
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Under the Big Top- DONE!!

I feel so wonderful upon completion of a very long term project and this is one of them!!
 "Under the Big Top" is quilted and bound! If you are wondering about the quilt name, click HERE.
 In 2010 6 quilters all started a 9 month hst swap. So, I'm saying that is when this quilt officially started. That's about 4 years in the making. And as I have said more than once, good things cannot be rushed.
 Recently Mary of Quilt Hollow gave a shout out of a quilting deal she was offering and I jumped at the chance. I felt this quilt would be suited to an all-over pattern since the quilt pattern is the focus.
 Thank you Mary! I am thrilled with it!

 Here is the original quilt. I do believe it was hanging at Houston Quilt Show in Nov 2009. This photo makes is look orange but it is red.
 Here is a close up of a block.
 The first thing I did was make up the block on Electric Quilt. (to the best of my limited ability) If you are new here, my latest doll quiltalong, Faithful,  was this block. Several of the makers want to make all nine blocks. Can't wait to see them!!
Then I dropped that block into a whole quilt. I love this process of making a quilt from an antique. It is much more satisfying to me than purchasing a pattern and making exactly as the designer. (I do that too!)

Oh yeah, and a little insurance policy when throwing it in the wash. Color Catchers!

Thanks for coming along on this quilting journey with me!!


  1. Yay! Yippee! Well done!! I just love to see people finish long term gives me hope and energy for mine. I LOVE your quilt! It is so happy and scrappy...that is a lot of HST's, my friend...

  2. Congratulations! It really has an antique touch. The colors are joyful, I love those yellows and reds.

  3. STUNNING!! Now isn't that a wonderful feeling?! WOW!

  4. Love the feathered paisley Mary did, it's perfect! Congrats on a finish, well done, binding and all! Yipee!! Under the Big Top is the perfect name. Thank you for turning into a QAL. Fun!

  5. Congratulations on finishing your long term project. I love it! I have to say, I like your version even better than the quilt that inspired it. I'm looking closely at the thread color - med. gray? Looks like a perfect choice, as it blends in nicely and does not stand out. Always interested in details such as that...

  6. I love, love, love your gorgeous quilt!! FAbulous!!

  7. Oh my it is just beautiful, I worked on mine last night I was getting into the ZEN of
    making HST. I'm looking for more strips and plaids from my stash :0)
    Thanks again for the inspiration from your sew along.

    Happy Sewing

  8. Absolutely fabulous!!! This one is one my "to make someday list"!! I missed out on "Faithful" but it will get done someday!!


  9. Amazing work Lori -- you definitely get the "Star" for having patience lady -- those HST strips would put me in the funny farm. ;) The quilt is just beautiful - Congratulations....

  10. precioso !!!! gran trabajo, me gustan las cosas hechas sin prisas ,
    se disfrutan mucho mas al final

  11. You must be feeling great to have this wonderful project totally completed! I think I like your version better than the original one - it's been so fun to see the ones that other folks have made too. Can't wait to learn what you have next on your list.....

  12. This quilt is so beautiful--it was worth 4 years for sure!! Hugs, Julierose

  13. What a fabulous finish!! I just adore the red print you used for the final border. What a great project for a hst exchange. The quilting suits it perfectly.

  14. It's fabulous! Love the colors and fabric and the exuberance of it!

  15. If I didn't have such a love/hate relationship with HSTs (love the look, hate squaring them up), this would go on my bucket list. It is spectacular!! Congrats on such a wonderful finish!
    I am plugging away now on my version of "Faithful", though. : )

  16. Such an incredible quilt! LOVE it! I want to make one some day in the future. I totally agree about the fun of making an antique quilt from your own 'pattern'. The challenge of getting it right makes it very rewarding.:)

  17. Congratulations on an amazing finish.... a masterpiece!
    Love those color catchers!

  18. It looks great! It always feels so good to put the last stitches in a long term project! So...what's next? Lol!

  19. Every time I see this quilt it brightens my day. Thanks for Sharing your quilting journey with us.

  20. Wow Lori. It came out great! You are terrific at getting projects DONE!! Love the red border!! Looks familiar!! :-)

  21. Swapping triangles is a great idea. I actually have a box of half square triangles somewhere that I should dig out. This is a lovely quilt

  22. I love this quilt, it's so lively and happy. Please keep it as your header photo!

  23. I am sure I said it before but I really am in love with this quilt. Always love HST but the colours, the setting.. what is not to like? Must be a happy feeling to have it done completely...

  24. Wow, Lori!! Congratulations! Its magnificent!!!

    I love quilts like this with lots and lots of different fabrics! Love your colours choices too.

  25. It is stunning Lori! Such beautiful colours too. Thanks for showing the original - beautiful too and you have really done it justice !

  26. Wow, it turned out fabulous! And sure is worth the 4 year sewing time!

  27. It's a beautiful quilt Lori! It's the journey that we all treasure, the longer the sweeter! Well done!

  28. I love is such a cheerful happy quilt that fits many seasons. Treasure it! I love the dye catchers, they do there job.

  29. Some quilts just make us smile. I love it, the colors, the fabrics, the overall pattern is joyful! A great those color catchers too. :))))

  30. I'm a little bit slow on mine too. I've got a load of HST made but just need to go and trim them.
    Your quilt is wonderful.

  31. this turned out fabulously~! the quilting is very nice too.
    congratulations on the finish.


  32. Lori, it looks SPECTACULAR.. you must be thrilled!! isn't it amazing how the quilting really sets a quilt off.. LOVE it!!
    I'm still not finished my little faithful (i promise i will), too many distractions at the moment. cheers...Marian

  33. What an awesome quilt! I do love my little Faithful but haven't finished it yet. It feels sooooo good to finish a long term project!

  34. Lori, I thought this quilt was amazing when you first showed it. Everytime I see it, it brightens my day and I love it more. Congrats on the finish!!!!

  35. Well, it is just wonderful; so bright and cheery. I think I need one of my own!

  36. Love the crinkle! Thank you again...such a pretty quilt full of charm! I make sure to toss those color catchers in even on 2nd wash. Wink

  37. Congratulations on finishing this stunning quilt! The fabrics and colours are so joyous.

  38. Hoorah hoorah! I LOVE that quilt even before it was quilted! Now even more so.
    What batting did you use?
    Color catchers? where does one buy them. I dont think I have seen them in NZ.

  39. hooray - looks great!!! I still have a box of swapped HST from years ago, lol.
    This is such an over the top wonderful quilt Lori - congrats on a real winner!!!!

  40. oh Lori its beautiful good for you finishing it :) hmmm wonder if you will be the only one!

  41. What an HST Fest! I looks amazing!

  42. I LOVE your scrappy Big Top quilt. Great Job!

    1. Thank you Elizabeth. I It was so much fun to make and I still love it!


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