
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Elm Creek Companion Winner

I couldn't have a blog post without a quilt photo.

Here's my red and green quilt quilted and laying in the middle of my sewing room floor. Need to get a binding made soon! So excited to have it ready to display this Christmas.

Here's another section in the Elm Creek Companion. It really is a fantastic book.
Thank you Mary from Plume Books for offering it to me to review and a giveaway. If you are one of those hard to buy for women, put this on your wish list! It is available in book stores now.

On with the winner..........................

(PS there are still comments with no email associated with them and they are not eligible to win- go look and fix it! I show you how here. )

Thank you all who entered! I loved reading which book or character you liked the best. I have read more of them than I thought I had.

Susan, Material Girl, You are the winner of the book! Please email me with your mailing address and I'll get it in the mail to you.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Congratulations Susan! And Lori... Lovin' the green and red quilt... Thanks for the pic!

  2. OHHHH man I love this red and green quilt!! It is going to look spectacular hanging around your house this Christmas...or any other time for that mater!! You did an amazing job!!
    PS...congratulations Susan!! What a great book!!

  3. Thanks for sharing the red and green, what's not to love. I just finished quilting mine, but still need to make binding and get it sewn on. So thankful also, that it was finished in time for Christmas!

  4. Congratulations Susan!
    I love your red and green quilt Lori its beautiful! Happy Sunday!

  5. Such a gorgeous red and green quilt...I love it!

  6. Congrats Susan. The red and green quilt is beautiful

  7. Love your beautiful red and green quilt! Going to be great to have it for the holiday season.:)

  8. :Your quilt is beautiful... Congrat's to Susan

  9. Love your quilt! What a great Christmas treasure... Congratulations to the winner!

  10. Congrats to Susan and Congrats to getting your red/green quilt ready for the holiday. I hope you will show the whole thing when the binding is finished. Have you chosen the binding color?

  11. Your quilt is lovely. It will be perfect for the holiday. Get that binding on soon.

  12. You know how we quilters love our eye candy :0) Such a lovely traditional quilt - it will be beautiful to display for Christmas!

  13. Lovely quilt Lori it's a Christmas special and congratulations to Susan.

  14. Green and red quilt looks stunning, joy oh joy to finish!

  15. congrats to susan and your Christmas quilt is beautiful! what color will be the binding be?
    I'm rooting for red, lol


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