
Monday, February 16, 2015

Orphan Block Quilt

This past summer we saw a wonderful quilt at the Sisters Outdoor show (made by my friend, Phyllis) that was made with orphan blocks. Randy, Claire and I challenged each other to make  one before this year's show. 

Here's my start!
I'm just not sure I have enough blocks to make much of a quilt. I'm hoping to keep scouring my quilt room to see what I can come up with. Several of these block came from Karen some time ago.

Have you made an orphan block quilt? Did you like it?

Have a fantastic day!


  1. I seem to give all my orphan blocks away. Maybe I should start keeping them because I love what you have started!

  2. That is a very good puzzle to play with. Which blocks and where and how to set them sound so much fun. I've never made one ... yet. I do have orphan blocks that I call trial blocks. They are stored in a bag called The Soup Quilt because I always thought of it as making soup with left over veggies and such. My blocks don't play together as beautifully as yours because the fabric is so ... shall I say eclectic? lol. Have fun with the challenge.

  3. Never, but what an interesting concept. I think you have a lot of potential with the blocks you have.

  4. Never had an orphan block, I do have some orphan material though.... Have fun setting this quilt together!

  5. wow...I have never thought to do this! your blocks seem like they belong together...mine would look schizophrenic I am sure.

  6. Fun challenge! I have some orphan blocks I could share with you, just say the word!!

  7. Never done this kind of blocks but yours are interesting and they complete each other !!
    Enjoy this challenge ! :))

  8. Yes! Though technically, most of the blocks were not orphans but blocks made specifically for me and this quilt by members of my sewing bee each of whom made the block they had chosen when it was their turn in our block exchange. I made miles of HSTs to fill in plus found homes for a few true orphan blocks plus made various other blocks to fill it out to a queen size quilt. It turned out great and is interesting to look at. It was like making a giant jigsaw puzzle, a challenge to set together. Wish I had enough orphan blocks to do another one. Go for it!

    I love Chantal's title of "The Soup Quilt" for her orphan block quilt! Victoria at BumbleBeans calls hers kitchen sink quilts 'cuz they have everything but the kitchen sink in them!

  9. Awesome idea, can't wait to see what amazing results come from it!

  10. That is a Fun challenge. I like the idea of making it yours with an initial.

  11. Well, that would require some organizing of my sewing room! I'm sure I have a few hanging around.

    Also I've done some online swaps and that could also be along the lines of orphan blocks as some vary in sizes and one persons blue isn't anothers blue. It is like putting and unknow picture puzzle together to make it all fit.

  12. Oh I do like that orphan block quilt a lot! All the colors go together so nicely...hugs, Julierose

  13. I was pleased you showed this WIP as I am planning on making one. Not enough orphans yet, but I am SO looking forward to making it, that I might just accidentally make some orphans LOL

  14. You have some pretty nice orphan blocks! I'm sure this is going to be a very interesting quilt. I've never attempted a quilt made from orphan blocks - I don't think I'd have enough to make one but I bet I'd be surprised if I dug around and laid them out - lol

  15. I have been making bags and such with my orphan blocks, so not enough left for a quilt. But will keep putting them in a box and who kniws, it might and up a quilt!

  16. I am getting a little collection of orphan blocks that I might one day have to put into a quilt...this one looks great!

  17. I am interested in seeing how you work the one on the bottom with pink...the one next to the blue and red star! Some of my orphans would not match well!

  18. Hmmm, I could say I have a lot of orphan blocks if I raided the UFO pile. But, do those actually count as orphans? I love orphan block quilts. You've got plenty in my opinion. You just need to start making some half square triangles and maybe some pinwheels to fill some gaps. It's looking good!

  19. I have made many orphan block quilts using up blocks donated to our community outreach group. I love making something out of cast offs. It's fun looking for fabrics in the stash to help tie everything together.

  20. Sometimes those orphan block quilts can be the most fun!

  21. Love your orphan block quilt!! Just yummy!

  22. Looks like you just need some filler parts to make your quilt.

  23. I made one with blocks that I did when I was exploring applique and the Jan Patek/Sue Spargo patterns. I was just thinking it might be my next machine quilting project

  24. Your start looks wonderful. I did make an orphan block quilt using antique blocks I d collected for many years, since college til now. Unfortunately the cheddar I bought for sashing was just awful and I didnt feel I could toss it and buy more/ better. It was fun to do, but I m guessing it was a Fail as it always elicits eye rolls and comments like, "Uh, um....well." LOL.
    I can t find it finished but here it is in work:

    ls delete if I shouldn t have put the link, Lori.

  25. What fun. Yes, I made one so many years ago I had seriously forgotten about it. I gave the flimsy to my oldest daughter to quilt someday, since she loved it so much. I don't think it has seen the light of day since then. : )

  26. Very intriguing mix of orphan blocks! I've made a couple quilts with these types of blocks through the years. Some are better than others, but they are all fun.:)

  27. your blocks look great together. Mine all look crazy when I put them together!

  28. What a fun idea! You have made a good start and it will be interesting to see how it comes out.

  29. Oh my dear friend...allow me to donate some orphan blocks to you!!

  30. My goodness, it looks like you have lots of pretty blocks to begin with. If I have extra blocks, or random ones, I usually toss them. Shame on me. Can't wait to see what your orphans look like all together.

  31. I've never made one, but this looks so fun!

  32. You sure have some wonderful blocks to make a very nice quilt. I never have made one. I would need to find them buried somewhere in order to make one.


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