
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wool Applique

Thank you all for your kind words about my Christmas quilt. I'm still loving it! Small bits is a great way to get a complete quilt. I think that is why BOM's are so popular.
 I'm working on a few Christmas presents. I try not to put a lot of pressure on myself or do obligation gifts. To me, that isn't the reason for the season. Anybody that knows me knows I usually run a little late. I'm enjoying the stitching and I hope the recipients enjoy my humble creations.
Sometimes you need to label what it is just in case you can't tell! lol
I love wool applique on osnaburg background.
Here's another block of FLOWERS by Linda Brannock.
Here are the 4 I have done. I was hoping to get to the half square triangles, but I haven't done that yet either.

We had our first snow yesterday and now the temps are falling!! Happy Wednesday! 


  1. I love all your blocks! I have a question. I've only worked with wool twice on two small table runners. When you do wool blocks in a quilt is it then not washable? I'm not sure how that would work.

    1. Ginney, I hope you read this becuase there is no email on your google+ profile.
      I have made a quilt that had a few pieces of wool on each block and I wash that one regularly. With this one with all of it wool except the background I probably will not wash it.

  2. You are cute, Lori! I'll have to remember to label some of my unrecognizable wool applique pieces. By the time I finished some holly leaves recently all of the little tips were smashed or frayed and I wondered what I had been trying to make in the first place.
    I LOVE the osnaburg idea. I would never have thought of it. What a great, rustic look!
    Your FLOWERS blocks look great. No need for labels there! : )

  3. These are so dang sweet! I love em!

  4. geniales estos bloques !!
    yo ando tarde con los regalos ¿que me paso ? no se ¿fue mas corto el año?
    me gusta trabajar con la tela Osnaburg. para nosotras no es fácil conseguirla
    mi amiga Jeny en uno de sus viajas a Canadá me trajo una buena cantidad y la guardo como
    ¡¡¡¡oro en paño !!!!! una de nuestras expresiones
    aquí tenemos nieve y muchísimo frió hace unos días ya

  5. Everything is beautiful!!! Love the wool on Osnaburg...the texture is perfect with wool. Love the bird; with or without the label, it looks like bird. Sweet!

  6. Your new Christmas quilt is wonderful. New projects look like fun too! Enjoy the cold....., I'm missing my bike already.....

  7. I also have been working on wool applique. I like the look of yours on the Osnaberg and it reminds me that I have some tucked away. Thanks for the idea.

  8. Small bits are a good way to get to the finish line and your little bits are coming along nicely. I would love a white Christmas...for a day or two...LOL!

  9. loving that wool applique--your pineapple is so sweet (lol)....I agree about labeling....funny...hugs, Julierose

  10. Cute. I am working on Block 3 but going to re-do block one as don't like it.

  11. Your wool project are so pretty. The BOM is a great way to make a quilt a little at a time. I love doing them. Problem is, I sometimes take on several at a time and end up with some UFOs along the way.
    Happy Stitching

  12. What gorgeous blocks!! Love wool...yummy! enjoy your snow...coming here on Friday...Marathon on sunday!

  13. wool applique.....perfect for snowy days!

  14. Great wool work. Is it a bird ?? Lol

  15. Darling blocks! Your flowers are very unique! I do love wool appliqué. Maybe if I wasn't making doll clothes all the time, I would have time for making something with all the wool I have accumulated. I'm sure that day will come.

  16. I love my bird pillow that you made for me. Those flower blocks are great.

  17. You are really embracing the moment! Love the crow!

  18. Love the wool appliqué Lori and your Christmas quilt is perfect! I can see why you wanted to make it. Good for you! Just beautiful...

  19. love your bird block. I also love the tall flower with the "fingers"
    looks like the robot on lost in space, lol - but in a good way :)


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