
Friday, September 19, 2014

First Friday at Quiltworks

 I wasn't able to make it to Quiltworks for First Friday earlier in the month and I know September will be gone before I know it. I had to make a quick jaunt to Bend for business so dropped by quickly to enjoy the exhibit upstairs.
Tammy MacArthur was the featured quilter. It was obvious to me she loved applique, challenges and machine quilting. She is very talented and I enjoyed seeing her diverse collection of quilts.

(I do believe this one was hand quilted!)

The group featured was the Central Oregon Modern Quilt Guild. The quilts displayed were the result of a star challenge. 

I liked the group quilts a lot! Have a lovely weekend!


  1. Interesting display. More to the art style and well done.

  2. That first quilt is a stunner! I enjoyed the show!

  3. A very talented group of ladies. I love the Rooster, he is gorgeous. The whole cloth was very nice too. It's amazing what you can do with stars. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Thanks for sharing. I love the Rooster too. So many beautiful quilts, the wholecloth, the first quilt, the lovely applique. Wow.

  5. The star challenge quilts are so great! There is at least one surprise in each quilt that I would not have imagined or hadn't seen before. I would have loved to seen these in person, thanks for sharing them!

  6. Tammy appears to be very talented with a variety of quilting skills. Especially loved the first one.
    It is fun to see what they did with the star quilts. Some people have amazing imaginations! : )

  7. Wonderful quilts! Thank you for sharing them with us!

  8. preciosos todos
    pero el celti me gusta especialmente !!!!
    gracias por estas fotos
    buen fin de semana

  9. Really love that rooster. She is very talented. Beautiful quilts all of them. Thanks for sharing.

  10. This was the quilt store we drove by and I couldn't go to! Thanks for sharing the quilts. It's a great idea to feature local quilters this way.:)

  11. As always, thanks for sharing. I love the virtual shows.

  12. thank you for sharing these with us, I just love this post each month. Its so interesting to see quilts made by one person like this. This quilt shop is so nice to do this. Love the stars, something about star quilts have always loved them
    hope your having a great weekend

  13. I love to see these first friday posts! thanks Lori!!

  14. Looks like a fun show. Maybe we can meet up although I don't think I'll be back until the first week of October. Can't believe you're doing another red and white quilt... Are you over it yet?? vbg


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