
Friday, December 6, 2013

A Funny Thing Happened in my Sewing Room....

I wanted to share with you something a little comical but needed to add a pretty photo while I was at it.
My family room which includes my silly Pinocchio collection on the right.
We have an old Santa suit that my FIL used to wear when the kids were little. I found this sign at a holiday boutique perfect to hang above it.

Remember this stuff from this post? It was a flop! From my last post you can see I've been working with wool and onsaburg. I tried ironing cotton last night and my iron wouldn't slide it was so grimy.
So, I looked for the Iron Clean. (I'm all about second chances) My iron was on high and it melted the sheet as soon as I put my iron to it. Lovely, more gunk on my iron.
I grabbed a strip of muslin and started running my iron over it (as per the directions on the side of my ironing board) and low and behold it not only took off the melted sheet but it also removed most of the grime from my iron!

Look what's left of the cleaning sheet! Not much, but look at what is left on the muslin...... The buildup on my iron. I doubt that was how it was supposed to work. LOL

I thought you guys would get a chuckle out of that since I had posted that it was such a flop.

Have a happy Weekend!


  1. Oh my goodness. The last time I cleaned my no-holes on the face plate iron, I poured coarse salt onto a sheet of aluminum foil and ran the cool iron over the salt. It worked pretty well.

  2. Best cleaning sheet HANDS DOWN is a dryer softner sheet. Doesn't matter what kind. I've usually used the cheap kind and here's the thing even used ones (ones that have been through the dryer) work great. Run a warm iron over it a few times and voila gets all kind of grime off. Also smells good.

  3. *LOL* Maybe you need to do a rewrite on their instructions for them! : )

  4. Oh my goodness. You have room for easy chairs in your sewing room. I have my main office style work chair at the sewing machine area and another office chair in front of the book case. I struggle with the one at the book case. It is in the way every time I move between the sewing machine area, the design wall, and the door to the hallway. I have a path to the fabric shelves. Oh to have room for easy chairs, some of my collections, etc. You have a somewhat unique collection with the Pinnochio pieces. I like!

  5. hmmm.... dryer sheet... muslin... should I go clean my iron now?

  6. I also heard that using a Magic Eraser works great on irons, but I've never tried it. Meanwhile, great problem solving! Love the way the family room looks.

  7. I have great success running my iron over used dyer sheets, not fully loaded ones with all the fabric softener chemicals on board but used ones work best.
    Love your sewing room :0) I've got to get mine in order, I have such a pretty space but
    have not set it up for it's best use.

    Happy Sewing

  8. The room looks beautiful! And festive. Funny that you got your iron clean with that product after all. :0

  9. I've used Mr. Clean Magic Eraser gently on my cool iron. It seems to work well and lasts a long time.

  10. Too funny on the iron thingy!!!

    Hey, if you have a Christmas party in your lovely family room I'll come!!! Yep, I'll drive allll the way from Texas for a Christmas cookie…..uh, you will have cookies at this party….won't you!?

  11. Too funny on the iron thingy!!!

    Hey, if you have a Christmas party in your lovely family room I'll come!!! Yep, I'll drive allll the way from Texas for a Christmas cookie…..uh, you will have cookies at this party….won't you!?

  12. I love your room with all those nice things and your collection of Pinocchios!

  13. Como me gusta ese costurero !!!! digno de una reina
    En España tenemos muchos palacios donde vivían los reyes y la reina siempre tenia un costurero en el jardín, por eso me gusta llamar al cuarto de costura ¡¡¡costurero!!!
    Precioso el tuyo
    la plancha limpia, es muy divertido

  14. what a charming room~!! you do a great job of decorating and mingling your quilts in with all that is YOU.


  15. The holiday spirit is evident at your home. It looks do cheerful.

  16. Your room looks super and looks like the invisible man is waiting to get into that Santa suit. Ho ho ho!

  17. Your family room is delightful! I love the festive colors and the quilts make it cozy & welcoming. The Pinocchio collection is fun & the Santa Suit with sign is sweet. The iron tale is a least it's finally clean.

  18. I love the decor in your family room! It looks super cozy. Next time my iron needs cleaning, I'm going to try the dryer sheets.

  19. Funny story for sure. It's like they say; sometimes the method is not pretty but as long as the result is, it is all worth it. Like a toddler eating by itself for the first time. LOL. (I'm gonna try those dryer's sheet though.) Thanks for sharing Lori and everyone else.

  20. Love your decorating, especially that quilt hanging on the wall! A little bit of snow here today....

  21. I love braid mini quilts, and noticed your little quilt over the chair! Very nice quilts all!

  22. I use the Mr. Clean eraser on my iron. I love your decor in the family room...especially the Pinocchio collection!

  23. You look like you are in the holiday spirit. Love the Santa suit.
    I was a wool applique workshop and the iron got gunked up and the instructor used salt to clean the iron. She put a cloth on the ironing board, sprinkled a layer of salt and ran the iron over it. She then ran the iron over a clean cloth and iron was cleaned up…..who would have thought???

  24. your FR is so fun! That santa suit is a hoot - love it!
    I use the edge of my board too scrape crud off my iron.

  25. I love that you are displaying the santa suit. The sign is perfect for it. :)

  26. Have you seen page 56 of Primitive Quilts, Winter 2013, edition? A wool project and Pinocchio dolls (sorry, no pattern for those). If not, send me a message and I'll send you a picture. Joyce


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