Wednesday, May 29, 2024

This, That and The Other

This is not a quilty post, but hopefully you'll enjoy my recent photos and outings. 

Sometimes you have to sew a button! HAHA

May 10th was my first time seeing the Northern Lights! I thought this was all I was going to get. 

And then an hour later I was able to see this! It was so cool!

We took an amzing trip to Tahiti a French Polynesian island. 

The water was incredible!

We took a boat to an island for lunch and snorkeling- so fun. 

This was crazy! The stingray was beautiful.

That purple was coral. It was incredible.

The people were very nice, despite speaking mostly French.  I always asked if I could take a photo and most were happy to oblige me. 

I understand muumuu/mission dress so much better after being in this humid hot environment. 

(For Kanak women, the mission dress is the traditional dress to wear for any occasion! Why “mission”? In fact this dress was introduced by Christian missionaries 

This was an amazing sunset we witnessed while there. 

It was quite an experience and so relaxing. We snorkeled, strolled, swam in the pool and hiked. 

I finally have a quilt finish that I will be sharing on Friday. YAY!

I hope your week is going great. 



  1. What a fantastic trip! My friend is headed to Tahiti next January. I'll have to share your post with her!

  2. Glad you enjoyed your trip. I love my MuuMuu. The Northern lights were pretty awesome to see. I should have stayed out longer.

  3. Fun travels and skies. Love the last lady's mounds of lovely shell necklaces. And the water is so clear. I rem swimming w the stingrays in the Cayman Is---they are beautiful but I was scared of them. The Tahiti water is so clear!

  4. The Northern Lights were gorgeous! That clear water and white sand looks so, so nice! Lucky you! I thought that you had lived in France for awhile though so you must speak French, right?

  5. Some of my favorite things in this post, Lori--Northern Lights (so glad you got to see them!), travel, and a gorgeous sunset. Your trip looks amazing!


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