
Monday, May 22, 2017

Making a List, Checkin' it Twice

I admit to making a list, but not checking it twice. I've been doing so many group things that I've neglected the UFO's in my sewing room. Time to get organized!

 Found this beauty in my closet ready to be trimmed and bound! I love it! 
This is 9 blocks of the Benjamin Biggs quilt that Gay at Sentimental Stitches offered for free in 2014. Check it out HERE. Quilting was done by Sharon, Grass Roots Quilt Studio in Washington state.
Next up is a cute sampler that Cheri did as a quiltalong. Basted and ready to be machine quilted by me!

 Getting my Fall Festival top assembled. 
 The last quiltalong was Back Porch/Front Porch Summertime by Jan Patek. Need to get a backing made.
More to come!


  1. Whoa! I am exhausted, I need to go take a nap! Guess I should follow suit and finish up some projects!

  2. Wow, more gorgeous quilt tops! 'Love them all. Looking forward to seeing them all finished.

  3. Gorgeous quilts! Love the quilting Sharon did on BB quilt. AWESOME!! I started a task master journal back in January, exactly for the reasons you mentioned. It's so easy to lose track of projects when there's so many new ideas and temptations out there. :^D Now that all is written down, you will soon have four new quilts to enjoy. ;^)

  4. I especially like the Fall Festival quilt. I've always liked that look.

  5. Do you usually make lists for what you need to do? I would probably lose the list once I made it!
    The quilting on the Benjamin Biggs piece is very pretty. I am thinking about asking Sharon to do one for me.

  6. Some great projects waiting for their finishing touches.
    I make similar lists, pin them to my design wall, and then cover them up with other projects NOT on the list, and totally forget it is there.

  7. Love your BB quilt. Good for you to finish up some WIP. I don't dare make a list...I have too many projects to finish and would get Can't wait to see what's next. Hugs

  8. Lori que bonitos todos !!!
    tengo guardadas Benjamin Biggs y el sampler de Cheri (un dia se haran )
    buena semana

  9. So admirable -- you only have four on your list!!! I just started quilting 2 years ago and I have a list that has multiplied several times.... (please know your hosted projects have contributed to that list!!) Such is the fun for an enthusiastic starter with so many choices ..... as they say "variety is the spice of life".

  10. VERY impressive! I love the quilting on your Benjamin Briggs quilt. It looks fabulous!
    You motivate me to pull out my Cheri sampler and get that finished!!
    You are always very motivating, Lori!!

  11. Beautiful finishes! I know how you feel, I ve been doing bindings the past week or so. The final touches are a lot more time consuming than we imagine when the quilts return from the quilter. Keeping the measurements handy is such a good idea too!

  12. I am SO happy to know that I was not the very last person to finish Cheri's sampler QAL! Mine was done a couple months ago - thanks for making me feel good about myself! LOL I should follow your lead and organize my projects - I can see how writing a list would be helpful. Instead, I just flit from one to another as the mood strikes!

  13. The Benjamin Biggs quilt won't take long to get done. Always good to make a list and put it on the Blog to keep you accountable.

  14. I need to make another list! When I do I always shocked by how many things I have started and need to finish. Sometimes, like you, there is not much left to do. I just need to do it!

  15. Lovely lovely quilts...I just found Sentimental Stitches blog and am going to try my hand on appliqueing... --first though--off to finish up the two I Spy quilts and Star Rise...your applique is gorgeous...hugs, Julierose

  16. Your Benjamin Biggs quilt is gorgeous. I find a list a great way to stay somewhat focused. I can't always guarantee I'll stick with it, but it does help. Good luck :0)

  17. what a nice group of quilts you are finishing up. Sharon's quilting looks great!

  18. I would love to take a vacation----straight to your closet! What goodies you find in there! :)

  19. So many beauties! Great way to finish! I'll try to follow your lead !!! and thanks for the inspiration to make a list and check things off!! 😊

  20. OH!! I love how you set together your Cheri Payne, love!! It will be fun to sit and sew that pretty binding, on your Benjamin quilt.

  21. I love these quilts! Such fun! I'm like Karen - I would probably lose the list!

  22. I loved your color combo on your BB quilt. As for lists, they are a huge help to me, I usually take stock at the beginning of the year and it's amazing how many projects are truly so close to finished. However, the list is usually lost by spring and I've added to the stack of partial projects!

  23. Love all the quilts. The summer one looks like so much fun. Really like the quilting on the Benjamin Biggs. Thank you for sharing.


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