
Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Danish Thanksgving

My son lived in Denmark for a year while he was an exchange student.  My son's host mom, Lene, was an exchange student herself in the 70's and is very Americanized.They wanted to surprise my son, Ken, with a traditional American Thanksgiving. They purchased a huge turkey and were planning on all the trimmings too.

There was only one problem. Everything in Europe is smaller (even the people!) and the turkey was too big to fit in the oven. So the host grandpa and cook, Iwan, used (maybe he had to buy it?) an electric chain saw and proceeded to cut it in half while raw turkey was flying all over his kitchen! The size of that turkey was not going to deter them from giving Kenny a Thanksgiving turkey meal.
They told me later they froze the pieces of turkey that he cut off and they were eating it for months!

Because this was a surprise, earlier in the day they were casually asking Kenny what he has for Thanksgiving meal at home, and he thought for a moment and said, "HAM"!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you near and far. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this blog and enriching my life with your friendship and comments.


  1. What a fabulous story - LOL

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Lori.

  2. Love it!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Lori.

  3. Too funny. You don't really have ham for Thanksgiving, do you? Happy Thanksgiving, Lori, enjoy the day.

  4. LOL.....THAT IS FUNNY...thoughtful of them but FUNNY.

    Glad you are in my life too!

  5. Oh how you must have missed him!
    What a great story :0) how did the meal come out and what did they serve with the turkey?

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours

  6. Wonderful tradition for Thanksgiving. I hope you and your family have a wonderful day.


  7. Such a cute story! How did the turkey taste when they got it done? When I watch House Hunters International on HGTV, I always wonder how people cook a meal. Some of the places don't even have an oven. Lots have just two burners on their stove.

  8. Now that was a funny story. Happy Thanksgiving

  9. Happiest Thanksgiving to you...that is hoot! Can't you just see turkey flying all over the place>>

  10. Great thanksgiving story! Wishing you a great day!

  11. Great story, one that will be passed down for generations! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  12. Hilarious story!! Hugs, Julierose P.S. Are you having ham this year?? :---)))

  13. Cute story...lived it! I lived in Europe fo 10 years and did find the ovens a challenge even for a cookie sheet! Unsure what you meant by the people smaller too though. We lived in The Netherlands, Germany and England...traveled many European countries for holidays ...miss it!

  14. OMG Lori, that's hilarious!!! Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving :))) cheers... Marian

  15. What a story! Love it. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  16. Wonderful story! It is always those funny, heartwarming, comical events that make the best memories.
    Enjoy the rest of the holiday.

  17. So funny! Knowing how small my English oven is compared to the US one I can imagine this!

  18. What a funny story! One that involved very kind people, willing to go to any length to be hospitable.

  19. Hilarious!
    My dad loved turkey but not tiny ones or lots of leftovers, so after he and my mom were empty nesters, just the two of them, he'd buy a good sized Butterball or two [on sale!] and saw them in half on his table saw. Then into the freezer, for snowy Cape Cod winter days. First time I saw the semi-turkey I was aghast! But if one has a big freezer [and a saw] it's a kinda great idea? (He never said it made a big mess, he was pretty adept.)

    Hope your holiday was wonderful, Lori.


  20. Hilarious! I'd love to have seen their faces when he said,"Ham."

  21. What a great story that will live on in your family forever. Thanks so much for sharing.

  22. what a hoot! hope you had a nice thanksgiving!!

  23. That is a great story. I can just picture the turkey and the chainsaw. With bits of turkey flying about the kitchen.

  24. this is such a funny story Lori. thank you so much for brightening my day with a smile~!



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