
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Quiltworks- First Friday

Happy November! Wow, the months sure go by fast! Quiltworks had their First Friday  and the theme was "Inspirations Small Quilt Show". It was very diverse this month and a fun change.
I'm starting with my favorites. This one, which was made from wool. I think the blocks are 6". I adored the rick rack border.
My pieced favorite by my friend Sally Rogers. I was completely sucked into this one from across the room.
I liked the story behind this one.
What a fun and interesting challenge.

I've been sewing and can't wait to show you what I'm working on!! Hope you enjoyed the show!


  1. Thanks for the show and can't wait to see what you have been up to

  2. Thank you Lori for that peek into the show...just lovely pieces...hugs, julierose

  3. girl, I am drawn to the quilt with the red cross in the corners and sashing .
    I think because i am an RN, I am drawn in the by the cross.....the red cross being the universal symbol for the american red cross
    lovin' it!

  4. son muy, muy guapos !!
    gracias por compartir
    buena semana

  5. Thanks, for the show. A lot of good ideas. I enjoyed the info about the Marathon.

  6. Awesome show!! A little bit of everything!!

  7. Love the show & tell Lori. Especially liked your friend Sally's quilt with the crosses. Can't wait to see what youve been up to.
    Take a look at what I just just accomplished.

  8. Loved the quilt show. Thanks,mayme

  9. What a diverse collection of quilts. Awesome! And little is great!!!

  10. so much to admire here~! thanks for sharing.
    i'm looking forward to seeing what you have been up to.


  11. Thank you for sharing this interesting exhibition. My preferences join yours.

  12. What a diverse collection of quilts! I believe the first two are my favs!
    I'm anxious to see what you are creating!

  13. thankyou for taking the time to download all these photos for sharing. I LOVE the crow, so different to anything I have ever made, or that I would normally be drawn to.

  14. Thanks for sharing. I always like inspiration from others.

  15. It's a great show every month. As always thanks for taking the time to share your photos. I really like the wool quilt with the rick rack vine. I've stored that idea away!

  16. Great quilts, what a nice show to attend every month!

  17. I'm so glad that you share these each month - this one is diverse for sure - how fun!

  18. Quilters come up with some amazing quilts - whether they design it or use a pattern - they are all unique.

  19. Such a great variety. A bit of inspiration for anyone. The red cross Q looks like one in the latest Country Threads book. It's on my endless bucket list.
    Thanks for sharing the show.

  20. wow, those are just beautiful!

  21. excellent little quilt grateful for the internet that makes these things possible!

  22. Thanks for sharing - great quilts! I'm making that first quilt - up to the borders and the ric rac is a fab idea!

  23. Yep, the top two are definitely my faves!! i love wool applique.. it's so much fun to do :)) cheers... Marian

  24. great quilts! I love the funny cat. I have an african theme house quilt in the works around here somewhere - I love the one here - thanks for sharing these Lori!
    can't wait to see what you are up to

  25. What an amazing show! Love the woolie applique. The 9 patch in blues and reds is really eye catching. I am thinking that I have a huge collection of blues and reds, way more than I need for what I collected them for. I also really like the pinwheels. And too many more to name. LOL\
    Look forward to seeing what you are up to.

  26. The quilt with the house is my favorite. An interesting variety of quilts. Thank you for sharing. I like how this quilt shop continues to feature of variety of really good quilters.


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