
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Quilts of Love Book- Winner and a New Giveaway

I can't remember if I mentioned I have 3 books to giveaway. Here is the next one. I'm not done reading it yet, but it has been interesting. Leave me a comment and you could win it. Tell me how you make time to read or when you read. I read a little at night before shutting off the light.
In 1951, Frankie Chasing Bear is a Lakota caught between cultures. She wants to raise her son Harold to revere his Lakota heritage, but she knows he will need to become as a white man to succeed. After his father’s killed in a barroom brawl, Harold and Frankie move to Arizona, where she begins a Lakota Star pattern quilt for Harold with tribal wisdom sung, sewn and prayed into it.
She distrusts Christians, as her own parents were forced to convert at an Indian School, until she meets BIA agent Nick Vandergriff, a half-Lakota who’s also caught between cultures. Nick must convince Frankie that white men and Christians aren't all bad as he tries to win her heart in order to put the stars back into her sky.
Find some fun facts and photos on Pinterest  HERE. 
And read about the series HERE.

Now, the winner of A Heartbeat Away is Janet O who says she likes to relax in the jetted tub with a book after a hard day of sewing! lol
 Email me your address Janet and I'll get it in the mail.
Happy Tuesday!


  1. I also find reading right before bed makes for a better night's sleep.

  2. I like to read when I take rests from my sewing throughout the day and also before bedtime. The next best thing to sewing is snuggling under a warm quilt in the winter with a good book and a cup of tea. I do most of my reading in the fall/winter. Sounds like a great book! Have a great day Lori.

  3. nice of you to share the books with your readers.
    Happy Tuesday :)

  4. This book sounds great! I read where ever I can ;-). But Ibthink my bath is the best spot in winter and the garden in summer...

  5. WooHoo, more tub material!! : )
    Thanks, Lori. I will email my address right away.

  6. I like to read when I'm travelling. And I love to crawl into bed with a good book at the end of a long relaxing.
    This sounds like a great book.

  7. I love that cheddar, green and white color combination on the cover of the book! I don't read a lot - I find it cuts into my sewing time :0) I get through about a book a month. This one sounds interesting.

  8. I usually read while I'm eating, as I live alone, but I also read after I eat to let things get settled before I rush off to something else.

  9. Congrat's to Janet! I love to read and always have a book in progress. I take it along to appts, read at night when the house is quiet, or in the evening when TV is dismal. Thanks for the chance!

  10. Hi Lori, I read at night also, before turning out the light.
    I have a rule that I have to keep my book by my bed; that way I don't spend all my time reading:)
    Thanks for the opportunity to win; the book sounds interesting.

  11. I like to listen to books while I hand or machine sew......always good one at the library.
    I read a whole lot more since we don't have a TV anymore.

    Happy Sewing,

  12. I would love to win--reading is almost as great as quilting!

  13. I love to read during my lunch break at work. I find that it gets my mind off of my work. . . . and gives me a nice break from my routine. I can usually do between 20 - 30 pages each lunchtime (unless I order something . . . . waiting on the line at the cafeteria definitely cuts into my reading time!

    I do "real" books at lunch, "audio" books when I am sewing and have a Kindle loaded with tons of books to read when I get to them (I have to stop getting books from the library first!!LOL)

    This sounds like another interesting book.

  14. I sneak in some reading when I go to bed. This sounds like a good book and I would love to read it.

  15. I read in bed before going to sleep. Or if I go out to lunch by myself. Or lay on the bed & read if my back is aching during the day.

  16. Me gusta leer cuando voy en tren sola,
    que pena no leer en ingles

  17. I am a night time reader as well. Maybe half an hour before turning off the light. Takes a while to get through a book

  18. I've been a bedtime reader for many years. I find it relaxes me and puts me in a better frame of mind for sleep. This sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  19. Like most busy women, I tend to read a little before going to bed or around 2 am when I can't sleep anymore. Thanks for the chance to win. Congrats to Janet O.

  20. I read at bedtime, and lunchtime, and also read the Bible in the mornings to start my day.

  21. I read before sleep and early in the morning when I cannot sleep :)
    I also love to catch some reading time on Sunday afternoon, curled up on the couch in winter or on the deck in summer.

  22. I usually listen to audio books while stitching and commuting on the train. I find time to read real books on the bus - too bumpy for hand sewing :)
    Blessings, Patti

  23. I can't read at night, it puts me to sleep! so I read when I wake up in the morning, when my lovely husband brings me a cup of tea!

  24. I read 2-8 pages before shutting off my bedside lamp. If the book is exception, I read during breakfast instead of getting on the computer.

  25. Like most of the above comments I read at night and early mornings (gotta love that menopause ), and with dark nights and mornings a warm cosy bed with a mug of tea and a good book is the place to be. I have done almost all the elm creek series this year so it would be nice to find another set of quilty novels to enjoy,

  26. I read in the tub if I bought the book. If it was from the library I read early in the morning or those rare warm afternoons in the garden.

  27. I usually read in bed at night, but lately I don't get very far before I start falling asleep. I read in the tub as well.

  28. I love to read, but limit myself to just reading when I go to bed at night - usually for almost an hour (or as long as I can stay awake!). Thanks for sharing your books! The 2 I've read in this series so far have been good, easy reads.

  29. I read right before bed too or if I am up really early........the best time of the day....

  30. My reading is always at night, in bed with an extra pillow behind my head. If it's been a rough day, I might start reading on the couch once the kids are in bed. Even if I only read for 10 minutes it helps me relax and go to sleep.

  31. My mother used to say that she could saw the legs off the chair I was sitting in and if I had a book in hand, I wouldn't notice. I love to read. I bargain with myself when I read. One chapter and I have to do one chore, etc. It works for me most times, unless it is a captivating part of the book.

  32. Sounds like a good read! I'm in a book club at the lake and read before I go to bed. The ladies are encouraging me to listen to my books so I can "read" more!! Has anyone done that while they stitch ?

  33. Hi Lori,
    I usually read when I am away from home, or in the garden between the flowers and the bees. Lovely giveaway, thank you.

  34. I haven't been finding much time to read lately--it's only been when I'm not feeling well--curling up with a good book always seems to help me feel better! I used to read at night before turning out the light, but I tend to get caught up in a good book and stay up reading way too late!

  35. I read for about an hour laying in bed before going to sleep every night. Sometimes it is real hard to stop and turn out the light.

  36. I read while drying my hair in the morning. If I can keep the cat from sitting on my book. ;-)
    I also read during my lunch.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I read at lunchtime, plus I keep an open magazine on my coffee table and read during football games. I also read in the car when I'm not the driver, and I read at night in bed. I've been know to miss stops on the train because I was reading. Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  39. I only read with my ears, but I listen on and off all day doing different things.
    speaking of giveaways - you should check out my new post ;0


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