
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Medallion Quilt Exhibit

As far as I know I have only one more medallion coming to me. It would be wonderful to have a couple more. I know a few have had to bow out, but originally there was quite a few that said they would like to have their quilt displayed at Quiltworks First Friday and monthly exhibit. 
I have the quilts out of the boxes spread out on the guest bed. 
Wow! They are all amazing and always so much better in person!

Right now I have 6 quilts and one more is on the way from Juliann.  Would anybody else like to commit their Gwennie inspired Medallion quilt to this exhibit in Bend, Oregon? Now would be a great time to write up a quilt description and get your quilt in the mail to me.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. Managed to g tbmine in the mail yesterday - thanks for this fun gathering. Wish things were less hectic here so I could come down and see them.

  2. Preciosos Quilts, espero ver fotos de esa exposición. Besos

  3. Wow they all look so great! What a wonderful and interesting exhibit they will make!!

  4. What fantastic teasers! These quilts, from what I could see, look to be amazing. Great job, ladies!!!

  5. Lori,
    I can't wait until May to see them all displayed. How great that you organized this and that Marilyn agreed!

  6. They are all stunning ! I regret I live too far to send you mine... it would be too costly with the weight !

  7. I can send you mine! I'm doing a reveal on my blog today. It's all ready to go, I would just need to write up a description. I can have it in the mail by the end of the week, if you want it. Let me know!

  8. Lori sera una magnifica exposición,
    deseando ver las fotos

  9. What a beautiful array of quilts! I can't wait to see them hanging. I wish I lived close enough to see them in person!

  10. Lori, Mine is on its way today. Sorry so late but it has been crazy. I think you said you needed it by the 24th so I hope this is o.k.Thanks a million and I can't wait to see the photos.

  11. What beautiful quilts! I wish I lived closer so I could go to this exhibit.

  12. Wonderful! Reminds me that I need to put a border on a RR quilt for my guild. Next month is the "reveal" after not seeing our own quilt since we turned in the medallion block in September. It is fun to get them back, but hard to try to think up a border to add to someone else's quilt every month.

  13. Lori, I wish I could say I'd send you one but I can't. At my October retreat I was going guns blazing with one of my tops and got the second one pinned to be done next. When I got home I didn't like the border so I so I unpicked and have done any more on either.

    The third one I'm planning on hand quilting do it will be some time before that one is done.

    I look forward to seeing pictures and wish I could get down to see the show in person but don't think that will happen.

    Thanks for the challenge of participating in this project.

  14. I gave mine away...but I wish I could!!

  15. It's going to be an awesome display.


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