
Monday, November 11, 2019

Another Favorite Houston Exhibit

I came across this lovely indigo exhibit and it really was inspiring! Quilting in Japan has always been so completely perfect and over the top, which I appreciate, but I'm not necessarily inspired by it- thee was something different about these quilts. 
If you haven't heard of many Japanese quilters, let me introduce you to the
 indigo work of Shizuko Kurohah. 

This was one of my favorites. It was so unusual and unique.
She had to have designed it on paper ahead of time to make this amazing design work. I think you can click to zoom more. 

As I browsed the vendors, I came across Shizuko! Hand quilting away with her family working the booth. Anybody know what the booth name was? I bought some hand quilting needles and wish I would have purchased the glove to help with hand fatigue. (I doubt I'll ever hand quilt as much in a day as she does!) She didn't seem to speak a lick of English but was so generous with trying to explain her hand quilting technique. 

And this was her adorable grandson wearing this bright red cowboy hat! And it is true that many Japanese love all things cowboy!! How stinkin' cute is he??
Here is the special exhibit info.

And her book published by Quiltmania. 

On another note: Elsa and I set the alarm early and went out for a hike to catch the sunrise on Friday,. Out weather has been wonderful for November and I'm eeking out every last drop of it before the weather really changes. 

 This is an apple orchard at the trail head. It was an old homestead 120 years ago.
 When I see these old corrals, still in use, it reminds me of the cowboy heritage in Central Oregon

Saturday we went on an easy hike so Porter could join us. . 
 This is the Deschutes River, popular for fishing and floating.
 This is what I look like before wanting a photo! LOL

 Another old homestead. 

An old store with Noah Vibbert on the side. The family named Vibbert still lives in the area.

Thanks for coming along with me today. 

Thank you Veterans and your family  for your service! Much love to you all!


  1. I have always loved those taupe and blue quilts. Beautiful

  2. Noah Vibbert and his wife were the sweetest people! I don't know a lot about them but they went to the church I grew up in and were very kind.

  3. The indigo quilts are lovely. I am drawn to the simpler ones.

    I enjoy seeing the old homesteads. Who owns the land now, is it just abandoned? Do you ever treasure hunt, old bottles or coins etc?


  4. WOW! Gorgeous quilts by a sweet-looking woman. Wonderful walk pictures. Smiled when you took the easier walk so Porter could join too. Our fur babies love the outdoors too!

  5. Love being able to, vicariously, travel with you and see some of what you see. Thank you for this journey together.

  6. I love the first quilt of hers but not crazy about the rest but I can admire the complexity the skill and talent it must take to make them.
    Were you outside Houston when you took those pictures? Your photos were beautiful. I love the old homesteads ghost towns.

  7. Just gorgeous quilts and quilting--loving those subdued colors...hugs, Julierose

  8. Thank you for sharing, Lori! Beautiful quilts and historic sites. Blessings.

  9. I live in Japan, but didn't know of Shizuko Kurohah before reading your post. I'll be looking for her work when I attend quilt shows here.

  10. Such a nice picture of you and your dogs. I like pictures of old buildings too.

  11. This is a great post. I love your photos of Shizuko Kurohah and her beautiful quilts. I wondered if her booth had some of the antique fabrics for sale. Amazing color and design.

  12. P.S. Houston was a great place for a cowboy loving grandson!

  13. Simple elegance in those quilts, the indigo fabrics have such character. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Wonderful photos, Lori. Love seeing all your scenery.

  15. The quilts are truly lovely. However, your hiking photos were wonderful! Glad you shared them. Faves? The first of the morning and the B&Ws.

  16. I also enjoy seeing quilts that are not as perfect or over the top as the ones we see most often from big shows. Thank you for sharing these! Shizuko's quilt Encounters is intriguing and beautiful - love it.

  17. Thanks for sharing these lovely indigo quilts. They have a homey-ness from the antique fabrics that is very inviting. Thanks also for sharing the pictures of the old homesteads and the store. If only these buildings could talk!

  18. I keep coming back and looking at Shizuko Kurohah's work and have finally realized that my two favorites (diamond (#3) and "s" hook (#4)) are made of log cabin blocks! I am encouraged to try something new.


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