
Monday, October 13, 2014

Beautiful Batiks

Here is my completed top sing 100% cotton batiks. It was a challenge and I have to say I am happy with the top. Because of the braid pattern I did have issues with wavy bias, which is why I used my seam ripper. 
When adding the blue strips, I found it very helpful to line up my centers and sew from the middle out and lightened my hand on the iron.

Here's a close up of these gorgeous fabrics! Keio and her mom have started an Etsy store and I encourage you to take a look HERE. 
Thank you Keio for believing I could work with your beautiful batiks and showcase them in a quilt.

Be sure to check out my Around the World Blog hoppers- LIZZIE & JULIANN


  1. It turned out beautiful, love the colors. I'm sure the wavy can be quilted out, it doesn't look that wavy.

  2. I love it! Love the colors too. Very very nice. Truly a beautiful piece of work.

  3. The blue is my favorite color in the batiks you used. Pulls everything together and creates its own design within the braid.


  4. They are beautiful batiks and your design really worked well with them!

  5. muy bonita tu espiga
    funciono bien con los batiks

  6. Very striking! I find batiks very difficult to work with as a whole. I do better slipping one or two into a quilt project at a time.:) You made it work beautifully!

  7. very pretty! worth all the effort i bet

  8. So pretty and tropical looking. Civil War repros are my favs, but batiks are up there pretty high on the list, too! After doing a braid mini quilt I was hesitant to try a larger braid, due to the struggle with the bias edges. You seemed to have made it work!

  9. It s beautiful and different!

    (You coud applique large raw edge free form lollipop flowers across the top and a few scatered ---and turn it tinto modern/ prim hollyhocks.....)

  10. Oh what wonderful fabrics. They fit perfectly to the pattern. Your Quilt is going to be so gorgeous.

  11. Nice - but I would never think this was yours. Batiks sure are pretty!

  12. Very pretty! I have done some work with batiks and really love them - not as much as CW fabrics, of course. Your quilt turned out lovely.

  13. Beautiful colors and lovely in the braid. glad you liked working with them.

  14. Looks great, Lori! Batiks are so beautiful...haven't done a whole lot with them though!


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