
Friday, November 22, 2013

Are you a No Reply Commenter?

And what the heck does that mean, anyways?! This post looks long, but really it isn't. I tried to add a few photos to make it easier to change.

I have it set up so when someone leaves a comment on my blog it comes directly to my email.

See the from? If I want to send an email to this person, it is going out to cyberland and not "Quilter" who sent it.

Sometimes I can go click on the name where the comment was left and find an email. Most of time this is what I find: This is your blogger profile.
That doesn't help me at all!

Part of the joy of blogging is responding to comments, answering question and getting to know other quilters.  So, if you've ever wondered why someone didn't answer a question, it very well could be because you are a no-reply commenter.

Some of you suggested that because you were part of Google I would have your email address.

Sometimes this is all I get when I click on your name where you have left a comment. The crossed out area was someones name. You can edit your Google+ and put in as much or as little information as you'd like. My email can be found in the "About" area.  I find Google+ pretty worthless actually. (feel free to add me to your google circle, then we can email thru that if need be)
My Google+ profile

OK, so what to do to fix it? First off you may not know if you are a no-reply. I tried to add a reply right in my comments for those I could not reach. Go look and see if you are one of them on the book giveaway. Or leave a comment here and I will either send you an email, saying you are great, or I'll leave a reply in my comment section telling you that you are no-reply.
Sheesh, this is getting longer than it really needs to be. Let 's go!

The best way to do it is to disconnect from Google+ from your dashboard.(you can reconnect later the same way we are disconnecting)
Mine looks like this. In the upper right hand there is the gear icon, click on it and you will see an option to disconnect from Google+.

Now you will go to Blogger profile by clicking on the arrow next to your  name. Edit your profile.
Make sure the box is checked next to "Show my email address".

If you don't have a blog simply go to your profile, make sure the "show my email address" box is checked. If it isn't, make sure you enter your email address and check the box.

You should be good to go! Let me know if this was helpful or if I've made a mistake, or if you still need help. I am going to stall off the drawing until Sunday morning so the many no-reply commenters can give me their contact information.

I had great plans to sew this afternoon and decided to make this post instead! Now I'm going to sew something wonderful. 


  1. I was one of the many who thought that my email was enabled. Oops! Thank you for helping me fix it. Would have never been able to figure it out on my own!

  2. I was sure mine was but double checked it. And yes I was enabled.

  3. I think I am set but not sure why my profile photo doesn't always show up
    Great info here

  4. Great information, Lori. I think this should help anyone who is a no reply commenter.

  5. Your help was great! I fixed mine! I still don't know why some blogs can reply to me and others can't, but it should no longer be a problem. Thank you!

  6. My drop down menu is different and I don t have the name with the little arrow motif. When I click 'revert to Blogger profile', it says all links and ? [I forget] done with Google will be deleted. I got scared, lol, and left it as is. sigh. I ll just put my email on my blog header.....
    Thanks for the help tho!



  7. It appears that it's Google+ that continues to revert Bloggers back to a "no-reply" setting so I've changed my profile back to my Blogger profile. Still kept the Google+ account but not using it as my profile. I was constantly going back in to my settings to get rid of the "no-reply" settings but now it's fixed for good! I hope :-)

  8. Very good Post, and I totally agree with you 110%! Thank you. I hope that I do not fall into the NO REPLY! By Helen McNaught post I see Google changed things up again, and I will have to check on it.

  9. Can you reply back to this one? Nancy in WI

  10. Can you reply back to this one? Nancy in WI

    1. Your email came in as a no reply on both comments. Your profile doesn't have an email either. Feel free to email me if I can help!

  11. Love the mountain picture. Hope I am good to reply

  12. i am still drop down menu is different than the ones you have listed here...feeling frustrated

    1. I go to your Google+ profile. Maybe you can add your email there.

  13. good reminders of how we can stay connected.
    I can be frustrating and complicated!

  14. lori, you are such a help to us in learning the ins and outs of the internet.
    thank you

    Am I a no-reply-er??????

  15. Thanks for the great info!

  16. Let me know if you find my email. Thanks, Dee

  17. Am I a no reply-er? Thanks for your help, Dee

  18. Am I no-reply? I tried to change it. Let me know if I'm good to go.

  19. Thanks for the "no reply" tutorial. Could you please let me know that my profile is fixed and I am not a "no reply" commentor?

  20. Good Morning, Lori; Whew, have I gotten an education on Google! I am hoping that everything is fixed. If not, please let me know. I also added your blog to my Reading List.

    You take care,

  21. I wonder if I am a no-replyer? Thanks for the help!

  22. I'm pretty sure my Google siggie and address show up?

  23. Yes I would love to win the quilt stencils
    Greetings from Holland.
    Janny S.

  24. gee i thought my email was i'll post again

  25. Thank you, Lori, for your instructions!!

  26. Thanks for the great instructions. I hope I can do it!

    Loretta McGinn

  27. Thanks so much for instructions I can understand!


  28. Thanks to your great instructions, I think I have enabled my email. Now the problem I am having is I am getting EVERYONE'S responses to your blogs and giveaways. I don't know how I did it or how to fix it. Can you help me, please? Thanks so much...

    Loretta McGinn

  29. Thank you! I'm computer challenged and if my sons are away at college, like now, then I'm stuck trying to swim upstream.
    I think I fixed the problem, I hope. Thank you again.

  30. I don't think I sent a comment in for the giveaway, but now I'm wondering if I'm a no reply person (I'm not a blogger, I know that). So this is a test. Thanks for letting me know if you see this.

  31. you might want to add that they need to scroll down and SAVE. Most of them put the checkmark in the box and then leave the page not realizing they need to scroll down to the bottom of the page.

  32. Sorry to say until I sort things out I'm a no reply and no face person! I am disabled and also visually impaired so I take a very long time to write a few words. I will ask my granddaughter to help me. God bless you and thank you x

  33. I love that I found this post on your blog! Fixed now - whoo hooo! :)

  34. I did as you suggested to make my e-mail address visible to you. How do I know it worked?

    1. I hope you see this reply! It didn't work. I got your email but still says no-reply commenter.


Because the ridiculous amount of SPAM I have resorted to comment moderation.

I love to reply to comments or a question. If you are on I have no way of contacting you. Please leave an email address. If you need help changing the setting please email me.
If you want to comment feel free to send me an email as I would love to hear from you!