
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Quilts of Love Books

I was given the opportunity to learn about a new series of books called 
"Quilts of Love, Every Quilt has a Story"
As quilters we know quilts are not just a bedcovering. Our quilts are woven into our lives- our quilt have a story too! I just finished A Heartbeat Away, set in the Civil War period. You have a chance to win it.  

Below is part of a press release for the series.

Abingdon Press has created a line of books that not only appeals to a wide variety of fiction readers, but is sure to catch the interest of quilters around the world. Each novel in the 25-book series is written by a different author and offers a completely unique story, setting and cast of characters. The books do not need to be read in order and can be enjoyed individually.

The idea behind the series (launched fall 2012) is that quilts tell stories of love and loss, hope and faith, tradition and new beginnings. The Quilts of Love series focuses on the women who quilted all of these things into their family history. Featuring contemporary and historical romances, as well as Amish fiction, women’s fiction and the occasional light mystery, readers are drawn into the endearing characters and touched by their stories. A new book will be released each month through January 2015.

The other thing I thought was fun is the social media surrounding these books. 
Check out the Pinterest board for A Heartbeat Away. CLICK HERE.  You can see current day photos of battlefields that are the setting for this book and learn more about the author. 

Keep up with the Quilts of Love series online at:

I've had a bit of a readers block this summer and haven't been able to get through a book, until I read this one. It was interesting, fun, maybe a bit predictable, but an easy, clean read.

If you'd like to win this book please leave me a comment telling me if you have heard of this series and if so, what book you read and if you liked it. 


  1. I have been doing quite a bit of reading this year. I heard about this series but have not read any of the books.

  2. I had not heard of this series. Seems like one I would enjoy---thanks!

  3. I love the idea of this series and have read 2 of the books so far. I think the first one was free for Kindle for awhile and the 2nd one I won from Kelly at "I Have a Notion" blog. They are great books - would love to read this one too.

  4. no I have not heard of this series, would love to read it. I have to be honest I love reading clean easy read books most of the time.

  5. I have never heard of this series either. However, other than blogging I do not do much with social media (deleted my Facebook page, gave up on Pinterest, and never got into Twitter, or Instagram).

    It seems that I have been missing out on a LOT of good books. . . . even though I have read, on average, 20 books a year!

    Thank you for the information, and the chance to win!

  6. I had never seen these books before. Thank you for introducing me to them!
    I think that non-quilters do not perceive the emotion invested in a quilt, or understand the depth of feeling and meaning a quilt can convey. I hope these books will help people understand that better.

  7. I love novels with crafting in them. I have just read a couple with knitting as the background pursuit. A good clean read is always welcome. It looks like I will be looking into this series! Thank you for the chance to win!

  8. No, I haven't, but now I will check my library and would love to win a book!

  9. Thanks for information about this series. I will look forward to exploring the books. I have just recently discovered Sandra Dallas who writes "period" fiction about the Civil War and Depression years. Her ladies are strong and courageous women and most of them are quilters who honor the art. I've gone on a binge reading all the books she has written and always can't wait to get to the next one. She has also written one non-fiction book "The Quilt That Walked to Golden" which is both an informative resource book but a pleasure to look through. I can't recommend Sandra Dallas highly enough

  10. Thank you for the drawing. I have not heard about the Werkes, but it always takes done time to dropp Rover the Ocean. Greetings, Sylvia

  11. I haven't heard of these before. They sound intriguing. Thank you for generously offering one!

  12. I have not heard of them before, but I'm so happy to told us about them. If I am lucky enough to win, I will pay the postage to England.

  13. Clean, easy reads are a great de-stresser, to me. They go great with a soak in the jetted tub after a long day! I haven't heard of this series, but would love to give it a try.

  14. This series is totally new to me. I'm sure I'd love it. I'd love to win the book you are offering and will certainly be looking for all of them. Thanks for the 'heads up'!!!

  15. I haven't heard of this series either. The only thing better than making quilts and gifting them is reading about them! Thanks for the pinterest noodge.

  16. I have not heard of this series before. It sounds like something I would like to read. My kids tease me about reading so many quilt themed books, but I never tire of stories about quilts.

  17. I'm always looking for new books to read, and ones with any sort of quilting connection are especially appealing. Thanks for the info. I haven't read any of these books, and they look like something to check out -- or hopefully win :)

  18. I have had a hard time finishing a book lately but this one sounds lovely

  19. I am an avid reader and always like my bedside table to be stacked high with new books to read. I do love reading series involving quilts since they are something I hold dear. I have never heard of this series before but boy I am going to look into it now. Thanks for all the tips of places to hunt to find out more (or maybe win one)

  20. I haven't heard of this series. Sounds interesting. Would love to read it and then I would pass it on to one of quilt reading friends. Nancy P.

  21. I have not heard about this book. Having finished piecing my first quilt which was started 20 years ago, I can identify with the fact that it has been woven into the memories of my life and it's journey. I look forward to hand quilting it this winter.
    Thank you so much for telling us about this series and for the chance of a giveaway of this book.
    Take care.

  22. I haven't heard of this series. It looks like it would be very interesting to read. I love to listen to my books on my kindle while sewing but there's nothing like holding a good book in your hands.

  23. Thank you for bringing this series to our attention! I need to look into them at the library! Thanks!
    Terri in Texas

  24. This is the first I hear about this series of books. Sounds so interesting, I will check it out at the Library for sure. Thanks for the chance.

  25. I have not heard about this series, but I love history and quilts and the combination of the two.

  26. I have seen this series & have a few downloaded onto my e-reader, on my long list of TBR :)

    1. My TBR list is as almost as long as "Quilts I want to make list"! LOL

  27. I just heard of this series and I am reading Hidden in The Stars right now
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  28. I'm loving this series and have never even made a quilt! Have read Aloha Rose, Beyond the Storm, Maybelle in Stitches and Tempest's Course. Looking forward to reading more. Thanks for doing a giveaway.

  29. Love these books. I've read about a dozen or so and am building my library - I only have three but I'm on my way!

  30. I've never heard of these books, will have to add it to my list of must reads. Thanks for sharing. HUGS... and stitches

  31. Our library has several of the books in this series but I haven't read any of them. I am eager to read A Heartbeat Away because the Civil War era setting. Thank you for giving one of us the chance to read our own copy.

  32. I have heard of this series but haven't read any of them yet. Thanks for this giveaway. Both of my grandmothers quilted.

  33. I have heard of this series. I enjoy reading these books.
    The Christmas Quilt: Quilts of Love Series by Vannetta Chapman
    A Sky Without Stars: Quilts of Love Series by Linda S. Clare
    Quilted by Christmas: Quilts of Love Series by Jodie Bailey and others.I am looking forward to reading more Quilts of Love books.Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  34. A new Quilt series, thanks for sharing the news. I haven't read any but will look for them. Thanks for a chance to win. Good luck at your race.


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