.

  40. so sad, sorry for the loss of your friend. my condolences o her family and friends

  41. beautiful Lori - Loved seeing all the photos and quilts too.
    Just published a tribute this morning too - thinking of you xx

  42. A beautiful tribute for your wonderful friend. How blessed you were to have known her, and she to have known YOU. I'm grateful everyday for the friends in my life, and yet, when one passes, you realize it even more. Hugs to you, so sorry for your loss.

  43. My condolences for the loss of your dear friend. A lovely tribute.

  44. Jill was a good person, period. I was lucky to have her in my NJ guild and spend time during quilt shows and classes with her. She belonged to a small creative local mini group that had more fun and creative ideas grow than flowers in spring. She shared, she created. She had a true smile when she greeted you. I am delighted I knew her and shared some of her adventures through you and Barb V. She will be very missed by people who were fortunate to meet her and those who loved to make and see her quilt designs. My condolences to her family and closest friends. When the sun shines brightest we can know Jill is looking down and checking out a quilt show or enjoying a new quilt made by one of her many friends

    Jane Modjeski

  45. Beautiful tribute and a wonderful collection of Jill's work posted on Pinterest. A true loss to the quilting community, my condolences for the loss of your friend and to her family.

  46. How very sad. You have made a lovely tribute to her.

  47. Jill sounds like a wonderful person. Condolences to you and Jill's family on her passing. A lovely tribute Lori.

  48. So sorry to hear of this loss. She sounds like an amazing person! I'm thankful you had those times together.

  49. So sorry to hear of this loss. She sounds like an amazing person! I'm thankful you had those times together.

  50. Sorry to hear about the loss of your dear friend! Jill is an inspiration to love life to the fullest1
    You have some very sweet memories!

  51. So sorry for the loss of your friend. She'll live forever in your memory, and smile on every project you do.

  52. So sorry about your friend. I saw it in Barb's blog too. I have to admit I don't recognize you in the first 2 pictures. Is that you in the center? Your friend must have been proud of your commitment to health!

    1. Yes that would be me! Lots of changes in me. You do not have an email so I cannot reply. Hopefully you will read this and send me an email.

  53. I am sorry to hear, you have a lot of sorrow to deal with lately! Hang on and take care!

  54. So sorry for your loss, Lori. That was a wonderful tribute to a dear friend. I was one of the BOLs from the Dear Jane list who benefited from Jill in Jersey's block challenges. She was a very talented woman. Sending hugs.

  55. So very sorry for your loss Lori -- Jill looks like such a darling person. Thank you for sharing a little bit of her world with us. Hugs, Karen

  56. beautiful tribute……


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