
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wednesday Update

Well, I am preparing to cook a large meal tomorrow for Thanksgiving.  There will only be 9 of us but it seems like the same amount of work no matter how many there are at the table. I am hoping to post a Thanksgiving story. It is a true tale of when my son was in Denmark for a year celebrating Thanksgiving. It is always one we retell year after year.

I do admit to getting a bit itchy to decorate for Christmas. December 1st and the first Advent is Sunday! The spare bed is holding the quilts ready for me to make the change from fall to winter.

There were a few things I need to get rid of that have been in a pile since we carpeted my room. 
I bought this hooked rug kit years ago. The burlap made a mess, but it is obvious by looking at the primitive angel's face I didn't quite get the hang of it. Leave a comment if you want it and I'll send it to you. The bag has all the strings needed to complete the angel rug.

This box is full of cowboy scraps. (GONE!) You readers generously shared with me and now I'm done with them.

This isn't a drawing, first person to give me a shout out, gets them.

If you are a no reply commenter I will not try to track you down. Go to this post and make the changes necessary to contact you.

PS, Wendy, P2P you are a no-reply commenter.


  1. I would love the scraps. Lots of kid quilts to make here and I love novelties.

  2. I would love the rug hooking kit. I find doing them so relaxing...similar to binding a quilt :)

  3. OH OH….there's that Red/White Irish Chain again!!! LOVE!

  4. You're very generous Lori -- have a blessed Thanksgiving. Just love those "10 quilts a stage-ed"... ha ha ha... enjoy !

  5. That little rug kit looks like it could be hooked up quickly and ready to enjoy for THIS Christmas!

  6. I'm making dinner for a few more than 9 but most of them are children. There will only be 13 of my 32 member family at my house. I'm waiting until after Monday to start decorating for Christmas. I almost have enough Christmas Quilts to cover every bed. I'm leaning toward doing the New Bonnie Hunter Mystery in Christmas fabrics. Are you playing along?

  7. What beautiful quilts, your home is going to look divine!

  8. Love your winter quilt collection... The pomegranate one is just beautiful!

  9. That pile of quilts is so yummy. Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. We are having 17 plus two little guys this year. I have done the cleaning and rearranging - just need to set the tables and then my part is done :)

  11. Love that pile of quilts, hope we get to see them fully laid out. Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. I hope you and yours have a blessed, happy Thanksgiving.

  13. You have so many wonderful quilts to decorate with. You are just teasing us by putting in a picture like that :0)

  14. I love seeing what you have ready to go up Dec.1st!
    And I am looking forward to your Thanksgiving story.
    I will have 17 at my house this year, but luckily, there are 5 of us doing the meal prep. However, I really should go finish cleaning my house. : )

  15. Oh my that's a gorgeous pile of quilts!

  16. Could I borrow that one quilt on the left - just for Christmas and I promise to return it sooner or very much later..... Happy Turkey Day!!

  17. Happy Thanksgiving! I love it when you decorate for Christmas and show us pics. Our neighbours put their lights up last week, a bit early I think.

  18. Happy Thanksgiving Lori! Enjoy your day with family. Looking forward to seeing winter mode

  19. Happy Thanksgiving!
    A couple ? for you, a blog expert. Am I a no-reply? I recently did the Tuesday link-up with Freemotion by the River. Since then an anonymous person has left comments all over my blog posts. They appear fine within my blog, yet when I read the comments on my email account they are full of Toronto spam?? What do you do with anonymous replies? Thanks!!

  20. Happy Thanksgiving dear friend!
    I'd like to have the R&W Irish Chain in the top pic. Am I the first one to request it... probably not LOL Thanks for getting me in the mood to get out my Christmas surroundings.. I don't put out a lot, but it is fun!

  21. I'd like to be a guest in that spare bedroom. Those quilts look yummidy!

  22. great quilts for decorating! can't wait to see them hung and in place


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