
Monday, January 30, 2017

Quilts of Valor

When I let Faith know she had won the homespun scraps she was thrilled and said she was going to use them for Quilts of Valor quilts. They are kind of odd colors so I'm not sure how effective they will be.
She sent me photos of two QOV that she had made and I thought they were both amazing and I asked if I could share them on my blog.

They were both quilted by Nancy Cann, who is not only in Faith's guild but is also the state chairman for Quilts of Valor in Kentucky.

From Fons and Porter August 2016

Thank you Faith for your generosity!

I'm out of town visiting the newest member of our family!
 It's a quick trip between storms, but I couldn't wait any longer!!

Enjoy your day.


  1. Those are impressive Quilts of Valor!

  2. What pretty quilts, and for such a great cause :)

  3. Lovely quilts for heroes...thank you for sharing!!!

  4. Beautiful quilts!
    The last photo doesn't show up--want to see it! : )

  5. Lori preciosos edredones
    cariƱos a tu pitufin

  6. What a cutie!!! So glad you were able to get over there to see the new baby!
    I love the two quilts of valor. VERY impressive (and much nicer and more intricate than the ones I've made!!). Thanks for sharing.

  7. Lovely quilts. What a beautiful baby. You be careful out there between storms.

  8. Beautiful quilts, and what a cutie pie!

  9. The quilts are beautiful. And what a little cutie!

  10. what nice QOV quilts.
    Sweeet baby - travel safe!

  11. Congratualtions Faith for this humble decision !
    What a sweet baby... enjoy Lori !

  12. Such beautiful quilts! I think your new grand baby is just so sweet and beautiful - Wonderful picture!!!

  13. Thanks for sharing Faith's quilts - beautiful! Darling baby, too.

  14. Beautiful quilts and a cutie pie too.


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