
Monday, May 16, 2011

Heritage Stars Directions

I got such a positive response from my ZigZag quilt I thought I'd give you some easy instructions if you'd like to make it yourself. According to my EQ drawing it will measure 78 1/2" x 87". My quilt finished  a little smaller but I do not prewash, but washed after it was quilted and bound.

First off, you can see the original at and do a search for number 4A-7F-A4F.

You will need to make 86 6" sawtooth stars, or any other 6" block of your choice.
You will need to make 8 half star blocks. I drew it out in EQ and made a full block. There is no A and no large triangle. It will be a half block.

I like to oversize my setting triangles, but am going to give you the exact size. I would encourage you to make them a little larger and trim after the quilt is in strips.
Green and Pink: Cut 22- 9 3/4" squares  then cut twice on the diagonal for 4 triangles. (you will use 85 triangles and have 3  leftover)
Cut- 5- 5 1/8" squares then cut once on the diagonal to make two triangles. (These are the smaller corner triangles)
You will assemble the quilt by vertical rows. Use the diagram as a guide if needed to put the colors in the correct position. Make 9 rows, then attach the rows together.

I used the same concept only smaller with the Strawberry Fields quilt. You can refresh your memory at this post.



  1. I look forward to giving it a go - it's on the list to do! Thank you for your efforts in drawing up instructions - not surprised by the response!

  2. Thank you for providing the instructions for this wonderful quilt.

  3. Thanks for sharing the instructions. I really appreciate it. I love this quilt and will put it on my to do list.

  4. Thanks Lori! This is VERY tempting!! I've been so good this year so far - working on ufo's. I'd really like to make this one though... :0)

  5. Thanks so much for the instructions Lori. Perhaps if I could just go about making those stars first and see how that goes! 86 stars will take me ... oooh easily ... 5 years?! LOL!!

  6. thanks!!!! of course I figured this out after getting out the graph paper and ruler and drafting it up!!!
    its a beautiful quilt
    thanks for sharing it with us

  7. Oh, now I have to add it to my list since I can skip the math! Thanks Lori; you are always so generous :)

  8. Thanks Lori.
    I meant to write and asked for the setting instructions and now I have them. I would like to do it using cheddar.

  9. Thank you for taking the time to write out the pattern. I must admit I've become a little obsessed with this quilt and had figured out a pattern for 8 inch blocks. I love that it's quite a simple but very effective optical illusion.

  10. That's very generous of you Lori,
    I always loved the zig zag setting. Maybe one day I can make one. Meanwhile, I'll add it to the list. Thank you for taking the time to do this.

  11. I love this layout. You're so sweet to share the instructions.

  12. Thank you, thank you! I adore this quilt. I have a collection of sawtooth stars I started last summer that will look marvelous set this way!

  13. Your quilt is visually outstanding and I left it on the computer to look at all morning. Thanks for sharing. Penny (in aust, no blog)

  14. Both the original and your interpretation are wonderful. Thank you for sharing your instructions and the link to the original.

  15. I love the zigzag setting and can't wait to use it!

  16. Ooooooh another little temptation. It is gorgeous and thanks for the instructions.

  17. Thanks for the instructions - you must be much more prolific in EQ than I! I really love this setting.

  18. Thanks Lori, the zigzag is such a great effect on this quilt, or is it the bubblegum pink and green? Anyway I love it.

  19. Thanks for the eq diagram. It's so nice to see how this most interesting quilt goes together!

  20. I love the color combo on this quilt, it's very stunning.

  21. Love the quilt, it is beautiful!!! I have some vintage blocks that I bought on ebay, and I want to set them with zig-zags like you did this quilt! The directions are perfect. Happy Quilting!

  22. Thanks for the measurements, Lori! I've had EQ for, well, ever but haven't used it for anything practical like this. I noticed you put in a few yellow star backgrounds as in one of the originals - I really like that. I'm always amazed at how much quilting you accomplish!

  23. You are an angel. Thanks for sharing this quilt and the directions with your blog fans.

  24. Lori,
    Like I said, I'm new to blog land and sometimes don't know all the buttons to push!! Not sure where to click on "reply", but thanks for replying any way. Blessings

  25. A zigzag setting is always a winner, and the pink+green combination is a definite eye catcher. Appreciate the instructions, Lori.
    Thanks for the link to the Rutgers antique quilt site. I'm just back from a long visit there. I got lost in the old beauties.

  26. What a beautiful quilt, Lori. Your quilts are always so inspiring!

  27. Thank you so much, dear Lori...I love that I can know how to make this lovely...someday!!

  28. Thanks so much for sharing. I really love your quilt. Hugs.

  29. Thanks for the instructions, this is a very cute layout. Different and interesting.

  30. Thanks, Lori. I've added the instructions to my long list of 'want to do'. I love the pink and green combination.

  31. What a beauty! Thanks for your generosity - and leading me to even more temptations...

  32. Thank you so much for inspiration & instruction, a very beautiful and tempting quilt !

  33. Thank you very much for the directions on the zig-zag setting. I didn't imagine that it was done this way ... but of course. I will certainly try this out some time. Look stunning.

  34. Love, love it! Excellent color choices.
    I searched the Quilt Index, but was unable to find 4A-7F-A4F. Can you help?
    in historic Cedarburg, WI
    NQA Certified Quilt Judge


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