
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Sapphire Exhibit Quilts

I'm pretty sure by now you've heard me tell you I had 3 blue and white quilts accepted for the special Sapphire Exhibit with Quilts, Inc.
Here they are. 

Brick Wall of Wabash County, designed by Tara Lynn Baisden. Completed March 2018

Road to California (Jacobs Ladder) Made in CA with friends. 2008

I love the backing!
Road to Paducah, also made with a friend. 2004
Love the quilting on this one. It is nice and thin so feels vintage!

Quilts are folded properly with appropriate sleeve, label and paperwork and are winging their way to Houston!! I think Porter was saying a little blessing over them! LOL

I told my facebook group that I am combining blogs so my Get to Goal, which I started 11 years ago, will now be combined with my Humble Quilts blog. If you aren't interested, then you are done:) I'll be posting my activity stuff at the bottom.

Do you use trekking poles? I bought a pair some time ago, but couldn't figure out how to use them while having a dog on a leash, so I returned them.
Then we went hiking in Alaska and our guide gave me one on the way down (a glacier and a rock bed) and boy, just one made a huge difference. I was sold on trekking poles after that!

I have a pair of women's Leki that I love, but saw these at Costco and for carbon fiber got a good deal. I look at it as an investment in my knees! So, now I'll always have a pair handy for me or Cory.

I hope you are having a terrific week. I went into Portland yesterday and met up with my kids for a combo Mother's Day/Birthday simple lunch celebration at an Irish pub! 


  1. I am so excited for you! I hope we see lots of pictures of you in front of your beautiful quilts! And I am happy that you have combined your blogs. I enjoy reading about your hikes and runs and I don't always make it over to the other blog. Plus it will save you a little time each week. Win - win!

  2. I hope to go and see your quilts in person this each one! With my hiking days...I never got the hang of the poles, but used my hands a lot on the vertical parts of the trail. Glad to know they are working for you. I am combining my nursing with the quilt parts of my blog, as you are combining yours.

  3. Like Kevin said earlier, it's nice to know quilters are real people!

  4. Such a nice picture of you and your family. Love the blue quilts. And I enjoy seeing other people exercise. ;)

  5. Congratulations on having your gorgeous quilts in the show.

  6. Congrats! 3 Blue and White Beauties!!!
    I will still read! Fun to see all the adventures you share.

  7. and when the exhibit is over you can just send them along to me...they are gorgeous!

  8. Lovely. Interesting that for your friendship quilts you often choose blue. And that quilting on the last quilt, the feathered scrolls---gorgeous! Hand quilted or custom machine work?

    I use an old ski pole for beach walking, I find the support helpful, even tho I look stupid. Have you seen the leashes that either attach to your belt [if indeed you own a belt, lol] or go round your waist? An idea that might only work if your dogs are very trained to heel.

  9. There's just something about blue and white quilts. They look so serene! Congrats on getting to send them off to a show!

  10. Each and every one of these quilts is gorgeous, and I especially loved the quilting in the third one. Wish I could visit the show and see them in person.

  11. Blue/White quilts really are beautiful. Wish I could see the whole display, but I am grateful for this little peek at what you have contributed.
    I am glad we will get to see other dimensions of your life.

  12. Your sapphire quilts are wonderful and will be a lovely addition to the show. There's nothing better than a blue and white quilt! But equally wonderful as a red and white :0) Hee hee

  13. Your blue and white quilts are lovely! How exciting to have them hang at the Houston show! As for hiking with trekking poles, I resisted for awhile because I try not to carry anything in my hands when I hike. However, I've recently started using just one pole and I do like the assistance it gives.

  14. Congratulations on having three (3!!) quilts at the Houston show! They are beautiful, it will be a special year.

  15. Your sapphire quilts are gorgeous and will be enjoyed by so many in Houston. I’m also wondering about the quilting on the last one.

  16. Congrats on having your blue and white quilts at Houston! I enjoy reading about your outdoor treks and am so glad you're going to combine blogs. Great idea!

  17. I'm so so glad you entered your blue quilts! Can't wait to see photos of them hanging at Houston

  18. I love blue and white quilts, and yours are gorgeous! I have never been to a blue and white quilt show, but I imagine it would be blissful. I am especially fond of the Jacob's Ladder design and I'm thinking of making another one in blue and white, maybe from Snowman Gatherings II which I have a couple of jelly rolls of. How big are your finished 4 patches?

  19. Congrats on getting 3 blue and white quilts in the Sapphire show. Wow!

    I got one in the show. Hopefully I'll be able to come see yours and mine at Houston.

  20. Lori que bonitos edredones Felicidades!!
    Espero ver bonitas fotos de la exposición

  21. Wow! How exciting to have not one, but three quilts chosen for exhibit. Congrats. They are beautiful.

  22. Happy birthday! My birthday also falls near Mother's day-it's today! I have been using trekking poles for about 20 years now and love them. I just returned home from Big Bend, Texas and my poles came along for the big hike into the mountains.

    Laura Lane

  23. Blue & White quilts are my favourite. Good luck with your entries! Great to be accepted into a juried show!

  24. Congratulations🎉🎇🎆
    How exciting! I need to start entering quilts. Paducah, KY is close, so makes sense to start there.,.
    How exciting though!


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