
Saturday, November 9, 2013

PJ Sale at the Stichin' Post

This morning was the ever popular pajama sale at the Stichin' Post in Sisters.  The earlier you arrive the bigger the discount. If you are wearing pajamas you get an extra 5% discount. I really didn't need a thing, and it is getting harder and harder to find what I like at this store, but it is almost tradition. I didn't want to break with that!

This is what my phone said as I started my car to leave Madras.
And this is what I saw as I passed the store when I got to Sisters an hour later. A line of ladies in their PJ's waiting for the doors to open.

I had a good reason to pass right on by. Anna of Woolie Mammoth Blog  invited me, along with some others, for some coffee and nourishment before hitting the sale. How could I pass that up?! Thanks Anna!!
The usual PJ sale mayhem ensued. It's always fun!!

You'll never know what you'll find in Sisters, Oregon!!


  1. So fun and so nice that you could meet up with Anna and the others, much more fun way to shop.


  2. This is astonishing, I never heard before about a pajama sale! It seems so funny! I wish I could see this once...

  3. me gusta la idea !!!
    nosotros no tenemos nada así

  4. How fun!! And I am so glad you got to meet Anna...she is a nurse and I love her blog too! enjoy your goodies!

  5. Soooo what did you buy? Always fun to go to town in PJ's!!!

  6. How fun is that? Worth just to see everyone out in their PJ's :0)
    Sorry about those cold temps.....I was out riding my bike in 65 degree sunshine
    here in coastal Carolina :0)

    Happy Sewing

  7. I'm with ya' on the inventory (& the atmosphere) at Stitchin' Post these days. It just didn't feel the same last time we visited Sisters...we didn't feel like we had a very warm reception there either! I kinda checked to make sure I didn't have anything smelly on my shoe...
    In contrast the ladies in the nice shop in Bend greeted us with open arms even though it was technically after hours...but they took us in the classroom and introduced us to the great group of ladies who were stitching and having a ball that evening!

  8. How nice to spend time with Anna-I'm sure there were lots of giggles...two great ladies & two great blogs. What fun to shop for quilty stuff in your PJ's!

  9. So did you find anything that had to come home with you?
    Looks like a fun tradition, but at that temp., if I didn't think there would be anything I wanted, I might not be too easily motivated. But Anna's invitation could make all the difference. : )

  10. Looks like a lot of FUN! Anna certainly is very sparkly for 5:30 in the morning! What does she put in that coffee? Hmmmm? lol! :-)

  11. Looks like lots of fun to be had even if there isn't a lot to grab your attention. I went to a Saturday night shut-in type thing a few times (a long time ago). You could stay until the wee hours of the morning and sew.......I think they had a project type thing to work on. And a very good sale around midnight.

  12. Sounds like fun, hope you found some goodies.

  13. What a fun tradition! I hope you found something to come home with you :0)

  14. Wish I was there to join you. Darn! Looks like lots of fun.

  15. So, what did you find to buy?? I'm sure you must have gotten something, especially with that huge discount!!! Which pjs did you wear, by the way?? No pictures??

  16. What's the best discount that they give? Did you buy anything?? Looks like fun. I know what you mean about not much that you would buy there, but there HAD to be something. Like some solids or a pattern or gadget….or something!

  17. Thank you for sharing the early morning shopping!!! And...for the fairly decent photo of me in my PJ's, lol. Hope we can fit some future quilting time in!

  18. this is just tooo fun - I wanna go!!! :)

  19. It looks like the best time ever!! PJ s and fabric shopping. I hope you found some fabric to bring home.

  20. What fun! Sisters is one shop I've always wanted to visit.

  21. Now that sounds like a lot of fun. If nothing else it is a good excuse to buy a new pair of PJs.

  22. Yes! This makes me want to buy a cute pair of jammies too!!!


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