
Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday Monday!

Our internet has been down and our weather has been crazy! Here's a few photos from my
world this weekend.
Twelve Days of Christmas wall hanging.
                     My entryway quilt.
            Central Oregon mountains.
                    Long john weather!
                  Pretty blue skies.
      Scandinavian festival with my family.

Happy Monday!


  1. Nice quilt decor for the holiday, Lori.
    Looks like you are having the same weather we are having, and I don't think that is normal for you. It isn't normal for us, either, until January.
    Don't you all look cutely Nordic? : )

  2. Brrrrrrr! That is some kind of cold! :o) Love the viking hats! lol

  3. My 12 Days of Christmas wall hanging has hung year round in the hallway for the last two years. I like it so well, I did not want to take it down. Yours is well done!

  4. Oh my -15 I thought it was bad here, but tomorrow its going to be 30 Yipppeee! I like your family picture.....

  5. BRRRRrrrr!!! It is dang cold there! And here I was whining when it is 40 degrees higher than that here, LOL!!! Hey, they cancelled my marathon...but I will keep training until the next one!!!

  6. Brr... That's the one thing I don't miss about living down there. It only got down to about 7 degrees here--cold enough for me.:) Love your Christmas wallhanging!

  7. Love the 12 days of Christmas Lori! And your blog header update has me drooling... ;) Have a great week and stay warm!

  8. Did you have any lefse or pickled herring? Yum!!

  9. Lovely quilts, as usual!! Beautiful sky, but my oh my, it is cold!!! Awesome family!!


  10. Looks like my Oklahoma, without the mountains of course. Merry Christmas. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  11. Brrr it sure is cold here too! Lovely family picture. Merry Christmas.

  12. Beautiful pictures, love the Scandinavian Festival pics. We have been in since Thursday night with ice storm.

  13. Nice to see your world back home. Stay warm!

  14. I'm freezing here at 42'......I would definitely be a quiltsicle in Madras!

  15. Really cute Christmas quilts and decor - the view of the snowy mountains is beautiful but temp, not so good. Sheesh, THAT'S cold!!!! Snow is pretty though. Love the family in fun hats.

  16. positively drooling over your blog banner quilt~!!

    it's been "long john weather" here too aka just too damn cold~!!!!

    you and your family are the happiest Vikings I've ever seen~!


  17. Love your 12 days of Christmas wall hanging. Sometimes I wish we had snow here where I live. Never gets cold enough. We get way too much rain though! :-)
    Love the photos of the mountains.
    You all look very happy. :-)

  18. I meant to say how lovely your red and Green header quilt is. Well done, and I love that you made one block oddly - ...different. . haha!

  19. Turn up the heat, would ya? So when I'll meet you on the 20th, it won't be so coooold.

  20. Wow!! Look at that snow! It looks so magical.......

  21. Love the Scandi Christmas look and where did all the snow come from! Have a lovely festive season.

  22. Your new quilt looks great as your header. Love your decorating. The snow is beautiful. Great photo of the family.

  23. love your flag santa!
    wow - it's been cold by you! stay warm with all your wonderful christmassy quilts.

  24. Love your 12 Days of Christmas! I'm on the hunt for the pattern now.
    You guys look great in horns!

  25. Holy smoke, Lori, -15 degrees, make my teeth chatter just to think of it! And we've been whineing 'cause it's 30 degrees at night! Well looks like you will definetly be having a white Cristmas! Happy Holidays! cheers, CW

  26. That is waaaay toooo cold. Nweed more than one set of long underware. Brrr
    Hasn't been warm here either but closer to +15. And snow.
    Your quilts look beautiful.
    Love the head gear!!

  27. It sure is cold around these parts - I live in SE WA state and we've had super cold temps, but no snow. I sure wouldn't mind some snow though. I love your santa with the flag, may I ask where you found the pattern, it is so cute.


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