
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Quiltworks First Friday

I wasn't able to make it to First Friday because of icy roads, but got a chance to see the quilt exhibit this past weekend. As usual, it didn't disappoint.
The quilt group Blockin' Robins did a row by row which was so fun to see. They were very creative!

 How darn cute are these VW vans?!
Loved this one too.

 We stayed in Cody, WY on our road trip a year ago, so I liked this one a lot too.

This was a cool collaboration of quilters that I thought was really great. 

If you are in Bend the month of December, be sure to stop by and see these up close and personal.


  1. Very unique quilts! Now that I live in OR, maybe I'll make it to see their display some time. Do they hang for a whole month?

  2. I always enjoy the posts from the First Friday at the quilt shop. It is interesting to see what others have made even though the style might be quite different from what I tend to lean towards.

  3. I enjoy your posts from these little quilt shows. Especially the first group, such happy quilts! Thanks for sharing them.

  4. Hello Lori !
    What great colours and hapiness in these quilts ! I particulary love the last one with the collaboration of quilters !
    Thank you so much for sharing !!

  5. Those were really fun row quilts. That last shot is really interesting. I can't imagine being able to create something like that.
    Did you go to the museum in Cody? We spent hours there with our kids years ago.

  6. I love these "show" posts. Thanks for sharing.

  7. How great to get to see a quilt 'show' every month! The round robin quilts are really interesting and fun!

  8. Woo Hoo….some wild and colorful quilts. I especially liked the row quilts!

  9. It looks like they had a lot of fun doing the rows. The beach scenes are my faves. Thanks for showing us quilters who aren't nearby!.

  10. Really fun quilts! I love to see all the personal expression!

  11. Thankyou, quilt shows are rare in England. I am intrigued- do this group of quilters sew a row each? What fun!

  12. Those row quilts are really fun, and have so much variety! Thanks for sharing these.

  13. I absolutely adore row by row quilts!! These are wonderful, thanks for sharing.

  14. First Friday quilts never disappoint. Thank you so much for sharing all the great quilts with us.

  15. Thanks lori, i always love seeing these exhibits - how awesome to get a mini show once a month!


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