
Friday, August 1, 2014

More Retreat Sewing

I don't think I showed  you how many of these I made while sewing before the Sisters Show. 
I'm using two lines of fabric (that's unheard of with me!) Crossroads by Jan Patek and Hope Chest prints by Edyta Sitar. I am really loving it. This is a Lori Smith pattern with a busy appliqued border.
Claire made my these wonderful potholders and brought them to Sunriver. I burn a lot of things in the kitchen, including my potholders, so I'm a little worries about using them. :) Thanks again Claire!

We are having more fun this weekend. Enjoy!


  1. Is your new quilt in progress "Remember Me" by Lori Smith! LOVE it................

  2. Very nice potholders - but use them! The blocks are looking very good.

  3. las agarraderas son preciosas!!!
    y los bloques me gustan.....
    buen fin de semana

  4. Your blocks look lovely - those 2 lines work well together. How shocking - only 2 lines! LOL I like those potholders too - you will enjoy them as you use them. I burn things in the kitchen too - distracted thinking about quilts?? :0)

  5. Your blocks are so lovely! I usually do not burn my potholders, but I do get 'stuff' all over them. Enjoy them.

  6. Love your blocks! I burn pot holders and get stuff on them, I don't burn the food thought so Hubby is happy!

  7. I like the combo! and this block is one of my favs...can't wait to see the border!

  8. Love the blocks you made during your retreat, great fabric combo.

  9. pretty blocks and NICE potholders!!
    have a great weekend

  10. Great blocks Lori, will love seeing how this progresses.

  11. That is a pretty combination of fabrics, and I like the block pattern.
    I gifted a bunch of hand quilted potholders one year with the strict instructions that they were to be well used. I quilted them while sitting through my son's junior league basketball games one year--he didn't get in the games much back then, and it gave me something to do to feel productive. : )

  12. ok....where are you this weekend?
    do i need to be jealous?

  13. I'm really sorry, but after a hassle with, I am not able to get a copy of the "Flags" book, and will not be able to participate in the QAL. I'm having to re-think my future orders from Amazon, and internet orders in general. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  14. I love that Lori Smith pattern. It will be interesting to see what you create with it. The current colors seem lighter than your usual, but very pretty!

    lizzy at gone to the beach

  15. Don't be afraid to use potholders, that's what they are for! There's plenty more where that came from, cheers, CW

  16. I started at the top of my Bloglovin' reading list and am now getting down into older posts. Reading backwards!
    I like the combination of fabrics that you are using for the triangle blocks. I think I can picture the Lori Smith pattern you refer to.

  17. Great blocks! Your comment over an appliqued border makescme very curious ;-). Looking forward to the next pictures!


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