
Monday, October 20, 2014

An Autumn Monday

Autumn has finally arrived. What wonderful weather we've been having. 

I saw this little quilt on another blog and followed the link back to The Olde World Quilt Shoppe. I took liberties with making mine, cause I wanted a little hand project for a weekend away. I got a little bit of quilting done on it, but also picked up a raging fall cold so didn't really feel like quilting much. (I did run a race though, check it out HERE)
This is on my design wall, working with True Blue from p & B textiles. I've never made a chevron quilt and thought it was about time!

Happy Monday! Even if my head is in a bucket .


  1. Love your little autumn quilt! Hope you feel better. I have never made a chevron quilt either...hummmm

  2. That is a great little quilt. Oh, it is tempting! I Mustn't!!
    You have a cold so you don't feel like quilting, but you can run a race? I have never had that kind of cold before! : )

  3. Sorry you are feeling poorly! Hope that gets out of your system quickly! Your little fall hand-stitched project is adorable, and I recently made my first chevron quilt. It looks like you are using the same technique I used. It's gonna look great!

  4. guapísimo !!!!
    esos colores me gustan
    nuca hice una colcha chevron
    ¿algun día?
    cuida es resfriado ¡¡con flor de sauco!!

  5. Your Chevron is shaping up very nicely! The little fall quilt looks like a wonderful project to sit down and having a little quality time with.:)

  6. I haven't made a full chevron quilt either. Your's looks fun! Feel better!!

  7. Oh Yes, BLUE!


    Cute little quilt too!

  8. Love the blue/white chevron! Something so classic about that color combo. Darling little fall quilty - great border fabric!

  9. A good idea for the blues from P&B. I saw another blogger from overseas has some to work with too but no hint as to what she would create with it.

  10. Nice projects, I hope you are feeling better soon

    Happy Sewing :0)

  11. I love your version, Lori. Thanks for the link.

  12. Such a cute little quilt, I love it. I was thinking of making a little mat for the sewing machine and I think I have just found it. Thanks for the inspiration. Love your blue chevron quilt. That reminds me I have one in red/pink/purple that needs to be quilted. Sorry to hear about your cold. Hope you get well soon.

  13. I love the fall quilt. Fall colors are my favorite. Congratulations on the race finish but sorry the cold bug got you. Hope you feel better soon.

  14. That little quilt is so warm and just says "fall". Love the chevrons. Love the blues. If you are out of storage room, I could watch it for you, once it is done of course. ;)
    Hope you feel better.

  15. Yummy, warm fall colors! A sweet little quilt :0)

  16. super cute little quilt. Your blue chevrons look great so far.
    feel better

  17. would that be big stitch quilting? Lol! Cute little quilt! I made a chevron baby quilt awhile back - kind of fun to do something different - yours looks great!

  18. Love the quilts!
    Did I miss something? Why is your head in a bucket? sick, or a fashion statement? Feel better if the former :)

  19. Love the little quilt! The chevron quilt is looking good so far. I've never made one either.

  20. The little quilt is so sweet and authentic! Love the Blue ZigZags ---blue and white is always so pretty.

    feel better [I can t believe you ran a race! In the rain! With a cold....]



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