
Friday, September 12, 2014

Quilters are So Generous!

One of the reasons I love to blog is the connection I make with other quilters. It seems to bring the world in a little closer and allows us to reach one another no matter how many miles apart we are.

Belarmina saw a post of my blue and white collection and she shared with me about the beautiful pottery made in Spain.  Then she sent this gorgeous vase!
Her sister didn't think it would make it, but here it is. :) It is a very precious gift. Thank you again Belarmina.
 If you want to see more click HERE. It is a very old art and so beautiful!
She included this adorable necklace pin cushion! Of course, even if it is around my neck I may not be able to find it! hahaha
Another generous blogger sent me these old blocks to use after I sent her off a little piece of star fabric for our Revolutionary Flag quilt. (how are ya'll coming on that?) I'm going camping this weekend and hope to finish my last tree block for this month. It was quite a lot of hand applique. 

Look how this is coming along. I'm liking it! 

My fall half marathon is tomorrow. It's going to be a tough course- I'm trusting my training to get me to the finish line.  Oh yeah, and we are camping the previous night and the night after. My body is already starting to ache! lol

Have a lovely weekend. 


  1. The vase is beautiful, how thoughtful and nice of her. that pincushion necklace is just so fun!
    really like the way your little quilt is coming along, fun
    good luck tomorrow! you can do it!

  2. Quilt blogging connects us to people round the world that we would never have seen their beautiful handwork or learned about their lives. I love blues and whites too.

  3. Blogging is a great connection. Good luck tomorrow.

  4. What a beautiful gift! And the necklace is a very fun idea!
    Love the old blocks--will you assemble them somehow, or use the fabric in other projects?
    The pioneer braid in those batiks is very pretty--kind of a tropical braid.
    Wow--camping before and after a half marathon!?! I don't sleep well anywhere but my own bed--that would be disastrous for me IF I did such things as half marathons. : ) Good Luck!!

  5. Suerte en el maratón
    ¡¡¡ tu si que puedes!!!
    Me alegra tanto que funciona el correo
    y las cosas que enviamos con cariño
    lleguen a su destino, en perfecto estado
    Estoy impaciente que mi hermana vea tu publicación esta noche
    buen fin de semana

  6. Ese edredón espiga se ve muy bonito con las telas batiks
    los bloques antiguos genial
    ¿ya sabes como los vas a utilizar?

  7. good luck on the half marathon . . . a half marathon for me is waling to the barn and back twice in the same day. I admire you much.

  8. Good luck with your race Lori! I know you've trained hard ...

  9. Hope you can rest while camping before the race. Got a Thick Pad to sleep on, I suppose... Cute Vase! Yes, Quilters are very generous. Have a great Race!

  10. Oh yes, blue vase and great blocks! I.LIKE. Generous ladies indeed!!
    The camping sounds fun, I grew up camping and miss it. Nothing like eggs and bacon in the morning cooked out on the fire!!
    We have an anniversary this weekend so I will be wine-ing and dining. I'll toast to you reaching the finish line in your marathon run!!!

  11. Oh yeh, on my Flags quilt, my plan is alllll coming together!!!

  12. Beautiful vase. Love the cute pincushion.
    Your Kaffe quilt is looking great. How are you liking the brights?
    Have a good run.

  13. what nice bloggy friends and gifts!
    your batik braid is awesome - always wanted to try one of these

  14. Good luck on your marathon! I think you need a spa not a camper afterward though.

  15. I will be thinking of you and hope that your race goes well. My boys will be running in the morning as well, so I will send up a cheer for you as I'm cheering them on!

  16. Lovely gifts. The pincushion is so cute. Good luck in the race. Have fun camping. How do you do your hand applique so fast?

    1. I work on it a little at a time at night and in the car when the roads aren't too curvy. :)

  17. Good luck with the marathon. I am sure that your training has paid off. I have also started training for the St. Jude's fundraising marathon in December.

  18. FOTAR quilt is coming along well, although I have not posted any photos yet. I guess I'd rather sew than take photos of my blocks! ; )

  19. That vase is beautiful!! How sweet!!!


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